Big News this AM

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Godload wrote:
Actually Take a look at where Canada stands in the world when the UN ranks best places to live in the world every year and take a look at where the US stands. Canadian cities rank within the top 10 every year.
Actually, the UN, in 2003, said that the US, and 6 other countries were better than you.
"But, but, but, but, we used to be the best!"
Living in the past doesn't make you any less wrong! One thing that's funny to me is that for several years, Canada has ranked lower than #1, but you didn't hear them raising a stink about it.

"Screw Finland! We'll kick Finland's butt!" However they really got their panties in a bunch when the US beat them. Inferiority complex? USA Junior gets pissy when his Dad spanks him.

And if you don't think Bush will privitize your social security with people being able to take out some of the contributions you were not listening to the 3rd debate. Bush said it to everyone in that 3rd debate.
You weren't paying attention. Bush said he would like to privatize part of it. He never said he was going to privatize the whole thing. Republican Chairman Ed Gillespie was on Meet The Press this morning and repeated this again.
You talk like this is a bad thing, but the reason why socialists hate privatizing part of Social Security is because it takes the money out of the hands of the govt and allows the people to choose what to do with their money.


And many more Canadians commit rape than Americans do. Or is this a "half-truth" again? Do you want to go through every crime statistic to what?
Thats because in America having sex with your relatives is not reported and there for not included in the stats.
incest in Utah and Tennesee alone would top the charts.;)
Cleopatra....Welcome to the board...You should read my message on top...Nothing will be solved here...You should respect the opinions of others..And they should respect yours too...
I have stopped replying here at one point..
I don't agree with you but I respect your opinion...Even if your very birth in history is full loaded with massacre that you inflicted on all the native people and nations that once lived peacefully on the land that you call today your country...
Mother Nature will one day take good care of you and your nation...I wonder who you're going to blame then..
You are the most chaotic culture on Earth history ....I state this as a fact not as a valor judgement just as a fact...It is the best way that I can define the invasive american culture..(Canada is more and more like you...Still resisting but it is hard to resist Hollywood...)
This is my opinion...
This is my last attempt to make a stop to this post...
I won't reply to you here or to anyone else about this subject..I'm done here....
Good luck in life...And serve your country well!


Hi Barry. I apologize for calling you Brad, instead of Barry. I simply made an error. No need to think there was some other insidious reason. ;)

I dare say Barry, that the rest of the world has no right to impede on our sovereignty. When they take an oath to abide by our constitution and start paying taxes, then they can talk.

Other countries are doing everything in their power to destroy us, from trying to stop us from protecting ourself from an enemy who has sworn to destroy us, to trying to hurt our economy through flawed accords like Kyoto.

They have even tried to put our citizens under the umbrella of something called "The International Criminal Court".

But it is not Islam vs. Christianity/Judaism
Oh, but it is. The Islamic extremists have made this abundantly clear numerous times. Unfortunately some have such blind hatred and, dare I say it, jealousy of the US that they are willingly to take the side of Islamic terrorists in their quest to destroy our country and its citizens. For some reason, people are willing to forgo freedom for this world, just to "teach them Yanks a lesson".

Re that Guardian writers comments which imply wanting Bush to be "Offed": That Anger with your president is because the man does not listen
Ahhh. He deserves to be assassinated because he won't listen to some leftwing loony columnist from the UK.
If you say so.

Btw, did you even read that article you linked to?

Since the current President Bush veered away from the real war against terrorism in Afghanistan
Ms. Geyer sounds like John Kerry. If we catch Osama, then it will be all over and all the terrorists in the Mid East will lay their arms down and go out and get a real job. How naive!

W has given way to a radical right that abhors international coalitions and manners; he mocks the world and denies any need for its help
W? How disrespectful to call the president that. You know how fair and balanced she is going to be...
Why doesn't she come right out and say it? A coalition isn't "international" unless it includes France. There are 30 some countries who are helping in Iraq.

And above all, he has replaced his father's courtesy and good graces with an almost proud rudeness and scorn for others.
Haha. It is his opponents who are rude and scorn him. Paul Martin dragged the USA into the Canadian election, despite Bush asking him not to. His cabinet members regularly insult Bush. Gerhard Schroeder campaigned on an anti-American platform. ChIraq? We all know his feelings for Bush.

What Ms. Geyer misses is the fact that it looks tacky to give an award to your son. The liberal media would have been all over the Bushes for doing so.

As for your Guardian link, honestly we don't care what the rest of the world thinks of Bush. The rest of the world wants to bring us down to their level and Bush, rightfully, refuses to do so. These citizens have no facts to back up their assertion. It is nothing but pure jealousy and insane hatred for President Bush because he has elected to defend our country, and that irritates the rest of the world, because they want us to be destroyed. Thankfully the leaders of these countries are smarter than their hating citizens and back up President Bush.

Well, there have been numbers of Americans saying publicly they'll emigrate to Canada if your 'friend' gets in.
Haha. I'm STILL waiting for Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon to move to Canada like they promised in 2000 after Bush was elected. You know darn well that more Canadians move to the USA than Americans move to Canada.

Btw, those yet to be bankrupting of your economy and the worlds energy future space based weapons: they did not actually save us from Communism, Cleo,
Actually, they did contribute to the collapse of the Evil Empire. They showed that we were willingly to do anything to protect ourself and the Soviets could not keep up with us.
Your claim of our bankrupting our economy is another scare tactic. I've been hearing that from anti-Americans for years, but it hasn't happened.

You don't want the world to look to assassinate Bush but it was okay for your President to look to assassinate Hussein before him being tried for his atrocities. It's okay for Bush to work outside the law when he's accusing others of being outside the law... Huh?
I can't believe you wrote this. You find nothing wrong with the columnist of a major newspaper calling for the assassination of the leader of the Free World; a man who has liberated 50 million Arabs from brutal tyranny. I wonder if you were one of those protestors who mock and insult Bush on their signs, but are mysteriously silent when it comes to mocking or insulting Saddam. Typical of a liberal. Liberals promote the rights of Islamofascists for the same reason they promote the rights of adulterers, pornographers, abortionists, criminals, and Communists. They instinctively root for anarchy and against civilization.
Btw, you again forget that Saddam had BROKEN the ceasefire that he signed. How hard is it to understand this simple little fact? Do you know what happens when you break ceasefires? The war continues and, yes, Saddam is then targeted for assassination.

Yes, probably in most ways we may be better off having Hussein incarcerated,
"Probably" in "most ways"? Good Grief! :eek:

but in doing so we have torpedoed Justice
Enforcing the broken ceasefire and the 17 broken UN resolutions is "torpedoing justice"?

Bush's knee jerk reaction has ended consensus: it is the USA vs. any of The Rest of the World who disagree with You (Please don't invade us ).
Knee jerk reaction? 12 years of "talking" and giving Saddam months to come clean after Resolution 1441 is a "knee jerk reaction"? Unless you are harboring and training terrorists, you don't have to worry about us invading you. And I am sure that you are not doing that, since we know that Canada has our best interests at heart when they refused to enforce the broken ceasefire and the 17 broken UN resolutions.

Shh. Just don't mention Chretien and TotalFinaElf oil company. ;)

Bin Laden and Co unfortunately gain credibility elsewhere because an understanding of the cause of their countries poverty is dismissed by 'free market' advocates
You completely miss the point. These countries are poor because the dictator and his inner circle have all the money. The rest of the population suffers. I have had many people from 3rd world countries tell me this. Democracies, although not perfect, rarely have this problem.

What if they do not want a life either in SUV Land or at MacDonald’s?
Ahhh, the evil McDonald's and the evil SUVs. You forgot to mention evil WalMart. What if they do want the opportunity to decide if they want this...something they don't hav the opportunity to decide now? Or is it because they are barbaric brown people and do not deserve the right to decide for themselves?

If Bush Is Re-Elected: disastrously, we may come to know that all those Rushes to Judgment and Hegenomy explained above may too easily become a Rush to Death.
When Bush is re-elected, successfully, it will send a message to the terrorists, just like John Howard's re-election did. You have got to worry about us for the next 4 years. 12 years and 17 UN resolutions is hardly a "rush to judgement".

Take care, Barry.


Hi Dennis BassBoss. I did see your earlier post. Did you post this much much earlier on the thread, or only now....that someone is refuting the anti-American bashing here?

Even if your very birth in history is full loaded with massacre that you inflicted on all the native people and nations that once lived peacefully on the land that you call today your country...
Haha. And Canadians didn't massacre any native people? Weak Dennis. Very weak.

Mother Nature will one day take good care of you and your nation...I wonder who you're going to blame then..
Maybe it will be Mother Nature. It certainly won't be Canada's military. :D

You are the most chaotic culture on Earth history ....I state this as a fact not as a valor judgement just as a fact...It is the best way that I can define the invasive american culture..(Canada is more and more like you...Still resisting but it is hard to resist Hollywood...)
If so, then it appears that the rest of the world doesn't mind American culture. Our culture dominates the world. And if you don't like Hollywood, then don't watch our TV. You can watch your own TV shows - like Anne of Green Gables, and the Beachcombers.

Thanks for your thoughts.


And many more Canadians commit rape than Americans do. Or is this a "half-truth" again? Do you want to go through every crime statistic to what?
Thats because in America having sex with your relatives is not reported and there for not included in the stats.

incest in Utah and Tennesee alone would top the charts.
Thanks again for your wonderful insight, Peter. I could bring up all the incest that goes on in a certain minority community of yours, or a certain area of your country, but I will show some class, and decline.


I knew it would eventually come out here. Brad used the word neocon. Everyone knows neocon is leftyspeak for.....Jews we want to "get rid of" but we can't come right out and say it.

I'm not surprised that Brad feels this way, considering that Canada has constantly been cited by international organizations for its shocking number of neo-nazi hate groups for a country of 32 million people.

Canada has racist groups like The Heritage Front, The Nationalist Party of Canada, Stormfront Canada, The National Action Party, The Church of the Creator, The Identity Church, Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform, Canadian National Front, White Power, Rock Against Communism, The Aryan Nations, Anglo Society, Northern Hammerskins, International National Socialist Party, Tri-City Skins, Canadian Ethnic Cleansing Team, White Power Youth Crew, The Western Guard, White Aryan Resistance, Canadian Heritage Alliance, and yes, the KKK.

Thanks for outing yourself, Brad. :D


Why is that troll still here??

cleopatra said:
I knew it would eventually come out here. Brad used the word neocon. Everyone knows neocon is leftyspeak for.....Jews we want to "get rid of" but we can't come right out and say it. <<<
I don't know who this "leftyspeak" is she seems to be affraid of and don't know what "everyone" knows but this is the definition I had in mind ...

Neoconservative – A "neocon" is more inclined than other conservatives toward vigorous government in the service of the goals of traditional morality and pro-business policies. Tends to favor a very strong foreign policy of America as well.

Maybe she should get someone to explain it to her if she's still in doubt. And that is a rather mild definition, I've seen worse.

As for the rest of her "dissertation"... yes I put it in quotes which means it is dubious at best ... this is what I think::nopity: and just so there's absolutely no question in anyone's mind as to what I mean, she sounds like a broken record ... the Neocon comment musta really struck a chord with her :lol:

the only thing worse than a skipping troll (see broken record) is one that never leaves :sick: ... no beating around the Bush on that :D
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But I will comment on Peter's "I am American" post.


How's it going, eh?
I'm not particularly intelligent; that's why our grading standards are so low here.
I'm not particularly openminded; I loved it when that lady in Vancouver went on TV and said, "they should ship those Chinese back to where they came from".
I'm not particularly well-liked; that's why people flee from here to our hated neighbor to the South.
I brag about having stronger beer than Americans, but unfortunately the facts say otherwise.
We can't handle beer. That's why Canadians consider 12 beers to be a "case." In the US, 12 beers make a 12-pack. 24 beers make a case.
I am not condescending or opinionated; I am trying to guide you stupid Americans so you can be just like us - leaders in the world in.....well, something, I'm sure. Give me a minute. Oh! Hockey. Yes, hockey. Every nation looks to us because of our influence in hockey.
When a crazed meth freak breaks into my house and is hacking my children to death with a machete, I ask him to sit down and discuss his anger. Why should I shoot him? I can always have more children, but if I took his life...well, it's the only one he has!
Winning isn't important. Really, it isn't. That's why we are proud when our Olympians come in 11th place in an event, and a country like Australia - who has barely 60% of our population, completely cleans our clock at the Olympics.
It's pronounced ABOOT, not ABOUT.

We sew Canadian flags on our bags so people will love us and rub our bags! It is NOT the Nazi arm band of the Great White North! People say that not since the Third Reich has red and white been so openly and often flaunted to announce national identity, but they are lying. We are so loved by everyone that Americans are flocking across the border to move here. Well maybe not, but....
Anyways, when people see our Canadian patches on our bags, they say "Wow! That guy's from Canada! I bet he owns a very high quality winter coat."
McDonald's is the most popular restaurant in Canada; we love our fine dining...even if it is an American restaurant.
Using toilet paper to wipe our rears is for those stupid Americans!
I'm not allowed to eat Hostess Fruit Pies and Red Bull soda, because they aren't allowed to be sold here because of the State-run healthcare." Ahh... Forfeiting our freedom of choice in exchange for free (taxed) healthcare. It's a good move!
I find Celine Dion REALLY, REALLY attractive and unannoying.

"I'm gonna quit the music business to devote my life to my geriatric cradle robber husband. Praise me for my strong values! Meanwhile, I'll be singing in Las Vegas: HOME OF CLASS!" (Two years later) "I'm BACK! BUY MY CD!!"

"Hi! I'm Avril Lavigne. Despite the fact that I'm basically a poor man's Britney Spears, I wear messy clothes and that makes me PUNK ROCK. Entertainment Weekly even said so, so it must be true. I'm so anti-establishment that I'm on the front covers of Teen People, Cosmo-Girl and YM! Power to the People... and DRINK PEPSI - it's refreshing! The writers down at corporate headquarters who write all of my music for me paint me as a rebel, so uhh.... GRRRR! I'm a Rebel! I hope this fame lasts, or I might have to stop being a complete ignoramus and go back and finish High School..... HEH! YEAH! AS IF! PFFT! (slaps her manager a high-five) Surely my fame and popularity will last until I'm old and grey, just like lots of other teen idols... whose names escape me right now. I totally don't see why people would call me a fake sellout. I mean, I know that I whored out my likeness to AOL Time Warner to make a character for The Sims Online for a few bucks, but big deal."


Us Canadians are even nationalistic about which country we will allow to destroy our livers. If Fosters is Australian for "Beer" then Labatt must be Canadian for "Assmilk." Newfies aren't smart enough to stay away from bingo halls, but they wisely avoid Canadian beer... Instead they drink SCREECH (cheap moonshine made in rum barrels). They take great pride in their beer too. It had better be good. You have to be pretty drunk to love Canada.

Back Bacon - Part of a pig, which, if it were found on a cow or chicken would be thrown away as scraps.

Doughnuts - There are more doughnut shops in Canada than there are houses in the US. In Windsor, they literally have two Tim Hortons on opposite sides of the road, facing each other. Their Canadian patrons can't run fast enough to cross the street on foot without fainting or having heart palpitations and their gas prices and weak dollar put restrictions on such a long trip in a car.

Poutine - This is a concoction (for lack of a better term) of French Fries, Thick Greasy Gravy, and Cheese. It resembles a mixture of morning sickness and something an 8th grader in a school cafeteria would be paid by his peers to eat. If you ordered a value meal at McDonalds and supersized it and filled the bag up to the rim with lard you could not touch the fat content of poutine. The popularity of this 'food' is why Canada approved socialized health care.

Kraft Dinner - This is the same as Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, but we changed the name - with good reason. Everything in Canada costs way more than it does in the US. In the US it's a side dish. In Canada it's DINNER.

Where else besides Canada could you find a town called "DILDO?" Dildo, Newfoundland, gets its name from its population of bored fishermen's wives. This haven for tourists boasts a gloomy sky, a Lion's Club, Hefford's Appliances, Darlene's Hair Care, and an outdoor swimming pool to cool off on those sweaty summer days when the temperature gets up to a sticky 50ºF/11ºC. Conveniently, for easy access, Dildo is located off SPREAD EAGLE BAY and perhaps more frighteningly, DILDO ARM.

WE have a province that ENFORCES THE USE OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. It is ILLEGAL to make billboards, product packaging, road signs and advertisements in English unless French is given greater predominance. In other words, These things must be either ONLY in French, or multilingual, with French being "markedly predominant" so that the "visual impact of French must be MUCH GREATER than that of the other language." Companies in Quebec must have a "predominantly French" name. Correspondence between employers and employees must always be in French. Fines are imposed of up to $7000.00 PER OFFENSE for noncompliance to any of these laws, enforced by "Language Police." While it's illegal to use English in Quebec for these things, by contrast, in the stupid USA, it is illegal to discriminate against anyone for using whatever language they wish. If you tried to pull this type of cultural discrimination in the US, the ACLU starts going to war with you. Stupid Americans.

We put homo milk in a bag!

We love the sport of curling. For those not familiar with this "sport," I'll give you a brief run-down. It's basically shuffleboard in slow-motion plus ice plus 2 people with what appear to be the type of mops used for linoleum floors sweeping frantically. Curling is an activity requiring a particularly high degree of physical agility or strength, and an affinity for sweeping a floor really quickly. This may partially explain why the Canadian Women's Olympic Curling Team looks like a bunch of housewives.

Our national sport is lacrosse. This is a "sport" which Canadians snagged off the native people. We gave this already existing activity a new prissy French name and pretend we invented it, even though its history spans back hundreds of years before Europeans ever came to North America. If you can imagine a bunch of guys running around in a field with butterfly nets, wearing oven mitts and bird cages on their heads, you have a pretty accurate picture.

Canadians are geography majors because we vacation in the US every year. We know where St. Louis is. It's those stupid Americans who don't know where sh*tshatipoopton, Manitoba is.

We burned down the White House during the War of 1812. Who cares if that happened 55 years before we became a country - and it was the British who did it?

We invented hockey...except we didn't.
We invented the Zamboni...except we didn't.
We invented basketball...except we didn't.
We invented baseball....except we didn't.
We invented lacrosse...well, actually we stole it from the natives.
We invented short wave radio...except we didn't.
We invented velcro...except we didn't.
We invented the telephone in 1874....except that Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland, then moved to England, and later lived in Canada for less than 1 year before moving to Boston - in 1871. So what if he was living in Boston for 3 whole years before the date that we claim he invented the telephone in Canada?
We invented Cable TV....except we didn't.
We invented/accomplished (insert thing that Canadians supposedly invented/accomplished). So what if the US has the highest number of Nobel Prize winners of any country in the world; 27 times the number of Nobel Prize winners from Canada?

The whole world loves Canada and hates the US! That's why the whole world, including Canada, imitates American pop culture, and the Yanks have more immigrants than any other country in the world. So what if the US is the 2nd most visited country in the world and someone immigrates to the US about every 30 seconds? We are the 9th most visited!

Americans don't have freedom of speech, but we do! So what if we have Quebecois French Language Enforcement, Canadian Content Laws, and we censor Conan O'Brien for ribbing our country?
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Canadians can watch anything we want to on TV, as long as we are willing to pay for it! So what if the CRTC bans the Fox News Channel from Canada under penalty of 6 months in jail or a $10,000 fine? Our socialist slavemasters know what is good for us and Fox News is EVIL; our state-run CBC told us so!

The CN Tower is the tallest structure on earth! So what if the US has at least 9 structures that are taller than the CN Tower?

We have the most beautiful women in the world! So what if you can't find Canada on a Miss World or Miss Universe list?

We wear toques!

We don't suffer from an inferiority complex. So what if we have Molson Canadian Beer commercials that frantically and desperately try to prove that we are better than Americans?

Our national symbol is a beaver.

I AM CANADIAN! :agree2:
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Hey Brad. You know how to use Google? Type "neocon Jews" and see what comes up. :lol:

Don't play dumb. It is well known that "neocon" is a code word for "Jews" by the Left....that's the left that you profess ignorance about.

As for your denial of neocon being code for Jews....well, you can always continue your Colin Thatcher imitation....deny deny deny deny. :D


Here is a good article for those interested


"Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.

Perhaps this sounds inconceivable. You may think, "Surely there is something I can write that will change them." But a true troll can not be changed by mere words."

The above is a quote from the linked article. I've made my conclusion a while ago, everyone else will of course have their own opinion about it, which is as it should be.

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Last week Pat Buchanan appeared on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show," and liberal host Jon Stewart bonded with his paleoconservative guest over their mutual opposition to the liberation of Iraq. Mr. Stewart smiled and nodded while Mr. Buchanan derided "neoconservatives" 4 times in the course of the six-minute interview. In his efforts to promote his and his guest's common agenda, Mr. Stewart didn't ask Mr. Buchanan what he meant by "neoconservatives." It was clear that the Jewish Mr. Stewart didn't realize that Mr. Buchanan was using what has become an epithet for "Jews"- an epithet employed most often by the left.

One big culprit has been Air America. Tune in to the proudly liberal radio network, and you'll hear actress-turned-activist Janeane Garofalo and other hosts frequently blast the "influence" of the "neocons" on the Bush Administration, then go on to name names such as Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams and Libby. Not a single gentile name makes the list, so it's the Jewish influence to which the network takes particular exception.

Others have gotten in trouble for pointing this out, but let's give up the charade. When a member of the enlightened classes, or Pat Buchanan, makes reference to a "neocon," what he's saying is "yid." That's right, "neoconservative," particularly in its shortened form, when employed by a nonconservative (or by Buchananites) and therefore meant derogatorily, is the modern, albeit more specific, word for "kike" that the left can say - and it has been doing so liberally (no pun intended) ever since American conservatism became yet something else that Jews have managed to benefit from - the conquered, final frontier of that famous Jewish manipulation.

From the "trolls" at the Wall Street Journal.


Poor cleopatra you still sorry the Romans stomped your ass, and the Romans didn't care if you were a Jew, Christian, Muslim, tree worshispers, Republican Democrat etc, they only cared if you ROCKED THE BOAT....:lol:
Back in Feudal Days...

Hi Brad,

Thanks for the troll reference.

It/he/she has just proved the identity in the last bunch of posts.

I used to try to 'cure' such as well.

Now, given the last bunch of ignorant lambasting here I suggest to the Troll:

"Va t'en vapater dans les fleurs."


"Αλλάζω το μυαλό μου σκέφτομαι φεύγετε καλύτερα"

Sorry Cleo. I give up on you.

Take care,



I think that this thread has about run its course, it should either be closed, or if no more replies are offered, it should end the discussion.:agree:


Re: Here is a good article for those interested

Brad said:

"Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.

Perhaps this sounds inconceivable. You may think, "Surely there is something I can write that will change them." But a true troll can not be changed by mere words."

The above is a quote from the linked article. I've made my conclusion a while ago, everyone else will of course have their own opinion about it, which is as it should be.


Excellent article Brad.....undoubtedly a sub species:lol:



Do you now or did you once live in Toronto?

Many years ago, I was friendly with a young woman who seemed to have a fairly quick mind and some promising analytical abilities.
She was not rich, she'd come from a very varied background and in some ways, she'd had a hard life. The hardness of her life experiences did not make her softer but brittle of heart and she was scary in her unknowing ferocity. The friendship was dissolved mutually when she realized I did not agree with her rigid attitudes when she laughed uproariously at "Jimmy-Carter-Politics" and praised Ronald Reagan's political decisiveness.

The stuff of which you speak is so old, it is spooky to be hearing the same worn, regurgitated ideology all over again. I have to wonder if you are not the same person as that young woman who I used to know. You ended your rebuttal to me "with take care my friend", but the eagerness with which you mercilessly slice and dice leaves me feeling cold. :cold: We have little in common with which to be friendly except our common humanity, and I'm not so sure about yours. :(


One last point Cleo, Canadians don't say the CN Tower is the tallest standing structure on earth. It once was, but it is still the tallest free standing structure on earth. Again a little detail you ignore and generalize to support your views.
As for the war on Iraq, where are the WMDs? That was the pretence for war. Sure after the fact you are getting all sorts of explanations blaming the CIA for faulty intelligence. But as I recall, everyone was saying there were no WMD's, infact there are reports coming out that even the CIA was saying there are no WMD's but the President insisted that he wanted them to find one however weak it was.
One other point I use is your EPA which is continually censored on climate change and human beings during the Bush administration. And about 3 weeks ago the Bush Administration finally admitted climate change was caused by human beings. When you see these outright inconsistencies (I will refrain from calling them lies), what twisted articles will you find to support your claim to the otherwise inevitable conclusions that your president is not being forthright with you.
Google Matthew Simmons. He is an investment banker and he is not some Liberal Democrat as you would forthrightly accuse him of being. He was actually one of George W. Bushes energy advisors. If you read what he says, I think it will become inevitably clear what Iraq is about.
Everyone denies it, but the world has hit the Oil Peak, and with the worlds oil supplies are in decline, Iraq was about obtaining by any means a rich plentiful supply of oil. The worlds economy needs 3-4% increase in energy every year for it to have growth and to service debt. With the oil reserves in much of the world in decline, getting an additional 3-4 million barrels a day is an impossibility. People will deny this saying there is plenty of oil in the world and that we still can find ocean or arctic reserves. But you have to realize by that time in which it becomes economically viable for people to consider these hard to reach places, oil will have most likely hit 100-182 dollars a barrel.
We have in North America, the Tar Sands in Alberta, and also Shale Oil in the US, but when you see extensive investment to develope these resources, you will realize the age of cheap oil is gone for them to consider these options and our civilization and economies will be in for a shock.
Our energy needs are increasing at an unsustainable rate. We are also consuming resources in the world to grow our economies at an unsustainable rate. Its like a test tube of bacteria that grow exponentially and will consume the space and food in the tube in 1 hr. At 30 minutes the bacteria scientists and environmentalists start saying we have to stop this unsustainable growth. They are dismissed and labelled doomsayers, environmentalist quacks, and other names. At the 57th minute the warnings have intensified. And the bacteria in denial say what are you talking about we still have 50% of the test tube left. In the 59th minute its too late to do anything, and in the 60th minute the test tube is full and the food is gone and there is a huge population crash.
Our civilization from the 1800's has been built up on cheap energy. In 2004 we are realizing something is wrong and we are ignoring the scientists and their warnings. What are you hearing, we have plenty of oil in the earth. Yes but not enough to sustain growth and service debt and sustain our current standards of living. Lets hope our leaders wake up before we fly over that cliff.
Cleo you will probably deny this but let me ask you what you pay for gas these days. Oil per barrel has exceeded $55 and its not even winter yet. You will probably fall back upon your religious beliefs saying well the Bible says this would happen in the end times and the Apocalypse is inevitable. That kind of fatalism to me is scary. Lets have Armageddon so we can go to heaven, instead of trying to find a rational solution.

BTW if you don't believe me on the Oil Peak statement check out an informative website



I am sorry for "mercilessly" slicing and dicing your arguments. However, I think you take things too seriously. It appears that American and President Bush-bashing is fine, but when someone replies back, the bashers are shocked and cry foul - or troll.

It is perfectly fine that you think that the Carter presidency was better than the Reagan presidency, but Americans strongly disagree - and they are the ones who are/were the most affected by the two presidencies.

Reagan whipped Carter 489 to 49 electoral votes in 1980, and then in 1984, Reagan massacred Walter Mondale 525 to 13 electoral votes. Obviously the American voter was delighted with Reagan's 1st term.

Sorry for using the "same worn, regurgitated ideology", but I believe that by studying history, one can tell a lot.

That is why I do not believe in appeasing terrorists whose goal is world domination. Neville Chamberlain and much of Europe did that before WWII with Hitler (invading Czechoslovakia), plus much of the world did that with Japan when they invaded China.

The results of these appeasement policies cost 20 million lives in WWII.

I hope this post didn't leave you feeling cold again. If you don't want to be friends, well, it hurts my feelings, but I will live.

I am disappointed that you are not sure if I have humanity. :(

I thought by praising the liberation of 50 million Muslims - that I do have a deep feeling for humanity...
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