Putting the word "humble" in every one of your posts since your return, often more than once, does not change what comes across in your posts. I have told you before that you have had some successes but no more that many other people on this BB and I just don't agree with your statements which imply that you are just so far ahead of everyone else here. BTW, it's not a jealousy or envy thing, it's a reality thing.
I am certainly not angry that your hints sometimes hit (and by the way, I think you'll agree that even though 1/2 hints is a good ratio (i.e. 50%) it still doesn't buy you much anyway; but I digress.
What does irk me is that you seem to get all smug anytime someone tries to remind you that there are many other members on this board who have outperformed you in many cases. Somehow, you still insist on posting your smug remarks.
Furthermore, predicting that the numbers will be high for about 15 draws in a row and finally getting it right on the 15th try does not, to my measure, constitute any great accomplishment. But hey, what do I know, I'm just another member here.
All I'm trying to get you to understand, Dennis, is no matter what the level of one's success in anything, it is not saying you are humble that matters as much as just being humble. If you were indeed as good as your attitude implies, I would be the first to use your hints. As it is, I read them just like I do all the others and see where the chips fall in the end.
The only reason I joined this board was to help me gauge how my predictions are doing in an objective manner. Even though stats show that I am doing better than if I was picking random numbers, the only way to know if I am on the right track is to measure myself against others who do the same thing. The results speak for themselves: in my time here so far, I can say that everyone has had their hot streaks and their not so hot streaks; yes, everyone... and that includes me. But no one consistently gets it right to the point of making me want to play their numbers over anyone else's on this board.
Enough said...