Dennis Bassboss said:
If your ultimate goal is to win 10$ or pocket change than go ahead....
I tried to beat the odds in a single draw by 100%. If you used to beat the odds in a better way, just tell it and don't disclassify my efforts. If you consider that to hit 3 numbers in 28 lines is not worthwhile, just say: "Frank I prooved during XX draws, to beat the odds in YYY%. As I don't want to tell you how, keep going, and let me know if you beat my record".
I didn't know that Picks thread was about money but hits. I ever saw congratulations for those who hit 4 in 18 or 20 numbers but never I saw the money calculations to see who lost money and who winned money.
When you hit 4 in the full 8 wheel number you get more than
600$...(Much more with a DN number on target)
Lapalisse? Everyone knows that. A lot of players make their bets like that! Have them all winned?
No. You cannot forget the odds playing 8 numbers. To hit 3 numbers is expected in 23 draws and to hit 4 is expected in 243 draws. To beat that is possible but it's not simple. It's not enough to think : "I'll play 8 numbers and that's it". If you beat the odds, don't think everyone can do that too.
With a greater chance of matching more in your wheel.....
But when playing too your 28 lines that you don't know when the'll hit....
You speak like someone who knows when and how many, your choosed numbers will be drawn. That's not logical.
When choosing/playing your numbers, you *believe* they will hit but you don't *know* if they'll hit. Just as I said when posting my picks.
To choose 8 numbers and to play them as a full wheel is predicting as it is, wheeling 3 numbers of 17 chosen ones, with 3 of the remaining 32.
You predict that 6 will come in 8 and zero will come in 41 and I predict that 3 will come in 17 and 3 will come in 32. If you don't consider both as predictions, who cares?
..even if you get 5 or 6 will have a hard time covering your cost of playing fact you will have a hard time matching 3 once...and to be over you have to match 3 at least on 3 lines...
You speak as someone knowing when my 28 lines will hit and how they'll hit. Indeed you are predicting the future of my lines. I'm astonished.
But mostly....This is not what predicting is all about...Predicting is telling which 7 numbers will be drawn ...
If I want to choose only one number that's a prediction. If I want to choose 48 that's a prediction too. You can select the one way you think is the best, but the other ways are yet called predictions. May be someone can beat the odds better than you, choosing 48 numbers while you choosing only 8.
Is-it going to rain tomorrow??.....I'm not interested to know about the next 28 days... I already know that it will rain in the next 28 days I do not live in the sahara desert here...I want to know about tomorrow...
Who would listen to a weather report that predicts rain in the next 28 days but do not shred any clues of what to expect in the very next day? It is not serious...It's a joke...
This is a bad example.
You should know that weather prediction and lottery prediction are not similar. Random processus versus mechanical processus! Hot/cold numbers are variables very different from anticiclones and frontal areas. If you want to know if tomorrow will rain in your village, ask a sailerman; if you want to know the weather a month later, ask a weather cientist. I cannot see any similarity. You cannot call jokers to those cientists who said last year, that 2003 would be warmer than 2002.
However this is not the point here.
Dennis's law is simple ...When playing...Do not ever exceed the numbers to be drawn too much....past the double of them and you are out of range....And all the people wheeling too many here have prove that on this board...They hit...but they don't really hit...
Conclusion- laws need no proof !
And it becomes a shot in the dark without an umbrella...on a rainy day...
It sometimes makes me smile to see these keno kinds of wheel for 6/49 or Super 7... With some of these wheels in keno I have hit for 10 and 11 numbers without ever hitting 6 on one line...
Unless you play a costly huge 5 hitter garantee...The only way around this in order to reduce the cost thus retainning some nice hits to put 1 or 2 DN numbers in your wheel and play a bundle for the rest and then you have a much greater chance of hitting hard...
Filtering these massive wheels is not good either...cutting up the garantee what is happenning is that you filter the best winning lines 70% of the time... I know that lotto-logic and their disciple are stating otherwise but post these entire filtered wheels draw after draw and you will see that their hits ratios is not that good in the long run....many more missing rainy days...
You could think that every player choosing one or more filters (static or dynamic) is predicting too.When you choose number A and reject number B you are predicting numbers; when you choose filter Horizontal 2-1-1-1-1 and not Horizontal 2-2-1-1 you are predicting too; in both cases you believe that numbers you choose and filter you choose will be drawn. Of course if you use to choose a filter common only to 50,000 lines, you have to be prepared to hit more rarely than if your filter is common only to 500,000 lines.
Players that choose filters have they methods to make them believe that the choosen filters will be drawn. I don't agree with you about filters but that's not important here.
DN numbers is the way to go ...and the only way to go....
And I'm the of DNs numbers!(posted prior to the draws)
A lot of hard work to get that conclusion. To resume that, I hope, you tested DNs numbers and every way in lottery. Otherwise ...
Because I'm predicting and I'm not joking...And I'm not affraid of getting wet!
So, if you don't know if tomorrow rains, you buy an umbrella, and you are not afraid to get wet...
what that means?
Are you really sure of what you said? This is a contradiction.
You meet a guy that uses an amount of numbers you don't agree with them (so many!), he doesn't use your umbrella - he bets that it will not rain less and no more than three 3 pieces of water- he goes out and don't get wet, and you are the one who are not afraid of getting wet?!!! The one who predicts?!!! The one who's not joking?!!!
Thinking like this, I must conclude you didn't answer to my post in a rational, intelligible way.
That makes me to put a question: what have I said or made, to get from you an emotive reaction?
I search my disk inside and I don't get an answer.
Only you can know the answer to that question.