Amen to that Beaker.....think Colin Powell is probably the best Secretary of State we've had since Kissenger!
Rebeckah you mentioned on another post that the reason you didnt play Pick 3 was because of having to keep up with 2 games Daily? Just wanted to let you know that you could pick just 1 of the games and track digits on it....that's what I do. I track both games separately, not jointly, and just because there are two games daily is immaterial as to the ability to track and play.
Today I went 119 for Sum Total 11 on the Daily and it went 227 Sum Total 11
Thought it was going to be an ODD game and it stayed Even
I was expecting Doubles too. Last night I thought the Night game would double and had 661 and what played was 167
Thought either the 6's or 8's would double.
Am now using my Pick 3 software to track the Two Step....last night was 5-7-9-14 with BB 25. I went with 6-15-28-30 25 BB Almost had 2 with the BB and that's the first time I've played the 2-Step in probably 2 years.
Im like you....I want some HISTORY NOW on the new game! Oh well, by time I do, hopefully I will figure out more how to use this Pick 3 software to track the other games lol
How do I use it.....Im using the 3 digits in Pick 3 to tell me "what rows" the next digits will be on in 2-Step, Lotto, etc!