Beaker said:
Rebeckah, have you read Shakti's book? what did you think?
I read it when I was a teenager, so I don't remember it much. Maggie sounds like she knows better than me. Personally, I don't think visualizing $$ is a negative at all. It's really about your motivation. The problem lies in believing money is the CAUSE of your happiness. It's not. YOU are. Also putting obtaining $$ above your spiritual advancement is a *trap*. But, who can focus on *spiritual advancement* when you don't have enough $ to survive? Catch 22. Also, visualizing is a natural part of how we create things in our lives.... but we all spend much more time visualizing rotten things which end up happening than we do imagining ourselves wealthy and happy. Isn't that sad? Actually, most of us don't pay that much attention to what our own minds are doing, so we discount this process entirely. PC-wise, it's called *conscious creating* or manifesting. Prayer works the same way, and so does rituals {like witchcraft}. My advice is to hook your dreams to the highest, most powerful energy there is, dream it, speak it and believe in it.
As a side note, I've spent many years trying to *convince* myself that I will win the lottery. It all comes down to your beliefs, you won't win unless you have the belief that you will. Otherwise, there's no *opening* for it to enter into your life. I've learned that you can't lie to yourself about it either. I tried that and it's always this twisty feeling in my gut, or a downward pull that is saying *nope*. It's subtle, and it will lead you to subconsciously sabotage your winning efforts until you change your beliefs. Overcoming it begins with believing that you
can win.
*The battle is always with the self.*
There's billions of lottery players in USA, but what makes one person win over another? After reading tons of winners stories, almost all of them said *I just knew that I won* even before the drawing occured. & that's what I call FAITH baby!
There are many other books on manifesting that are also good, follow your intuition in finding them. Stuart Wilde's
Miracles is also very good. Tiny & cheap too.