GH likes balanced wheels and falls in the category 100+%.
At first glance, can't do the trick either.
I'm not too familiar with the math, but the simulated anealing program does some nice things.
Here's an example of what I really need (and USE!):
A "regular" C(15,6,3,6) design consist of 4 lines.
To state the obvious: this will give you 1 hit of 3 numbers.
If you want 2 hits of 3 numbers, you can create a C(15,6,3,6,2) in 7 lines, which is better than the expected 8 (2 times 4).
Taking it further:
In order to achieve 4 wins, you could play 4 times the 4 line design, but it's obviously cheaper to play the 12 line design to achieve the same result.
For me, this type of info is essential, because all prizes 5+0 and less are "fixed" over here. But even with variable prizes, it will give you a bigger cut of the cake.