Regards Lottery
Afraid I dont play the Pick 6 but when I did track the 50 digits (before they changed to 54) I divided the 50 up into Denominations.
1 through 10 was considered a Singles Denomination
11 through 20 I considered a Teen
21 through 30 I considered a Twenty
31 through 40 I considered a Thirty
41 through 50 I considered a Forty.
For the Pick 3 any Sum Totals that total 0 through 10 I consider a Single Denomination; Sum Totals 11 through 20 I consider a Teen and Sum Totals 21 to 27 a Twenty.
Havent heard anything about whether they will have new balls or not. Figure they will have new machines so why not new balls?
There has to be 2 machines in order to produce 5 out of 44 and 1 out of a separate group of 44.
When I did track the Pick 6 digits, I didnt track them more then a year after I saw it was easier to track 10 digits in Pick 3 instead. Figured I would get that system down where could make some consistent money that would afford me the time to work on my Pick 6 ideas. So, I really didnt get into the playing of Pick 6 to really win anything
The only software I use for my Pick 3 is some that has been developed for me by a College Student at UNT and is constructed according to my criteria. He really doesnt understand the system
but is able to do everything I ask of him so far
I've looked at other software but never found any that I was comfortable with and was hard to tell "how" to use it. Seemed lilke most of the software I've found has been full of Charts for Hot, Cold, Due, Dead and what and I wanted software that I could generate 3 digit combinations.
The software I now have will manipulate the 10 digits pretty much anyway I want to work them as I have "filters" in place to block out certain digits, Sum Totals, etc. Just havent decided yet whether I will market the software or not as it's not even in an "Install" file but rather a JAVA file that you simply put on your Hard Drive in a folder you create. Up until about 45 days ago all my tracking was done by hand
Am hoping in the future if/when I ever get to work on the other Lottery games that this College student will still be around and able to work with me on that software.