stakar said:
Hi there!!
A question about "The Since Last Appeared"
How the Intersect works?
I tried a lot to figure it out but with no result.
If anyone understands this please post a reply
Thanks a lot
Hi Stathis,
"SinceLastAppeared" is a very nice function
since it can display the called "Hot/Warm.../Cold" numbers
for all the positions or of any 1 position.
Lets first Define the Terms I used;
Appeared=Is used to Identify How many "Cycles" to use.
By "Cycle" I mean when any number Hit from Once to "Appeared" times.
pS=Indicates the Starting position ie:1st to 6th on a 6/49 game
pF=Inticates the Final position
Intersect=Indicated How many First numbers to include, so that
can we finalize a Frequency Distribution.
Still all these definitions may not make sense to many
but I'll provide some live examples to explain the procedure.
Let say we wish to identify the 10 "Hot" numbers of a 6/49 game
that have hit "at most" 5 times the last n Draws.
The parameters to use are:
With these parameters the Function will display the following:
1) When each Number came Once to 5 times each
2) At the very right a Frequency Distribution that includes
the 10 top numbers at each of these 5 distributions.
3) At the position Under "Frq"=5 Displays the numbers that are located
in the First 10 (If any exists) = The HOT ones.
and so on...
So the Hot Numbers for these parameters are Indicated on the TOP
and at the very BOTTOM the very COLD ones and all the others in between.
WE can use Different pS & pF parameters if you want to Identify other
than the 1-->6 positions, and other "Cycles"
Please change the parameters and then try to study the Distribution at the
top of the Output page to understand the Function.