For such a sad thread, it certainly gained a lot of attention and commentary from several "Posting Members" yourself included.
And in case you missed the point, the point was to bring attention to the fact we see the "SAME LURKERS" continually.
I could care less about people who wish to "LURK" for what ever the reason.
I will continue to post, my Ideas,Thoughts, Comments,Statistics,and my numbers, If you want to use these great, does'nt bother me in the least.
Here is an analogy, that best explains, my thoughts on "lurkers"
There are 10 people in a company, and the boss says to the group, he needs a specific assignment completed by a specific date.If the group completes this task each member will be rewarded with a bonus of 10,000 dollars. now 7 members of the 10 go off and bust there butt, however the remaining 3 know full well that the group of 7 will get the work done, and their lack of contribution will still give them the bonus.It is a reflection of our society today, There are givers, and there are takers, you must ask yourself,"which one are you?"
I rest my case.