Snides, that would $76.50 + 2x$10 = $96.50 ... so very close, but still a small loss.Snides said:Two 3 # wins and a 4 # win, not sure what that pays, but it might add up to more than the $98 that would have been spent on that wheel..
Snides, that would $76.50 + 2x$10 = $96.50 ... so very close, but still a small loss.Snides said:Two 3 # wins and a 4 # win, not sure what that pays, but it might add up to more than the $98 that would have been spent on that wheel..
dwoods99 said:Yes, I ran your list through my program and 1 second later it spitted out these winning lines...
Line 095: 12 13 19 20 29 33 -- $10
Line 114: 12 19 32 33 35 47 -- $10
Line 127: 13 18 32 33 35 47 -- $10
Line 132: 14 15 18 19 29 31 -- $10
Line 152: 18 19 20 29 35 47 -- $76.50
Line 154: 19 21 26 29 31 47 -- $10
Line 155: 19 21 31 33 35 47 -- $10
Congrats !
Dennis Bassboss said:Maybe my eyes are not that good ...But I'll stick to 18 as all the official Lotteries site are telling us that it was 18 as the first number Luckystrike....And I'm gonna describe this one for you buddy! eightTeeennnn...