I am a math teacher...the only reliable theory that you can find is well in french we call it
"La loi des grands nombres" I don't know how to translate that into English
but what it says is this ...after numerous draws (lots and lots of draws) the total time each numbers are drawn should be close to equal, if not somebody is tricking the dices....
Now there is two ways to approach the draws
1- Long term
2- Short term
In the long term any given number in a normal distribution of numbers should come up as many times as any other only the order should be different from a couple of thousand draws compare to another couple of thousand draws..so from there on if we look at the core of draws (lets take the sums here) if you filter your set of numbers and play right in the hot zone ( where there is the most hits) you should hit after many,many draws ....but it could take for ever to hit decently....
In the short term the datas are less reliables to a certain point because we are at the merci of the first reality...but we can nevertheless track some constent variables...the hot and cold numbers are just that....the odd and even...hit and skip...and so on....but we need more than just that to achieve success because there are too many hot numbers or cold numbers all put together...this is where the sums and the announced numbers can help...by taking only the announced numbers in the last 27 draws from a pool of 30 to 40 numbers only twice less than 3 numbers came up...it is excellent to start picking our numbers but again if we take only the best announced numbers in our set and if we do not look at other criterias we do not gain substancial chances of often capturing all the numbers simply because in order to do it frequently we have to somehow shrink that large pool of numbers whithout giving up the essence of that set.
I have all kinds of stuff build up in excell too and even in visual basic homemade programs but the interpretation of the stats are always more important than the stats themselves.
Here on this board we are mostly looking at the short term predictions game and this is the trickiest one no doubts about it!
So stop looking for that secret formula ...it just doesn't exist...
One thing that stands out is the fact that history has a strong tendancy to partially repeats itself time and time again...so by looking at what comes with what before you can on some occasions have many good numbers in your set...and you will have much more if you apply other theories to it.
The grouping of numbers is another thing that I'm not going to get in in this post but history shows the way.The LD theory is also another asset to fully consider when picking up numbers...the same thing for consecutives and repeaters from a previous draw...there are some trends out there I have notice and gain on knowing them...I know one that announces a high draw and I also know one that announces a triple LD...I also know one that tells me that a number from a pair of consecutives will repeat....I have predicted them quite a few times it is all there but we have to dig in order to find them!
As for the wheels to play ....There is a lot of good ones out there too but my favourite is the 10 numbers 5/5 in 30 lines of course I'm adding a DN ....but don't worry my DN rarely miss target and even if it did I still have a 4/4 garranty in the rest of my wheel.
Hope it helps!
By the way I will hit in the next folks!