UK lotto


here are tips

I personally use one system to improve odds in UK lotto. It goes up to 1:14!!!
It is using special e-lottery system. Those guys have aslo great affiliate program, so you are actually paid2win!!!

I just love that.

Hey guys I hope you will not consider this a spam if I post a link here. It is only answer to your needs.

Check my site for more info and for a link to the official website.
<<< url deleted by LT >>>
By the way, whould you consider playing 88 lines a week in UK national lottery for only 5 GBP a good deal?
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Obviously you don't know what spam is and how serious an offense it can be.

This is a pyramid scheme - probably illegal in many places in the world - and in no way helps anyone to make money except people that started it.

Spam is what this is and it is not allowed here and the sleezy way of disguising it won't be tolerated either. Right LT?


Anti - Spam

<<<company name deleted>>> has a ZERO TOLERANCE spam policy. Anyone spamming with the<<<company name deleted>>> (in any way) or referring to any of our web sites may be immediately terminated.

If you violate this policy and it causes damage or loss to our servers, or causes one (or more) of our web sites to be interrupted from normal service, you will be held liable for damages and loss of business.

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Sorry LT,

I just wanted to help. People are asking for some tips how to improve odds to their favor. So that's why I posted. I know about spam policy.
But that you post their Antispam policy is a good advertising for :))

Again sorry.

Anyway if someone interested in that program email me or visit<<< Link and email addy deleted >>>
Hey LT...I hope this is allowed

<<< you read the rules when you signed up - you then know it is not allowed >>>
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one more thing

I've just noticed.
I had no right to delete my URL.
In my post was no mention about Virtual world direct and I posted my own site URL.
I din't use their name in text so you can't consider it as spaming with their name!!!!!!



Re: one more thing

haukacik said:
I've just noticed.
I had no right to delete my URL.
In my post was no mention about Virtual world direct and I posted my own site URL.
I din't use their name in text so you can't consider it as spaming with their name!!!!!!

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Enjoy and All the Best of Lotto Luck to Everyone!
Read the Rules here and the consequences. You continue to violate them.


Re: Re: one more thing

Beaker said:
Read the Rules here and the consequences. You continue to violate them.

I agree completly!!!
I was going to post about it, but got here first!!
I absolutely hate these pyramid schemes, and this at least the second time someone tries to pass it here!!:mad:

:dang: Shame on you

