Lotto Architect

Accepted, probably a misunderstanding. However, what all users have to understand is the fact that prediction requires mathematics that are not available at the moment. Perhaps in the far far future, scientists can come with a good mathematical solution to predict randomness, if ever possible. Some steps toward this are the chaos theory and neuronal networks but they are not enough to provide constant success. This is why most programs utilize the simple approach of hot/cold numbers. It is unfair to ask from a lottery program to provide you the winning numbers in first place, even if the programmers try to do their best. It is not a "fault" of lottery programs but science's itself.

However, what lottery programs should do at the moment is to provide superior tools to go against bad odds in lottery games, reducing the overhead of a lottery player doing this by hand. This is what filters & wheels are about and the more supporting tools towards this, the better. If users cannot realise this fact, then there is no reason for lottery programs to exist.


Hi lottoarchitect,
I ve been around this forum about a while and just now i saw your program.
Because u are from Greece u must heard of Artemis . Im using this program me and my friend for about a year and half playing the Joker. Looking at yours i saw some charactericts same as the above program. I ll keep looking yours because i want to find out which the differences and the abillities are.
I just wish your program not to have any wrong calculations because the 'Artemis' have some. We found them because we have made a very powerfull statistical program

Thats all for now
I ll be in contact with you

Hi Stathis,

yes I know of Artemis and I have used it for a while. I don't know about similarities, but anyway all lottery programs will have many features in common. As for errors in Artemis, I don't know any. I just briefly tested it. Greetings to Patra, I had good memories there :)



Hi lottoarchitect
I have some questions about your program. Do u prefer to start having a dialogue here in the forum or do u prefer using our emails?



lottoarchitect said:
Whatever suits you best Stathis.

Ok then
Lets start from the beginning
I warn u that its going to be a long dialogue!

1.Draw filters manager
1.1 This is using for statistical purpose only or what?
1.2 I dont understand what the Pattern thing is (by 1, by 2 etc)
How can i use it.
1.3 When u are going to create a filter i dont understand how can u do it. And at last the step tab when u create something gives u a description and an option which i dont get it.

These are only for the beginning.
Can u give me the idea using simple examples with draws because the help file doesn't help a lot !

Well, asking questions is a good thing. I'll explain as much as I can do here.

The draw filters is a method to pick certain history draws during your analysis, based on selected criteria. Three predefined categories exist with several draw filters in them: Pattern, Select last draws, Numbers.

The Numbers category contains draw filters that pick only past draws that contain the specific number. So you can answer questions like : What are the sums of past draws that contain e.g. the number 2 in them? Or anything else you can think of. You can create more complex draw filters e.g. draws that contain 2 but not 10.

The Select last draws simply picks the last x draws defined by the draw filter. If you use the "Select last 100 draws" in an analysis, then only the last (latest) 100 draws will be used and so on. You can create additional such filters with varying depth.

The Pattern mode has a bit different logic. Assume we want to analyze sums (or any other filter) and the last draw in our history is #1000. Obviously, we want to predict what the sum will be for draw #1001 and use it as a filter.
Also assume these hypothetical sums returned by your history draws:
#1-993 - several sums
#994 - 120
#995 - 98
#996 - 133
#997 - 130
#998 - 78
#999 - 145
#1000 - 105

Now, what can be the sum for draw#1001 (the one to predict?).

Using algorithms, the system tries to evaluate the above sequence to conclude for the outcome of draw #1001. Using 'by 1' we use all sums. The sequence to be analysed is ...,120,98,133,130,78,145,105
and the algorithm using the above sequence tries to predict possible outcomes for the next draw.
Now, if we use 'by 2', we still target to predict the outcome of draw #1001. Instead of using all sums above, we use them by 2 (the name comes from this!), so we use the sums returned by #1001-2=#999, #999-2=#997 etc
so the sequence to be used by the algorithm is ...,98,130,145 (half the data used by the 'by 1'. The idea is exactly the same; if there is a logic in this sequence generated by the 'by 2', we can predict the outcome for draw #1001, the same way if there is a logic in the sequence we can predict the outcome of draw #1001 using the 'by 1' draw filter.
'By 3' is exactly the same logic but now we pick draws that differ by 3. So, if we want to predict draw #1001, we use the draws #1001-3=#998, #998-3=#995 etc

Draw filters is a general tool that simplifies advanced analysis on certain areas of your history draws. The existance of several categories is due to the possible different approaches/strategies you can use when analysing history draws. Finally, draw filters' selection appears anywhere we can perform analysis on history draws.
The Steps panel during the creation displays all individual components that make up the draw filter. Usually there is only one step (as is the case with the predefined draw filters) but you can create more complex selections e.g. pick those draws that contain number 2 and at the same time 1-2 of 5-20 numbers and at the same time using a pattern of 2 or whatever you can think of really. A new addition to this system is selections of draws that conform with filter values. For example, you will be able to pick draws that return a sum e.g. 100-200. The logic behind this is to analyse what happens if you believe the sum will be between 100-200, so you might detect an irregularity and use it to your benefit.
Additional use of draw filters is for micro & macro analysis. For global filters (e.g. sums) that you want to apply on every draw you want to predict, it is a good idea to use 'by 1' or "select last 500 draws" (you have to create this filter). For micro analysis, for example recent trends of numbers, you need to use information from the latest draws only and not the full history. All these cases are handled by the use of draw filters.

Hope this makes things more clear.



lottoarchitect said:
Well, asking questions is a good thing. I'll explain as much as I can do here.

Finally, draw filters' selection appears anywhere we can perform analysis on history draws.

The Steps panel during the creation displays all individual components that make up the draw filter. Usually there is only one step (as is the case with the predefined draw filters) but you can create more complex selections e.g. pick those draws that contain number 2 and at the same time 1-2 of 5-20 numbers and at the same time using a pattern of 2 or whatever you can think of really.

Hope this makes things more clear.


Ok with the patterns , last draws and numbers
At first
What's the meaning of the check box beside of each choice and what's the purpose of the button 'copy selected draw filters' when i check one box ?
At last : Why do i have to check a box ??

Then, if i understand correctly the manager gives u some filters that u can use it anywhere
So if i have to create one
Im in the view/modify draw filter
The pattern has 10 boxes
So, if i select the first 3 boxes , insert the following numbers 1, 5, 8 it means that the the draws it will be skipped by 1 then by 5 then by 8 and so on???
Using the group means that i want to to have a group of numbers
that matching some criteria (0,1,..5 )
Using the options I want to scan the last 500 draws. Explain me how can i do it and how the result will be change if i select the 'Draws' or the 'Selection' mode

At last saw me step by step the following an where can i see the result!

lottoarchitect said:
e.g. pick those draws that contain number 2 and at the same time 1-2 of 5-20 numbers and at the same time using a pattern of 2 or whatever you can think of really.

Thats for now
Awaiting your answer

stakar said:
Ok with the patterns , last draws and numbers
At first
What's the meaning of the check box beside of each choice and what's the purpose of the button 'copy selected draw filters' when i check one box ?
At last : Why do i have to check a box ??

The check boxes allow the selection of several draw filters at once, so you can delete them or copy them (exist for these operations). The copy is obvious; you can build a modified version of an existing filter more quickly, without having to create all steps involved in the copied filter. Then, you are free to alter the copied filter any way you like.

Then, if i understand correctly the manager gives u some filters that u can use it anywhere
So if i have to create one
Im in the view/modify draw filter
The pattern has 10 boxes
So, if i select the first 3 boxes , insert the following numbers 1, 5, 8 it means that the the draws it will be skipped by 1 then by 5 then by 8 and so on???
Using the group means that i want to to have a group of numbers
that matching some criteria (0,1,..5 )
Using the options I want to scan the last 500 draws. Explain me how can i do it and how the result will be change if i select the 'Draws' or the 'Selection' mode
Everything you say is correct. For the scan of 500 draws, set this value to the DEPTH parameter (in options panel) to 500 and the Mode to "Draws". The system will scan the last 500 draws in your history (given skip=0) and will stop functioning. This is the operation needed for the "Select last x draws" filters. In the "Selection" mode, we scan past draws until we have changed the status of 500 draws. For example, if we use a pattern of 2 in "Selection" mode and DEPTH=500, we'll affect 2*500=1000 past draws (affect means the action defined in the "Action" parameter - Enable/Disable/Intact).

At last saw me step by step the following an where can i see the result!

e.g. pick those draws that contain number 2 and at the same time 1-2 of 5-20 numbers and at the same time using a pattern of 2 or whatever you can think of really.

This requires a bit of abstract thinking to combine all required steps. So, all these steps work in an exclusive manner (logical AND), the very first step needs to be an Enable (select draws) operation and all others will be a disable operation. The enable operation is needed because the system by default does not pick draws without a step.
1) create a pattern with 2 (enable the checkbox in the pattern panel). Move to Options panel and have Skip=0, Depth=0 & Selection=Draws (means scan all draws in history) and Action=enable. Click "Add step" to add this step in the draw filter. You can watch at the column "Selected" on the left the draws that have been picked by the current functionality of the draw filter.
2) Back to pattern, disable the checkbox so it will not be added in the next step, move to Group panel, enable the check box select number 2 and criteria to 1 only (disable 0). Go to options panel and set the Action=Disabled. Click "Add step". Again watch the new effect of the addition of this step to the filter by watching the "Selected" column on the left.
3) Move to groups panel, select your 5-20 numbers and set criteria to 1-2 only (all other values must be unchecked). Move to options panel and click "Add step". You have just created a draw filter that picks draws by the above example. Finally click on "Save & close" button and you can use this filter anywhere.
Also, 1) & 2) above can be combined in one step.

Finally, if you want to combine steps with logical OR, you keep the parameter "Action=enable" at the options panel.


lottoarchitect said:

the "Action" parameter - Enable/Disable/Intact).

In this demo version, after a quick check , i suppose it works correctly the action parameter Select/Deselect/Intact

lottoarchitect said:

Finally, if you want to combine steps with logical OR, you keep the parameter "Action=enable" at the options panel.

In this demo version, after a quick check , i suppose it works correctly the action parameter Select/Deselect/Intact

It was everything absolute clear
But i believe there is something wrong

If i understand ...
I use the patterns and i select the pattern's movement 3,2,6
As a result i get the following step through the draws 3,6,2 which is not correct
I change to 3,0,6 and i the step i get it was correct
I change to 1,2,6 and i the step i get it was correct
I change to 1,8,4 and i the step i get it was 1,4,8 which is not correct
At last I change to 1,8,4,2 and i the step i get it was
1,4,8,0,2,4,8,0,2 which is not correct
Can u tell me if i make something wrong?

I ll continue my search to understand the next step and i ll come back with questions

Thats all for now
I never got problems with draw filters. I tested what you say, still the results are correct. Make sure you have only one step in the draw filter and also the pattern is read from bottom to top in the "Selected" column.
Also you say
At last I change to 1,8,4,2 and i the step i get it was
1,4,8,0,2,4,8,0,2 which is not correct

This is impossible to get a 0 in a pattern. 0 means we choose the same draw twice whis is not possible. How did you make this up???


lottoarchitect said:
.....and also the pattern is read from bottom to top in the "Selected" column.
Now we are talking!!

lottoarchitect said:
Also you say

This is impossible to get a 0 in a pattern. 0 means we choose the same draw twice whis is not possible. How did you make this up??? [/B]

forget it!!

Now im trying combinations using the manager
I ll be back because im going to the next step

See you!


hi again!
So, next step is the Algorithms
Can u give me one example how are u using the choices?


outside min.max (means that it founds the min and max values and leave them out?)
eg the sums are from 12 to 215 (joker5/45)
and never there is a sum less then 50 and more than 200.
Using the above option it will exclude the <50 and >200 ?

within min.max means that it will exclude the >=50 and <=200 ?
values min.max means that it will include the 50 and 200

I dont know for the other options

Please give me the explanation using examples. I believe is the best method

Hi Stathis,

each algorithm consists of 2 parts: the actual algorithm (switch to its tab) and the Options panel (common settings for all algorithms) where you define the area of the data to examine (according to the draw filter selected during the analysis) and the action to be taken on values (accept/reject).
Finally you can create an algorithm that consists of several distinct steps (similar to the draw filters steps).
For all algorithms, the data to be analysed are those produced by the selected draw filter and then use only the draws defined by the options settings. In all cases, the whole data range is the data returned by each draw filter (I do not mean here the draws themselves but the values returned by e.g. sums for the selected draws). Algorithms applied only to rejection filters at the moment.

"Bounds" is what you describe but you define if it will accept or reject the data in the range: Scans the data (defined by the draw filter selected and Options panel) and determines the min/max found. Then, according to the parameter in Bounds, it affects any values that fall outside/inside/the min-max. "All values" is a quick option to set initially all values to a defined setting (accept/reject). The action (accept/reject values) is defined at the options panel.
So if X/Y is the min/max found
then the outside will affect all values <x and >y
inside will affect all values >x and <y
and min/max will affect the x and y only

"Occurence" scans the data and analyses each value independently and/or in conjuction with all other values. That way, you can define settings like:
1)remove any values that have been found less than 5% among all data (sums 100% operation) or
2) assign the most dominant values the 100% and accept/reject values according to their current rating (will be <=100% of course, Max=100% operation).
3) accept/remove values that occured x-y times (exact values operation).

The sum 100%, Max 100% and exact values are the same displayed in the rejection filters table formation panel.

"Delays" generates an internal table of delays for each value. For example, the sum value 100 might have appeared with delay:
delay 1: 3 times, 2:4, 3:0, 4:3, 5:2 etc

The Sum100%,Max100%,exact values work the same way here (using the 2nd part of the delays). For example, if you set Max100% then the most dominant delay(s) will be assigned the 100% and all other delays will be according to this rate. So, you can omit values that their current delay position has occured less than 5% of Max detected etc. Also, some values (the rare ones) will have very few delay information, so in order to forbid the algorithm to operate on them and produce very wrong results due to few data, there is the minimum delay information in order for the algorithm to operate on this specific value.

"Difference" is similar in operation with "delays". The only difference is that instead of delays internal table, it produces a difference table (jump) between the values. For example, the sums sequence might be
100, 120, 130, 110 etc
the jumps are 120-100=20, 130-120=10, 110-130=-20 etc and the table to be analysed might be like:
Jump -50: 3 times, -20:2, ... , 0:6, 1 :12 10 :1 etc.
The operations/settings are exactly the same as previously. Minimum information is not available here.
Thus, if the current sum value is 100 and the algorithm determines that jump 20 should be rejected (the action defined in the options panel), then the value 100+20=120 will be rejected.

In the "Options" panel, besides the area of effect and the actual action (accept/reject the values) there is an additional minimum data parameter that defines the minimum data that must exist before the algorithm start operation. This is different to the minimum found in the delays.

To create an algorithm, switch to the type you want, adjust the parameters and then switch to the "Options panel" to finalize the step. You can add additional step algorithms to generate a more complex algorithm to operate at once.
e.g. remove all values out of bound (bounds) and then remove those values with delay up to x% etc.

The selection of algorithms is available at the rejection filters design window, where you select the algorithm and it operates on the displayed filters to accept/reject values according to the operations defined in the algorithm. Switch to the Table Yes/No formation to see the effect of the algorithm. Currently algorithms work only on statistical data generated by the history draws but I prepare the new version where the "Occurence" will work on the classic probability as well.

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Hi !
i m back with questions!! Because of the demo limits i cant test all the things that u posted so ...
ok with the Bounds
please explain me the max100% and how do u calculate this because i dont get it.
You give 100% to the max value. whats the calculation to find out the next values ?
give me an example
the min delay info = 1 . So, give me the results that have a delay more then 1% ?
The difference starts from the begining to the end or opposite?
=50-80=-30, 80-20=60 etc? or theres another way?

The choices % from start and % from end ,offset from other point.

Can u give me some examples that i can understand the functions?
It will be very usefull if u explain the above using one or two senarios step by step.
You have made a complex system that isnt so easy to understand !

Thanks lottoarchitect
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stakar said:
Hi !
i m back with questions!! Because of the demo limits i cant test all the things that u posted so ...
ok with the Bounds
please explain me the max100% and how do u calculate this because i dont get it.
You give 100% to the max value. whats the calculation to find out the next values ?
give me an example
the min delay info = 1 . So, give me the results that have a delay more then 1% ?
The difference starts from the begining to the end or opposite?
=50-80=-30, 80-20=60 etc? or theres another way?

The choices % from start and % from end ,offset from other point.

Can u give me some examples that i can understand the functions?
It will be very usefull if u explain the above using one or two senarios step by step.
You have made a complex system that isnt so easy to understand !

Thanks lottoarchitect

Well, I'll descibe the idea of algorithms in the general sense. An algorithm takes an input (series of data) and tries to evaluate what values to accept/reject for the next value to come. It uses any information derived from the series. Among the information that can be extracted is the dominant value, mix/max detected, average etc.
For example consider a sequence of sums: 10 20 30 20 40 30 50 10 55 46 etc
This sequence can come from any analysis. The algorithms do not know if this sequence is sums, common numbers or any other source. All it knows is the order (sequence) of the results and possibly a classic probability of every value to occur (this is applicable to rejection filters). So, an algorithm has all this information available, along the possible range of values (e.g. if the series comes from sums in 6/49 game, the possible range is 21-279 etc).
So, the 1st obvious thing to do is to count the occurences of each value in the series. So, a table holds information like value 10: 5 times, value 11: 0 times etc.
From this table, we can extract all the above information like min/max detected. Also, we can find the dominant value(s) which are those that appeared most. So, if on the above serie the dominant value was 30 : 10 times, then if we assign to this the Max 100%, all other values can be displayed as a % related to the 100%. So, the value 10 : 5 times has 5/10*100%=50% relative appearance compared to the dominant value. This is useful to quickly identify values and their relative appearance compared to other values, so you instantly know which values appear more frequently. Anywhere the Max 100% appears, is based on the above. So, for the Occurence algorithm, the above is exactly what max 100% does. So, when you set to the Max 100% e.g. reject 0-10%, then the algorithm will reject any values that have their max 100% occurence within the above range. I think it is clear now how this works.
On the other algorithms, the analysis takes place on the new derived internal table as described in the previous post. A delay table is generated where the valuea now are the delay and its occurence and any Max 100%, exact values, sum 100% information is derived from that table. Similar is the difference table with using information from the "jump" of values.

the min delay info = 1 . So, give me the results that have a delay more then 1%
I suppose here you mean to remove any values that have a delay that occured less than 1% (incl.) of all delays (sum 100%). Max 100% is not available to delays algorithm.
Go to "Delays" algorithm, set "Sum 100%", min=0%, max=1%, to ensure a better operation of the algorihm set min. data to e.g. 10 (reduce it for filters that return a very large range of possible values like sums), swithc to options panel, select all data to be used and the action to "reject". Save this step and you have created the above algorithm.
Now, whenever you pick this algorithm, the analysis will create an internal delay table, and remove any values that have occured less than 1% of all detected delays. So, if we have information of 100 delays and the algorithm finds that the delay value 2 has occured 0 or 1 times (0%-1%), then it will reject the value that has a current delay of 2. The possible delay range is from 1(value occured in previous draw) to infinity. The possible occurencies of delays are from 0 (never found such a delay) to infinity.

The difference starts from the begining to the end or opposite?
=50-80=-30, 80-20=60 etc? or theres another way?
It is the opposite as I described in the previous post. So the jumps are 80-50=30, 20-80=-60 etc

The choices % from start and % from end ,offset from other point.

Can u give me some examples that i can understand the functions?
It will be very usefull if u explain the above using one or two senarios step by step.
You have made a complex system that isnt so easy to understand !

The options panel defines the range of the serie to take into account for the analysis. So, if the data sequence to analyse is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=10 data in total

you can set the algorithm to extract information from all the above data (the checkbox), or set the starting point/end point and put on offset. Thus, if you set the end point to 2 from end, the last data to be used will be the 8th position (10 data in total-2). If you set an offset from end point to to be 3, then as the end point is the 8th position in your series, the starting point will be 8-3=5th position. Thus the algorithm will use the data 5 6 7 8 for the analysis. This allows to design a complex algorithm that operates on different areas of the available data.
For example, you might want to remove all values that occured less than 5% in all data [sum 100%] (use all serie data) but to accept those values (that might have been rejected by previous step) that have occured enough lately (so you need to restrict the algorithm to use information only from the last range of your serie of data. The above can form a complex algorithm.

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...However, what all users have to understand is the fact that prediction requires mathematics that are not available at the moment. Perhaps in the far far future, scientists can come with a good mathematical solution to predict randomness, if ever possible. Some steps toward this are the chaos theory and neuronal networks but they are not enough to provide constant success. This is why most programs utilize the simple approach of hot/cold numbers. It is unfair to ask from a lottery program to provide you the winning numbers in first place, even if the programmers try to do their best. It is not a "fault" of lottery programs but science's itself.

Not true LA.. Lots of really advanced software out there implement neural networks and learning technologies for prediction purposes already.. Financial firms use such technologies for a long time.. Stock price tracking robots(software) on regular bases analyze and signal their users when to buy/sell stock.. When something similar arrives on lottery software then i will accept it as being advanced.

anxious said:
Not true LA.. Lots of really advanced software out there implement neural networks and learning technologies for prediction purposes already.. Financial firms use such technologies for a long time.. Stock price tracking robots(software) on regular bases analyze and signal their users when to buy/sell stock.. When something similar arrives on lottery software then i will accept it as being advanced.


Well anxious, you forget to mention that the prediction of those advanced programs are based on certain events (such as natural disasters, leadership changes, bank rate changes and lots of other such issues) that are fed in the system and are known in advance. What those programs do is to evaluate the influence of those events at the stock prices and predict how the prices will move in the future based on facts such as "we'll have a similar event soon". This is not randomness and cannot be compared to predicting lotto numbers with such ease.



I'm in a process of chosing software for my country's lotto plus and cash pot in Trinidad. I will try and explain about these programs in brief and let me know if Lotto architect will work.

Lotto Plus

pick 5 out of 1 to 36(1/36) with powerball 1/10

Cash Pot(Lotto program with lowest odds)

Pick 5 out 20 (5/20).

thanks in advance,


Brad Piit


lottoarchitect said:
Well anxious, you forget to mention that the prediction of those advanced programs are based on certain events (such as natural disasters, leadership changes, bank rate changes and lots of other such issues) that are fed in the system and are known in advance. What those programs do is to evaluate the influence of those events at the stock prices and predict how the prices will move in the future based on facts such as "we'll have a similar event soon". This is not randomness and cannot be compared to predicting lotto numbers with such ease.


actually it is possible to predict lottery results - to some extent at least. the latest beta version of expert lotto has a predictor based on pattern matching. it can predict values as well as trends (the next value in a statistic time series -sum,odd/even,high/low etc - will be higher or lower). naturally the predicted values aren't too good but it does much better job for the trend predictions than the 50-50 chance which one would expect from a plain coin toss... and there's a lot of room for predictor improvements.
btw, there's a link to an academical white paper that explains the (not so complicated) math behind it in our own discussion board.

