Re: Re: LDs
You are SO RIGHT
when we get a typical drawing! Repeaters is another item on my list. As you may have noticed, I'm now exploring the "4 and 2", "3 and 3", and "5 and 1" distribution according to my intial report. From there I've got many items of criteria which you have helped add to my list. The missing decade is also a great suggestion which is going into my new set composer.
Have you taken into concideration the composition of HOT, Warm, Cool, and COLDs in a set? I've assigned this designation and reported on the last 1,000 draws. The results show me VERY well what the cross-section of a set which would win. There are a few arrangements which are more the 50% of the time combined. How much research have you done in this area?
I got numbers in these classes:
HOT Active
HOT Dormant
HOT Inactive
Warm Active
Warm Dormant
Warm Inactive
Cool Active
Cool Dormant
Cool Inactive
COLD Active
COLD Dormant
COLD Inactive
I can look at the numbers simply as HOT, Warm, Cool, and COLD or I can also can look at them with more granularity using the subclass too. It works VERY well.
Beaker said:
George, you need to look at 4 things to put what you have over the top.
1) LD's is a given - each ticket needs at least 1 of them
2) repeaters - got to have at least 1 from the last draw
3) consecutives - must have in each ticket
4) at least 1 decade missing.
You incorporate those and you'll win more.
Last one LD 5 was a given - I played the 5-45 hoping to hit - too bad for me.
Often when I pick numbers I always look at LD's because that could be the gem.
For example 38 is high on my list for this one. I'm looking to see where 8-18-28-48 might lead me.