>aaa_2500, I appreciate you keeping some of you thoughts
>secret - I think we all have those but if I could ask a question -
>could you apply your methods to a 6/49 lottery or have you
>found your strategy ONLY works with 7/36? Have you found
>something interesting that only applies to 7/36?
No, my strategy will work with a 649, but not with the same results...
more numbers drawn from a smaller pool of numbers is always better.
>I recall some discussion about deviation from medians and
>positional limits/walls but nothing else comes to mind.
Except for positional limits, you won't find anything on this board relating to my strategy, but You will find some ideas which I have never pursued for various reasons... If I find something curious, then I have been known to post on it
>Any response would be appreciated
I don't claim to have found the grail, but I have seen my hitrate increase after formulating my strategy, and with further refinement I have seen the hit rate increase...(hitrate= number of predicted drawn numbers pr. draw on average)
There are many reasons for keeping it to myself... I have been ridiculed for believing that I can increase my hitrate. I don't have that much understanding of math, and any college graduate could(and have) run circles around me with math.
It really bothers me that I can consistently produce a much better hitrate, and some snotty college kid grinning and saying, 'it's impossible because"#¤%#"&/#¤"¤#¤¤#%#¤"%#%##¤#%#¤%¤%¤¤##¤%!"!"¤#"&#&#"¤&¤#&¤&"&¤"¤¤¤""&#"¤%"&¤"¤¤#%"!##"!&#!#!"&#!!#&#!#&!""#""#¤"&%&"¤/¤%(/&)&(¤%#¤/¤¤¤¤&(¤/&%#""¤#%#&%¤%/&¤%/¤%&/¤%/&%&%//&. So as You can see the lottery is purely random and whatever You are experiencing is just luck!'
Another reason is that I don't work very fast, and I know that if I published my strategy, someone could propably write a program, key in his local history and start using my strategy in a few days of concentrated effort.
I can't count the number of times when I have seen a "gimme da codes*" post on lottery related boards or newsgroups.
* Programming related... When someone new to programming decides not to bother learning how to program, and then posts on some board asking for 'codeexamples' that he can just copy/paste and compile...
Just some thoughts