Markov Software



I used QBasic to create a .dat file and it works ok, .txt file did not. There may be a better way to convert the file ...


QuickBasic is Microsoft ... don't know if it's free yet. I can email the file to you as discussed bfr. You can then decide how many draws to use, Markov can handle all BC49 if you go that route.


No you don't. Just need to convert from .txt. I wonder if Excel or some other prog you have can save it as .dat or if another format is acceptable?

Ion Saliu

Text file format or ‘plain format’

You seem to be a lotto IQ guy. So do others.
First I thought you pretended “I can’t handle the truth!” film yell. In fact, you may be sincere.

‘Text’ format means a file with NO formatting at all. No font info, or page number added to the file in a ‘header’ section. The name ‘text file’ may be deceiving. A WinWord document is also a file containing text. I think the most accurate name would be ‘plain’ file. Or ‘plain character’ file. But that would send it back to complication again…
The word processors (like MS WinWord) complicate it because they ask for a ‘text’ file format, when they actually mean a plain-vanilla file, with no formatting. If you open Notepad and type anything: words, numbers, or a combination of both, you get a ‘text’ file. Save it. It has no formatting at all. It only contains whatever you typed and nothing else. You can do the same thing at the command (MS-DOS prompt) and type:
EDIT (and press the Enter key).
Type anything: words, numbers, or a combination of both, you get a ‘text’ file. Save it. It has no formatting at all. It only contains whatever you typed and nothing else.

That’s what they mean by ‘text file’.

My software uses data files in ‘text format’ only. The data files are simply rows of lottery numbers separated by commas or spaces. A blank space is the preferred delimiter, since it is international. Commas are different things to different persons. The Americans use commas as thousand separators; the Europeans use commas as decimal separators.
The files in text format are the simplest file format possible. Just type the draws as:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nothing can be simpler or easier…

MARKOV.EXE uses input and output files in ‘text’ format. Again:
1 2 3 4 5 6
The output, however, may be unsorted:
3 5 4 2 6 1

I wrote software (free, of course) to check the lottery data files for correct formatting:
I also wrote free software to sort the data files in ascending order:
I also wrote free software to check output ‘text’ files for winners:

You can’t find any better software for the listed tasks, period. If you want to check how MARKOV.EXE performed in your lotto-6 game of choice, you can only use the software listed above. You can get it from the free FTP download site at:

By the way, I think C. Lopes can make his program a lot easier to use by adding the following steps:
1) Naturally, add the copyright info at the top of the starting screen;
2) Add a few lines describing what the program does and its basic requirements;
3) Add a simple box where the user is asked to type the ‘input’ file;
4) Add a simple box where the user is asked to type the ‘output’ file;
5) If the run was successful, add a final dialog, informing ‘Success! Run it again (Y/N?)’.
No more <, or >, or ‘NO Word’…

My collection of DOS batch file menu utilities can also be of much help (MENU.EXE). Don’t be afraid of DOS. It can be as easy as Windows, only better. Just think that a VB GUI utility adds automatically 1.5-2 MB to any application. If my WINNERS.EXE seems large at 270KB+, VB would make a GUI app of at least 2000KB!
Could I afford to offer such behemoths for free? No way!

Ion Saliu


Thanks for that Ion, rest assured that I am sincere. Did not mean to confuse the issue re: text file format for Markov, as all can see I'm rusty in this area to say the least.

ComboManiac and I are BB friends and sometimes tend to use this venue as a 'chat line' as we have no other means of communication (excepting emailing via LT, the administrator here). We muddle our way through at times, trying to help each other with different aspects of our quest to better ourselves in 'predicting' in our fave lotto, BC49.

Thanks again for your input, it's much appreciated,

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Ion Saliu

Free or shareware DOS editors

No problem, old chap!
I certainly understand the ‘chatting’ need, since the ‘Net makes this huge celestial football an instant tribe-village.

I think DOS was the best thing that happened to computing. If it were more capable, it would have died in its cradle. If it were more complicated, it would have died in its cradle. No wonder Windows is still one of its limbs.
But I don’t worship nothing never!

So, there are many free things to create and edit ‘text or plain’ files.
One is at the DOS (command) prompt:
If your AUTOEXEC.BAT file is not set properly, you may need to enter the full path:

The best ever text (character-mode = another jargon entry!) editor is QEdit. You can get the shareware version of the venerable DOS editor from my FTP download site. I can only wish I wrote that capable of an editor!

You can also use my on-steroids editor MDIEditor and Lotto. It saves files in ‘text’ format by default. Some users report that the lottery data files get corrupt sometimes, depending on the Windows operating system. I have no clue when or why that happens. It shouldn’t, if the system is set properly. Just go to the end of the file (Ctrl+End) and press ‘Delete’ one or two times to delete the ending blank line(s).

Don’t use the free QBasic included in the \WINDOWS\COMMAND\ directory (folder). It attempts to save a file as a Basic source code file. That’s not a ‘text’ file! But if you want to start serious, no non-sense programming, QBasic may be the best tool there is! Hey, here is my first random lotto number generator:

‘example for a 6/49 game
101 N1 = INT(RND*49) + 1
N2 = INT(RND*49) + 1
IF N2 = N1 THEN GOTO 101
N3 = INT(RND*49) + 1
IF N3=N2 OR N3 = N1 THEN GOTO 101
N4 = INT(RND*49) + 1
IF N4=N3 OR N4=N2 OR N4 = N1 THEN GOTO 101
N5 = INT(RND*49) + 1
IF N5=N4 OR N5=N3 OR N5=N2 OR N5 = N1 THEN GOTO 101
N6 = INT(RND*49) + 1
IF N6=N5 OR N6=N4 OR N6=N3 OR N6=N2 OR N6 = N1 THEN GOTO 101

PRINT N1; N2; N3; N4; N5; N6

GOTO 101


Copy and paste the lines to QBasic and save as RAND649.BAS.

Press Pause to stop execution temporarily and see the combinations on screen. Press Ctrl+Break to terminate the program.
(Well, I think that’s valid if you have Quick Basic and compile to EXE. Otherwise, see what QBasic says on starting and stopping a program. I think the function key F5 starts the program.)

Again, nothing is better than DOS when it comes to lottery. Not even MDIEditor and Lotto. I am dissatisfied with the processing speed. I was forced to leave out quite a few functions!

Ion Saliu

The download site:


Good stuff ... I have written some rudimentary (read crude) programs using QBasic in the past for my own needs, mainly for checking trends, winnings, wheels etc. but then I got hooked on the web and found better. Your MDIEditor and UPDOWN, which I've used many times, were among others. Should be able to run your random generator, may try it when I get a chance.
I don't mind DOS and QBasic is the only 'language' I know, speak it with a heavy accent, but am spoiled now with the point and click routine.



Quick and cheap number generator

Why go to good old DOS to generate numbers.

In 6 cells of Excel, enter =RANDBETWEEN(1,49). If duplicate numbers appear or you do not like the numbers, press F9 until satisfied.

And if you want more or less numbers, just change the number of cells with the formula and there you have it.

And if you want an upper limit other than 49, just change 49 for whatever you like and there you have it.

You do not have to remember much and it can be used on any computer very rapidly (if it has Excel for sure).

And I find many things better than DOS for lottery analysis. Excel and VBA provides a few good tools.

yeah why go to old primitive DOS ..
Did yu mean entering that command after feeding excel with all history of let's say BC/49 ?


Random number generator

No ComboManiac, the function RANDBETWEEN just generate a random number between the 2 numbers given as parameters.

To me, this is as good as anything else for choosing numbers as I believe in the theory that past numbers have no influence on the next draw (but eventually all numbers will come out about an equal number of times).

But Excel with its many functions and with VBA is a excellent tool to analyze data, whether it is lottery or any kind. Playing around with Lotto 6/49 data has helped me increase my knowledge of Excel which I use in my day-to-day life.
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Thornc...I can't wait to see what results Brado is going to get with the Markov software on the long run....But I do admit that I'm skeptical :confused: about having results way ahead of expected random values using this math and this math alone...Like you said you obtained in some lotteries...We'll see... :eek2: :eek3:


Well Saliu, did some short tests and from his numbers I did perform from 2 to 7 times better then random selection!!

But the problem is that it still just hits 3in6 and 4in6 prizes!!


Re: Random number generator

GillesD said:
I believe in the theory that past numbers have no influence on the next draw (but eventually all numbers will come out about an equal number of times).

What about the Gaussian Bell Curve?



Re: Re: Random number generator

winhunter said:
What about the Gaussian Bell Curve?

Well andrew it takes a while for most people to understand that everything in the universe can be descript mathmatichaly!
The problem is than human kind doesn't have the math to describe the most complicated things yet!

The Gauss Distribution is a good example, almost every thing random in nature can be describe by a Gauss Distribution, heck that's why it's also called Normal!


Gaussin Bell Curve

The Gaussian Bell Curve certainly apply to many things but one thing it does not apply to is the distribution of individual numbers for a 6/49 lottery. Look at the distribution for Lotto 6/49 and all numbers are around the 243 mark (not a very nice bell shaped distribution).

The Gaussian Bell Curve (or normal distribution) applies to many characteristics for lottery results, such as:
- distribution of the sum of the six numbers (from 21 to 279);
- ratio of odd/even numbers (from 0/6 to 6/0);
- ratio of low/high numbers (from 0/6 to 6/0).


Try looking at the lexicographical order of the combinations...
In the existing 1000+ draws of the PT 6/49 lottery it's starting to resemble a normal distribution!

Heck, but don't forget that there are more complicated probability distributions out there... The Normal is just the one that most people know how to handle, or the first that they resort to!

In fact I would be surprised if someone someday would relate lottery drawing to Binumial or perhaps Chi Square distribution...
(just as an example...)



Dennis Bassboss said:
Thornc...I can't wait to see what results Brado is going to get with the Markov software on the long run....But I do admit that I'm skeptical :confused: about having results way ahead of expected random values using this math and this math alone...Like you said you obtained in some lotteries...We'll see... :eek2: :eek3:
Are we there yet? Are we having fun yet? ;) Well unkie D here's the first batch of results for BC49 draw1150 :

hist.lines ... output.lines ... match 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5+. 6.

010 ... 012 ... 02
015 ... 010 ... 01
020 ... 016 ... 02
020 ... 011 ... 03
020 ... 024 ... 02
025 ... 005 ... 01
030 ... 016 ... 03. 02
040 ... 046 ... 16. 04
050 ... 031 ... 06. 05. 01
075 ... 039 ... 14. 04
100 ... 043 ... 19. 01
150 ... 085 ... 41. 08
200 ... 059 ... 22. 07. 01
250 ... 185 ... 75. 26. 04
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