Free lotto-5, lotto-6, lotto-7 wheels & systems


Ion Saliu

Ion, why do you waste your time developing wheeling software? Any fool knows that trying to catch the jackpot by wheeling is an utter and total waste of time. Wheeling guarantees that you will not win the jackpot. How about explaining in detail about the usage of Lie files. For example if you PURGE with then would this be the correct technique?



Forever axiomatic be your name for it proves the necessity of the quest for knowledge!

You sez:

“Ion, why do you waste your time developing wheeling software? Any fool knows that trying to catch the jackpot by wheeling is an utter and total waste of time.”

I couldn’t agree with you more, o wise one! That is, on most occasions, but not this time. For this time I agree with you 110%. There have been requests for this kind of wheeling software, including from this forum. Apparently, there are issues with some lotto wheels out there. Players want to see exactly what combinations are missing. So this is only an attempt to help those who do waste time (and money!) with lotto wheeling. There is no serious waste of time for me, really. I wrote my wheeling software many years ago, when I believed lotto wheeling worked. Now I know for sure it doesn’t work:

(“The myth of lotto wheels or abbreviated lotto systems”).

Only one form of “wheeling” does offer better results than random play. Pick combinations with superior lexicographic indexes, with optimal spacing between them. When I started this thread in rec.gambling.lottery in 2003, I published also such an indexed “wheel” for lotto 5/36 in Florida. The ‘3 of 5’ lexicographically indexed set of combinations beat the random selection by a whole lot, including hitting two jackpots.

But you are right about filtering and purging. They work significantly better than lotto wheeling. The LIE files are a special form of filtering. Reverse strategy works very well against the wheels. You know that in the overwhelming majority of situations the wheels don’t hit the jackpot. Moreover, they perform worse at hitting higher prizes. For example, a ‘3 of 6’ wheel is worse at hitting ‘4 of 6’, ‘5 of 6’, and ‘6 of 6’. So, the wheels are great LIE files! Put the files at the top of a data file (e.g. D6). The LIE files, however, require tedious work sometimes. On the other hand, I can’t afford the luxury of getting into details. But it is easy to get the principle. The rest means some effort on your part — and time to spend, if you have enough! You can cooperate with others. I am pursuing now my own strategies (top 10 pairings and skips), plus I have an issue to settle with the kasinos.

Best of luck!

Laius Usail,
Doctor en Ciencia Oculta de la Rotacion,
Doctor in Occult Science of Wheeling
(featuring also WheelCheck5.EXE for lotto-5 wheeling and verifying).


How can someone calculate the number of combination?
For exeample in 7/39 loto
1,2,3,4,5,6 = first combination
1,2,3,4,5,6,11 = 5th combination
1,2,3,4,5,7,25 = 51 th combination


system6.exe cdex49 36

Ion Saliu: is there any way that your system6. exe, cdex49 36, could be provided without going to expense of joining your prigrams. In the past when I tried to install and work thru' yur downloads I ended up with meshmush. Gave up. Now I hear that there is some question as to the above and would like to look at it. It would keep me busy. These Golden years, physically are hard to adapt to at least the mind can be kept busy with whatever physical effort is needed:nopity: madam


yanamarre said:

1 2 3 4 5 49
1 2 6 11 17 20
1 2 7 10 16 21
1 2 8 13 15 18
1 2 9 12 14 19
1 3 6 10 15 19
1 3 7 11 14 18
1 3 8 12 17 21
1 3 9 13 16 20
1 4 6 13 14 21
1 4 7 12 15 20
1 4 8 11 16 19
1 4 9 10 17 18
1 5 6 12 16 18
1 5 7 13 17 19
1 5 8 10 14 20
1 5 9 11 15 21
1 6 7 8 9 49
1 10 11 12 13 49
1 14 15 16 17 49
1 18 19 20 21 49
2 3 6 7 12 13
2 3 8 9 10 11
2 3 14 15 20 21
2 3 16 17 18 19
2 4 6 9 15 16
2 4 7 8 14 17
2 4 10 13 19 20
2 4 11 12 18 21
2 5 6 8 19 21
2 5 7 9 18 20
2 5 10 12 15 17
2 5 11 13 14 16
2 6 10 14 18 49
2 7 11 15 19 49
2 8 12 16 20 49
2 9 13 17 21 49
3 4 6 8 18 20
3 4 7 9 19 21
3 4 10 12 14 16
3 4 11 13 15 17
3 5 6 9 14 17
3 5 7 8 15 16
3 5 10 13 18 21
3 5 11 12 19 20
3 6 11 16 21 49
3 7 10 17 20 49
3 8 13 14 19 49
3 9 12 15 18 49
3 5 6 7 10 11
4 5 8 9 12 13
4 5 14 15 18 19
4 5 16 17 20 21
4 6 12 17 19 49
4 7 13 16 18 49
4 8 10 15 21 49
4 9 11 14 20 49
5 6 13 15 20 49
5 7 12 14 21 49
5 8 11 17 18 49
5 9 10 16 19 49
6 7 14 16 19 20
6 7 15 17 18 21
6 8 10 13 16 17
6 8 11 12 14 15
6 9 10 12 20 21
6 9 11 13 18 19
7 8 10 12 18 19
7 8 11 13 20 21
7 9 10 13 14 15
7 9 11 12 16 17
8 9 14 16 18 21
8 9 15 17 19 20
10 11 14 17 19 21
10 11 15 16 18 20
12 13 14 17 18 20
12 13 15 16 19 21
22 23 25 31 34 48
22 23 25 35 42 43
22 23 28 30 44 46
22 24 26 27 28 44
22 24 31 41 45 48
22 24 33 37 40 41
22 25 27 29 34 43
22 25 30 36 39 43
22 25 32 43 46 47
22 26 31 38 40 48
22 26 33 37 38 45
22 27 28 31 46 48
22 28 29 38 41 44
22 28 34 40 44 45
22 29 30 31 33 48
22 32 33 35 36 37
22 33 37 39 42 47
22 34 37 43 44 46
23 24 27 30 41 46
23 24 29 36 40 47
23 24 32 34 38 39
23 25 27 28 33 37
23 25 30 37 46 48
23 26 29 32 39 45
23 26 32 35 42 45
23 26 34 36 41 47
23 27 32 39 40 41
23 27 36 38 45 47
23 28 31 35 37 42
23 29 30 36 39 42
23 29 37 43 44 48
23 30 31 33 43 46
23 30 34 38 40 46
23 30 35 36 46 47
23 33 35 42 44 48
24 25 26 27 37 48
24 25 28 33 41 45
24 25 31 38 44 45
24 26 27 31 33 43
24 26 29 34 40 45
24 27 34 39 42 47
24 28 38 40 43 48
24 29 30 32 40 42
24 29 35 39 40 46
24 30 34 35 38 47
24 32 35 36 38 41
24 34 36 38 42 46
24 37 41 43 44 45
25 26 28 33 38 40
25 26 31 40 41 44
25 28 29 33 44 46
25 28 30 33 34 43
25 29 37 38 41 48
25 31 32 35 36 44
25 31 32 39 42 44
25 31 35 39 44 47
25 31 36 42 44 47
25 34 37 40 45 48
26 28 41 43 45 48
26 29 30 35 45 47
26 29 32 45 46 47
26 29 36 42 45 46
26 30 32 34 41 42
26 30 32 36 39 45
26 34 35 39 41 46
26 37 38 40 43 44
27 28 29 31 34 37
27 29 33 34 44 48
27 29 34 35 38 41
27 30 31 37 43 44
27 30 32 38 42 45
27 30 35 40 41 47
27 32 34 35 36 40
27 35 38 39 45 46
27 36 40 41 42 46
28 30 31 36 37 39
28 31 32 37 46 47
28 32 35 39 43 48
28 32 36 42 43 48
28 35 36 43 47 48
28 39 42 43 47 48
29 31 33 38 41 43
30 33 36 39 44 48
31 33 34 40 43 45
32 33 44 46 47 48
38 39 40 41 42 47

This wheel is missing one combination.
4 7 10 23 29 41
is one that has only 2 hits
I entered this wheel into Covermaster for the results
Tested 13,983,816 = 100%
Covered 13,969,236 = 99.89574%
Uncovered 14,580 = 0.10426%
Finishing the wheel it gives
4 5 6 7 10 11
to make it 100%


zerro said:
This wheel is missing one combination.
4 7 10 23 29 41
is one that has only 2 hits
I entered this wheel into Covermaster for the results
Tested 13,983,816 = 100%
Covered 13,969,236 = 99.89574%
Uncovered 14,580 = 0.10426%
Finishing the wheel it gives
4 5 6 7 10 11
to make it 100%

Here is the source info for that wheel 3-match and a guaranteed two-match.


Appeal about lotto sistem 6 from 36/33

saliu said:
Free lotto-5, lotto-6, lotto-7 wheels & systems

• A number of lotto wheels are available to you for free from The wheels (abbreviated systems) are compressed in three self-extracting EXE files: SYSTEM6.EXE, WHEEL5.EXE, WHEEL7.EXE.

WHEEL5.EXE: Lotto-5 Wheels

SYS-9 35 = 9-number '3 of 5' wheel, 3 combinations
SYS-10 35 = 10-number '3 of 5' wheel, 6 combinations
SYS-11 35 = 11-number '3 of 5' wheel, 6 combinations
SYS-12 35 = 12-number '3 of 5' wheel, 12 combinations
SYS-13 35 = 13-number '3 of 5' wheel, 12 combinations
SYS-14 35 = 14-number '3 of 5' wheel, 13 combinations
SYS-15 35 = 15-number '3 of 5' wheel, 27 combinations
SYS-16 35 = 16-number '3 of 5' wheel, 35 combinations
SYS-17 35 = 17-number '3 of 5' wheel, 47 combinations
SYS-18 35 = 18-number '3 of 5' wheel, 51 combinations
SYS-19 35 = 19-number '3 of 5' wheel, 59 combinations
SYS-20 35 = 20-number '3 of 5' wheel, 71 combinations

WHEEL7.EXE: Lotto-7 Wheels

SYS-10 57 = 10-number '5 of 7' wheel, 3 combinations
SYS-11 57 = 11-number '5 of 7' wheel, 5 combinations
SYS-12 57 = 12-number '5 of 7' wheel, 11 combinations
SYS-13 57 = 13-number '5 of 7' wheel, 18 combinations
SYS-14 57 = 14-number '5 of 7' wheel, 27 combinations
SYS-15 57 = 15-number '5 of 7' wheel, 43 combinations
SYS-16 57 = 16-number '5 of 7' wheel, 63 combinations
SYS-17 57 = 17-number '5 of 7' wheel, 105 combinations
SYS-18 57 = 18-number '5 of 7' wheel, 154 combinations
SYS-19 57 = 19-number '5 of 7' wheel, 159 combinations
SYS-20 57 = 20-number '5 of 7' wheel, 253 combinations
SYS-20 57 = 20-number '5 of 7' wheel, 366 combinations

SYSTEM6.EXE: Lotto-6 Wheels

SYS-9 46 = 9-number '4 of 6' wheel, 3 combinations
SYS-10 46 = 10-number '4 of 6' wheel, 5 combinations
SYS10 46 = 10-number '4 of 6' wheel, 3 combinations
SYS-11 46 = 11-number '4 of 6' wheel, 11 combinations
SYS11 46 = 11-number '4 of 6' wheel, 5 combinations
SYS-12 46 = 12-number '4 of 6' wheel, 10 combinations
SYS12 46 = 12-number '4 of 6' wheel, 6 combinations
SYS-13 46 = 13-number '4 of 6' wheel, 23 combinations
SYS-14 46 = 14-number '4 of 6' wheel, 23 combinations
SYS-15 46 = 15-number '4 of 6' wheel, 31 combinations
SYS-16 46 = 16-number '4 of 6' wheel, 53 combinations
SYS-18 36 = 18-number '3 of 6' wheel, 20 combinations
SYS-18 46 = 18-number '4 of 6' wheel, 104 combinations
SYS18 46 = 18-number '4 of 6' wheel, 51 combinations
SYS-20 36 = 20-number '3 of 6' wheel, 30 combinations
SYS-20 46 = 20-number '4 of 6' wheel, 154 combinations
SYS-20 F1 = 20-number , 1 FAVORITE, '4 of 6' wheel, 59 combinations
SYS-20 F2 = 20-number , 2 FAVORITES, '4 of 6' wheel, 20 combinations
SYS-24 36 = 24-number '3 of 6' wheel, 74 combinations
SYS-24 46 = 24-number '4 of 6' wheel, 453 combinations
SYS-28 46 = 28-number '4 of 6' wheel, 570 combinations
SYS-30 36 = 30-number '3 of 6' wheel, 115 combinations
SYS-30 46 = 30-number '4 of 6' wheel, 974 combinations
SYS-30 F1 = 30-number , 1 FAVORITE, '4 of 6' wheel, 241 combinations
SYS-30 F2 = 30-number , 2 FAVORITES, '4 of 6' wheel, 48 combinations

WHEEL42 36 = 42-number '3 of 6' wheel, 252 combinations
WHEEL45 36 = 45-number '3 of 6' wheel, 304 combinations
WHEEL49 36 = 49-number '3 of 6' wheel, 416 combinations
WHEEL51 36 = 51-number '3 of 6' wheel, 477 combinations
WHEEL54 36 = 54-number '3 of 6' wheel, 575 combinations
WHEEL69 36 = 69-number '3 of 6' wheel, 1298 combinations

CDEX49 36 = 49-number 'random generation', 416 combinations (created by Joe Roberts-CDEX)
GENER 49 = 49-number 'random generation', 416 combinations, using
the random number generator at
Both random combination sets beat any wheel of equal parameters as far as higher prizes are concerned.

• Use SHUFFLE.EXE or FORMULA.EXE to shuffle (randomly arrange) your picks. Repeat the randomizing procedure several times.

•• Use FillWheel.exe to 'wheel' your picks; i.e. replace the theoretical numbers in the SYS/WHEEL files by your picks.

We was posting seriously on the wheels in 2000. I created a 49-number ‘3 of 6’ lotto wheel: WHEEL49.36 (416 combinations). I thought it would perform better than any random set with the same amount of combinations. Quote:

“Essentially, I said that WHEEL49.36 always performs better because it
is a system. That is, all the combinations are linked by certain rules.
I explained how important it is to have balanced frequencies of the
numbers taken individually. I also explained how important is to have a
good balance of the pairs. The statistical balance is the main reason
why I didn’t even bother to check my wheel against more real drawing
data files.”

That wheel (WHEEL49.36) had a quick ‘5-winner’ hit in a lottery. It also performed better in the short run in other lotteries. One rec.gambling.lottery regular, Joe Roberts-CDEX created a random set (albeit not entirely random!): CDEX49.36. He challenged WHEEL49.36 to a test. Another r.g.l. old-timer, Nick Koutras tested both “wheels” and wrote:

“If we use real payoffs (3-w=10$, 4-win=70$, 5-win=1722$) and using the Saliu Design we shall generate more profit by 5.3236081% than using the Random Design.”

I changed my position diametrically. So did Joe Roberts. I would give Joe full credit, but his original opinion was motivated only by being opposite to mine. Then he also diametrically changed his opinion, only because I changed mine diametrically! He now believes that the wheels perform better as compared to random sets of equal size. I changed my opinion based on facts, specifically based on data analysis. I have checked the wheels and random sets against more data files (real draws files) and larger data files.

I tested WHEEL49.36, CDEX49.36, and GENER.49 against the UK lotto-6 draw file (without bonus number). My UK-6 file has 758 draws. The three test wheels consist of 416 combinations each.
WHEEL49.36: 0 ‘6 hits’, 5 ‘5 hits’, 308 ‘4 hits’, 5625 ‘3 hits’;
CDEX49.36: 0 ‘6 hits’, 8 ‘5 hits’, 323 ‘4 hits’, 5493 ‘3 hits’;
GENER.49: 0 ‘6 hits’, 9 ‘5 hits’, 333 ‘4 hits’, 5549 ‘3 hits’;
It is clear that the real wheel (WHEEL49.36) performs better only in regards to the guarantee it was designed for: ‘3 of 6’. The random sets, however clearly perform better in the higher prize categories. For a mathematical explanation read:

You cannot use LotWon, SuperPower or MDIEditor and Lotto to generate test sets. Like the universal random number generator at, LotWon enables a group of data-independent internal filters. In addition, LotWon employs some data-dependent internal filters automatically. Therefore, the combination sets may not have any hit in a past draw file. It will have far better results in future draws, however. It is recommended to run the combination generators several times before using a combination set. If you run the universal random number generator at a few hundred times, the probability to hit higher prizes is undoubtedly higher.

Download the free lotto-5, lotto-6, and lotto-7 wheels from the FTP Download site:

You can also download some of my free programs from WinSite. If clicking on the following links doesn’t work in your browser, then copy the link and paste it into the address box of your browser.
FORMULA.EXE from|0|14500000036893

COMBINATIONS.EXE from|0|15000000036444

Ion Saliu

I am Elkhan and I am interesting lottosistem 6 from 36/33 with garanti minimum 4 maximum 5 number if I have all 6 numbers from 36/33 with minimal cvantity. Please answer to my email address <<< email address removed >>>. Exusme for my English.
Best regard
Last edited by a moderator:



You keep asking the same question in different threads, two of the threads have an answer for you or information but you have not responded to them. If you do not respond to replies that people have left for you they will give up trying to help you.


You are NOT ALLOWED to post email addresses on this forum as per the RULES.


12:45, restate my assumptions.
Mathematics is the language of nature.
Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns everywhere in nature.


Appologies, duplicate post deleted.

12:45, restate my assumptions.
Mathematics is the language of nature.
Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns everywhere in nature.


Hello, SALUI, please help me on this! It is a lottery 60/6, after setting
The suits, peers and the unit (number one) how to build wheels with this?
Example = the wheel has to be so, (12,32,42) (25.36) 55, the guarantee is intended to set clear
The suit and peers, how can I make wheels suit and peers? Thank Saliu.
Another example suit = 12,34,45, how to calculate the probability positional
In this suit, we have 20 positions, the best position of this suit, as is done
This positional calculation of probabilities?
Salui on this pattern when I share the lottery 60/6 to 4 groups a group
Will have zero or one number and another group will have two or more 100% in all, a clear group
You can have the six numbers, but the mimimo is two, so if I play two numbers in group
Where a number is zero or I'll lose, and if the group has two or more I play I will lose a number too, using a rotation system to pay this pattern? Thank Saliu


Hello, on wheels I agree that has hit the numbers, is the game after all!
So let's do so, has earlier Forum member on wheels will understand the concept
Example = of a lottery 6/49, assemble wheels, split into 4 groups, 49/6, in 4 editions leaving a group outside, we have 3 groups of 12 and 13, and a group, then on 4 ediçaoes
Are 36 numbers within these 4 36 groups certainly has 5 to 6numero in 100%
After assembling the wheels from 0 to 3 the number of each lot up to the 49 numbers (all numbers)
This pattern of up to 3 numbers for each draw past is a powerful,
Good, cross-segment temso at most 3 number of each draw, combining
Pairs and trios of sweepstakes, after once again separates in pairs and trios of the wheel, if dropping, the base only plays the last, is a standard type crossing, only playing the final system wheels descarantando the first Union of pairs of threes, we need to see if you need to do, another break-up of the second combination of course always leaving a group of 12 numbers outbut it is not known which group do in 4 editions, one of the 4 editions of 36 has with you scratching of 5 to 6 numbers with 100%


