When you say populate I assume you mean the order in which you put the #s into the wheel? Also called *loading*? I put all the 6 winning #s in the highest hitting positions, got a 3/6. and then tested it in about 20 different set ups as well and best was 4/6. My point was that something was terribly wrong since I put in the 6 winning #s and didn't get a JP. & the software makes all sorts of claims..... THAT was enough to drive me crazy. & Of course, as a human, I refuse to accept the blame myself, prefering instead, to blame the equipment.Goswinus said:Please remember: It's not the wheel that's crap, it's the population.

Although, I'm sure you'd agree that not all wheels are created equally. If I had a choice between a wheel that would give me a JP or a 100% guaranteed 3/6 win, I'd take the JP wheel. Who wouldn't? I don't give a flying monkey about wheel guarantees, I want to win millions from having the jackpot winning combination on my ticket. I think some wheel makers use the smaller guarantees to make people think they're getting somewhere, but they're not. {getting closer to winning big) I have an inkling that it's all a conspiracy.

But, realistically, I've heard others complain that Gail Howards wheeling software isn't as good as some others you can get. I prefer something I can use filters with. & hers doesn't have that.