pick 3 separet, repit digit


Hello, also could use the filter of mirror table espelh0
* 01234
* 56789
* Example = 137 = 2 3 7 mirror mirror is 8 1 and 3 then mirror 137 is 682
* Another filter are adjcentes of each digit example = 7 is adjacent 6.8
We also delays,
* Objective = to reduce certain confidence, taking advantage of the repeating pattern of a digit
* In 68%


hello,theconcept sorry, you are correct are 294, because I forgot that three digits are the last in the works
* ok I agree is 294, bahh! melhou even more !!, now that we have every opportunity to 100% giving the pattern can create a filter over it, Operating ant
* to make a profit, is already paid 50/50 or 1000 (it paid 500) playing without filter 294 have a nice profit of course the pattern of giving to mention one digit repeating, this happens in 68%, very good


hello, we do stats by position vertically to filter, to play with less than 294, we can reach 120 or 130 bets, profit taking


hello, theconcept, we have 4 basic conditions for the last draw of the pick 3 = repeat every three digits = ie play the same
* repeats two digits = have a couple, not repeats or a digit
* and repeat a digit (our study) then repeat a digit in 68% to 100% giving this standard tremor profit
500-296 = we are spending a euro = 296 and we will win 500 = 204 profit
jack said:
hello, theconcept, we have 4 basic conditions for the last draw of the pick 3 = repeat every three digits = ie play the same
* repeats two digits = have a couple, not repeats or a digit
* and repeat a digit (our study) then repeat a digit in 68% to 100% giving this standard tremor profit
500-296 = we are spending a euro = 296 and we will win 500 = 204 profit
Hi Jack. I'll have a look at your last posts.

Although the macro I posted works specifically for the conditions you asked for, then for adding several filters, I think a more flexible approach is to cycle through all of the combinations 000-999 and then apply filters to each permutation. If a permutation fails a test, then there is no point in carrying on with the others, so this saves time. It may also make it easier to add other filters later on.
jack said:
ok, theconcept ! please!!
Hi Jack. A quick update...

I'm working on the code for the following filter conditions for eliminating arrangements
- Any where a digit is in the same position (1st, 2nd or 3rd) as in the previous draw (this was part of what you originally asked for)
- If all three even or all three odd
- If all three in the range 0-4 or in the range 5-9
- Any that have not appeared in that position in the previous seven draws (the median is 7, so I'm working on the basis that in other lotteries, numbers that last appeared within the median number of draws repeat more often)
- The sum of all three digits in the range 10 - 17 inclusive (the limits 10 and 17 are the lower and upper quartiles for all the possible sums, and their frequency, so I'm working on the basis that the sum of the three digits are more likely to appear within the interquartile range (middle 50% of the data))
- If none, or more than one digit was in the previous draw (the second part of what you originally asked for.

The number of arrangements is coming down to about 30, but so far, no matches. I need to experiment a bit, e.g. disabling some filters to see which numbers get through. I'm working with the Arkansas Cash 3 lottery data.


In terms of the spreadsheet, I've set up a sheet called 'Filtering'.
Columns A, B, C have the draw data, Column D the date (I'm only using the evening draw as there is always an evening draw), Column E an ID for the draw (for now, just a number that is increased by one for each draw).

Column F is used to select (x) the draws to include, which makes it easier to compare the output with the numbers in the next draw. I also use it to help locate the last draw, necessary for two of the filters.

Columns H, I and J will have the arrangements that pass all the filters.

I'll upload some code when I've tidied it up a bit.


1 2 3 Date ID Select
0 9 2 01/07/2015 1 x
5 1 4 02/07/2015 2 x
5 6 2 03/07/2015 3 x
1 5 9 04/07/2015 4 x
5 8 1 05/07/2015 5 x
1 4 6 06/07/2015 6 x
3 0 4 07/07/2015 7 x
4 3 4 08/07/2015 8 x
4 1 7 09/07/2015 9 x
7 5 9 10/07/2015 10 x


Ok theconcept, perfect, hard work, conglatulations,
* We can include filters in the mirrors of the digits of the table
* 01234
* And djacentes?
* Take tests. Having a utilization of 75% to 80% this very good.
Of course filter by adjacent table and mirror does not guarantee 100%


Hello, theconcept in the item sums
* We can also add a separate position used the last 3
* Sweepstakes, results in three sums vertically
* Example past three pick3 sweepstakes
7 15 14 seven is adding 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 upright
* Other similarly
Then the sum of the two forms in the horizontal and vertical in each position.
* The concept can cross each digit of the 1st position to 2nd
* 3x3x3 = 27 bets
* If the condition goes a digit in each position in the next drawing settles
* The stop also make pairs


sorry corret
Hello, theconcept in the item sums
* We can also add a separate position used the last 3
* Sweepstakes, results in three sums vertically
* Example past three pick3 sweepstakes
7 15 14 seven is adding 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 upright
* Other similarly
Then the sum of the two forms in the horizontal and vertical in each position.
* The concept can cross each digit of the 1st position to 2nd
* 3x3x3 = 27 bets
* If the condition goes a digit in each position in the next drawing settles
* The stop also make pairs


Hello, we have 4 = theconcept conditions
HE HO LE LO Numbers
HE Numbers are (HighEven) - 6, 8 = 1
Numbers are HO (HighOdd) - 5, 7, 9 = 2
Numbers are CO (LowEven) - 0, 2, 4 = 3
Numbers are LO (LowOdd) - 1, 3 = 4
Always a standard of 1,2,3,4 will be out at 100%
1 = 6,8,5,7,9,0,2,4
2 = 5,7,9,0,2,4,1,3
5,7,9,1,3,6,8 = 3
6,8,0,2,4,1,3 4 =
In one of the four lines will be near 100% any sweepstakes draw =
Example = 478 = line 1 (6,8,5,7,9,0,2,4)
Always one of the lines will have three digits in 100%
Hi Jack.

I've changed a couple of conditions
- Extending the range covered by the sum of the digits to 7 - 19. (covers 75% theoretically) and a digit must have appeared in the previous 13 draws (again 75%)

I may have to start parameterizing things a bit soon, i.e. put some values as cells on the sheet and the user can vary them as currently, I have to keep on editing the code. However, before I can do that, I'll have to join a site where I can upload files.

In the meantime, you can experiment a bit because at the start, you are prompted to choose which filters you want to run and which you want to leave out.

Here's the latest version so far...


Sub mFilterData()
Const DIALOG_BOX_TITLE = "Pick 3 Filtering"
Dim arrCurrPerm(2) As Byte
Dim arrMedDigits(9, 2) As Boolean
Dim arrPrevDraw(2) As Byte
Dim b As Byte
Dim b1 As Byte
Dim b2 As Byte
Dim b3 As Byte
Dim b10 As Byte
Dim b11 As Byte
Dim blnFilterFail As Boolean
Dim blnFltrAllEO As Boolean
Dim blnFltrAllHL As Boolean
Dim blnFltrTotal As Boolean
Dim blnFltrMedian As Boolean
Dim blnFltrPrevDrawSDP As Boolean
Dim blnFltrPrevDraw1D As Boolean
Dim bytNumEven As Byte
Dim bytNumOdd As Byte
Dim bytNumLow As Byte
Dim bytNumHigh As Byte
Dim bytNumInPrevDraw As Byte
Dim bytSumNums As Byte
Dim intNumRows As Integer
' Initialising
' Clear the previous selection
' Setup
' Get the previous draw
Selection.End(xlDown).Offset(0, -5).Select
For b = 0 To 2
arrPrevDraw(b) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, b).Value
Next b
' Note which digits that have appeared in the previous 13 draws
For b1 = 0 To 12
For b2 = 0 To 2
arrMedDigits(ActiveCell.Offset(0, b2).Value, b2) = True
Next b2
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
Next b1
' Choose the filters to use
blnFltrAllEO = MsgBox("Remove if all three digits even or odd", vbYesNo, DIALOG_BOX_TITLE) = vbYes
blnFltrAllHL = MsgBox("Remove if all three digits 0-4 or 5-9", vbYesNo, DIALOG_BOX_TITLE) = vbYes
blnFltrTotal = MsgBox("Sum of digits in the range 7-19 (75%)", vbYesNo, DIALOG_BOX_TITLE) = vbYes
blnFltrMedian = MsgBox("Digit must have appeared in the last 13 draws (75%)", vbYesNo, DIALOG_BOX_TITLE) = vbYes
blnFltrPrevDrawSDP = MsgBox("Remove if digit in same position (1st/2nd/3rd) in the previous draw", vbYesNo, DIALOG_BOX_TITLE) = vbYes
blnFltrPrevDraw1D = MsgBox("One of the three digits must be in the previous draw", vbYesNo, DIALOG_BOX_TITLE) = vbYes
' Do the filtering
For b1 = 0 To 9
For b2 = 0 To 9
For b3 = 0 To 9
' Setup
arrCurrPerm(0) = b1: arrCurrPerm(1) = b2: arrCurrPerm(2) = b3 'Easier to work with arrays
blnFilterFail = False
' Eliminate rows containing all evens or all odds
If Not blnFilterFail Then
If blnFltrAllEO Then
bytNumEven = 0
bytNumOdd = 0
For b = 0 To 2
If (arrCurrPerm(b) Mod 2) = 0 Then
bytNumEven = bytNumEven + 1
ElseIf (arrCurrPerm(b) Mod 2) = 1 Then
bytNumOdd = bytNumOdd + 1
End If
Next b
If bytNumEven = 3 Then
blnFilterFail = True
ElseIf bytNumOdd = 3 Then
blnFilterFail = True
End If
End If
End If
' Eliminate rows containing all low (0-4) or high (5-9) numbers
If Not blnFilterFail Then
If blnFltrAllHL Then
bytNumLow = 0
bytNumHigh = 0
For b = 0 To 2
If arrCurrPerm(b) < 5 Then
bytNumLow = bytNumLow + 1
ElseIf arrCurrPerm(b) > 4 Then
bytNumHigh = bytNumHigh + 1
End If
Next b
If bytNumLow = 3 Then
blnFilterFail = True
ElseIf bytNumHigh = 3 Then
blnFilterFail = True
End If
End If
End If
' Keep if the sum of the digits between 7 and 19
If Not blnFilterFail Then
If blnFltrTotal Then
bytSumNums = 0
For b = 0 To 2
bytSumNums = bytSumNums + arrCurrPerm(b)
Next b
If bytSumNums < 7 Then
blnFilterFail = True
ElseIf bytSumNums > 19 Then
blnFilterFail = True
End If
End If
End If
' Eliminate rows that have digits that have not appeared in the last 13 draws
If Not blnFilterFail Then
If blnFltrMedian Then
For b = 0 To 2
If Not arrMedDigits(arrCurrPerm(b), b) Then
blnFilterFail = True
b = 2
End If
Next b
End If
End If
' Eliminate all arrangements where a digit is in the same position as the previous draw
If Not blnFilterFail Then
If blnFltrPrevDrawSDP Then
For b = 0 To 2
If arrCurrPerm(b) = arrPrevDraw(b) Then
blnFilterFail = True
b = 2
End If
Next b
End If
End If
' Keep if one and only one of the digits was in the previous draw
If Not blnFilterFail Then
If blnFltrPrevDraw1D Then
bytNumInPrevDraw = 0
For b10 = 0 To 2
For b11 = 0 To 2
If arrCurrPerm(b10) = arrPrevDraw(b11) Then
bytNumInPrevDraw = bytNumInPrevDraw + 1
b11 = 2
End If
Next b11
Next b10
If bytNumInPrevDraw <> 1 Then
blnFilterFail = True
End If
End If
End If
' Increment the row count if the arrangement has passed all filters
If Not blnFilterFail Then
For b = 0 To 2
Range("H2").Offset(intNumRows, b).Value = arrCurrPerm(b)
Next b
intNumRows = intNumRows + 1
End If
Next b3
Next b2
Next b1
MsgBox intNumRows & " rows left after filtering", vbInformation
End Sub


Hello the concept, good job, congratulations, this giving a small error in the macro execution the message = 9 runtime error
Subcrito out of range, I expect the end of the project? You can place a planilia with several drawings and then put a link? please


Hello. The concept this 2nd link is corret in the pick3 sweepstakes list
* I will put more results, you have to create a field in planilia where I type
* The last draw, you can place the macro in this planilia or mount another
* Make yourself comfortable.
* My excel is 2013 64-bit windoens
The concept = you can host the planilia link that is creating
* In BOX, https://www.mediafire.com/OR COPY, ETC.. has several sites that host ATPE 15 free gigas
* ok,
* The planilia, you must have fields to enter when the last draw make the automatic filtering you can create the will of their way feedback of ok planilia


Is very simple:

1-2-3 = L-C-R

4-5-6 = L-C-R

7-8-9 = L-C-R

0 = L-C-R

There is 5 or 7 choices/combos that play mostly to get it box, they are:






The other combos: LLL, CCC, RRR dont play that often...And remember:

LCC is the same as: CLC OR CCL...RRC is the same as: CRR OR RCR, etc, etc...

If you can guess, which RRC, OR LLC, OR CCL, etc combo is coming next you win...You can also call this system the: CLR after the product that takes away stains...You can also do it with Pick4...

It just proves that a supercomputer can do it...Not just that if you look at a Pick3 drawing you will noticed that 1 letter from the particular previous abbreviation repeats almost all the time, sometimes 2 letters...

It just PROVES that a supercomputer with algorithms can do it...

The LCR abbreviation stands for: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT...
you can look at the first: 3 digits of Pick4 look at it as a Pick3 (those first 3 digits) then apply this system which you will have: 1 in 6 or 1 in 7 odds of getting it correct...then the key is to narrow down the numbers of the particular abbreviation i think they come out to 6 or 7 narrow it down to: 1 ticket order them straight and play that those 3 numbers play it x 5 (specifically: 1-5 or 6-10 zeroe been 10) and you have a: 50% chance basically a 1 in 2 odds of winning Pick4 straight it comes out to 10 tickets...So you will have 1 in 6 + 1 in 2 of winning Pick4 straight...If you had played it against: 10 numbers you will had had: 1 in 6 odds of getting the Pick4 straight of course there is the ordering and filtering from 7 combinations to
jack said:
Hello the concept, good job, congratulations, this giving a small error in the macro execution the message = 9 runtime error
Subcrito out of range, I expect the end of the project? You can place a planilia with several drawings and then put a link? please
Hi Jack. Remember that the spreadsheet needs to be set up as per my post 27, link (*1) below. I notice that you have called your sheet 'Plan1'.

You could if you want to, remove the two lines of code that reference the sheet name
and it should work ok.

Also remember that you need at least 13 draws selected (13 draws, the numbers in columns A-C with a "x" in column F)

The reason I called the sheet 'Filtering' is so that if you created other sheets and then ran the macro, it would always locate this sheet before doing anything else. It would be easier for you to work with the file you created as per my post #27 and then just replace the code with any updates.

I'll have a look at those links you sent me...

*1 http://www.lottoforums.com/lottery/excel-macros/13545-pick-3-separet-repit-digit-2.html#27
Hi again Jack.

I've signed up to that site and uploaded a file you can work with. It has the code and all of the required formatting, so you can just replace the numbers there with yours (remember to select at least 13 rows).

You can also run the macro immediately by typing [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[A]

Here's the link to it.

