Fingerprinting a draw


peter said:
And the third set of brackets, are the numbers, expressed as to whether or not the ballnumber in that position from the previous draw was either, up, down, or even ( stayed the same).

I chart this as a graph with a line for each ball. I'm more of a visual person than a stat person, so I can predict better from the artsy fartsy line graph. I think I might start tracking this all the same tho. thxs.


Beaker said:
When I did this in colour, it looked like mountain ranges. :eek:
I combined the 10's with 20's and 30's with 40's in colour. Seriously looks like waves. :eek:
I'm visualizing you did it as bar graphs, not line graphs? Wonder how they'd look as each.
Gail Howard has bar graphs for each individual decade, which shows a decs trend. {bell curves) I never thought about overlapping them all... superimposing the graphs. That would give visual folks like me an instant showing of what decade trends/follows, etc. Thanks for that idea! & the work involved is considerably less than adding by hand what followed what for 50 #s. !!!
*And since we're talking about this, anybody know of a really good sw that would let you switch between graph modes? I have Quattro, which has bad graphs.


Peter still uses Quattro Pro Rebeckah, maybe he has some ideas about graphs.

I didn't actually graph them, just coloured the cells 1=yellow,2 and 3 = green 4 and 5 is red. Called 'Conditional Formatting' in Excel - not sure if you can do it in QPro. :confused:


Using Linear Transposition for fingerprinting

<<< link deleted by LT dowjones has been kind enogh to post the info for us below >>>

Check out this website for an alternative method in "fingerprinting" and analysing draws.
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Hey dowjones,

posting your link here is a no no :rolleyes: as it leads to another forum, can you delete it pls ?


Beaker said:
I didn't actually graph them, just coloured the cells 1=yellow,2 and 3 = green 4 and 5 is red. Called 'Conditional Formatting' in Excel - not sure if you can do it in QPro. :confused:

Unless I missed it, Q10 just has line graphs. Which are very crude too. I guess I'll just do something by hand on paper, which is easy to maintain once you get it set up.


Rebeckah, I never use the graph features on Quattro, I also do alot of coloring, use the block properties feature (right click) and color the various cells, it works for me.
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Linear Transposition

Brad said:
Hey dowjones,

posting your link here is a no no :rolleyes: as it leads to another forum, can you delete it pls ?


But I don't have the permission to delete my own post.

Anyway, here's the info:-

Track and Wheel your Lottery Numbers with L-Trans

General Information:

Whether you are playing PICK 3, PICK 4, PICK 5 or PICK 6 lotteries it helps you to track your predictions or the results. The Linear Transposition (short L-Trans, or l-trans) is a concept that allows you to divide the numbers within a set into groups of 2 and N numbers. Each group has an assigned index number. These groups can be used to track drawings, evaluate pattern, wheel groups with each other or evaluate predictions.

Base and Starting Point Definition:

The two variables within the Linear Transposition function are the Base (Number of groups) and the Starting Point (or Base Constant, the first Number of the Field). The Starting Point of 0 is standard for PICK 3 and PICK 4 lotteries, for PICK 5 and PICK 6 lotteries the Starting Point is usually 1.

Perfect Groups:

The grouping is based on the field of numbers (or population) of the lottery game. Perfect groups are groups are have an equal amount of numbers. Not every lottery has perfect groups. Lotteries that have a prime number as a the population, cannot have prefect groups. An example would be the 5/37 Cash 5 of the Texas Lottery.

Case Example

For example the perfect group for 6/49 lotteries is a base of 7 with a starting point of 1, or in short L-Trans(7,1) with the following contents:
Index #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
Group 1 1 8 15 22 29 36 43
Group 2 2 9 16 23 30 37 44
Group 3 3 10 17 24 31 38 45
Group 4 4 11 18 25 32 39 46
Group 5 5 12 19 26 33 40 47
Group 6 6 13 20 27 34 41 48
Group 7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49

Group Index and Contents

The Chart on the left show the linear transposition for each number of each group in the example. 8 (Group Index 1) transposes by 1 to 9 (Group Index 2) up to 14 (Group Index 7). 24 (Group Index 3) transposes by 3 linearly to 27 (Group Index 6).

In the chart you can see that every column belongs to a Group (e. g. 45, 38, 31, 24, 17, 10 an 3 are part of Group 3).

Tracking with L-Trans Index

Using the Group Indexes (one complete set of group index is also known as the L-Trans index) you can easily simplify Lottery drawings, results or predictions.

Set Example:
2,16, 32, 33, 42, 49
has the following l-trans index: 224577

The tracking through l-trans index compresses the numbers to only six digits (if less than 10 groups) and can show transposition trends very easily.
Number 2 16 32 33 42 49
Group Index 2 2 4 5 7 7

Imperfect Groups

As mentioned earlier not every lottery can have the same amount of numbers in each group. The number is based on the population. Here an example of a typical lottery with Imperfect groups.

Texas Cash 5 5/37 can for example be grouped by using L-Trans (9,1):
Index #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Group 1 1 10 19 28 37
Group 2 2 11 20 29
Group 3 3 12 21 30
Group 4 4 13 22 31
Group 5 5 14 23 32
Group 6 6 15 24 33
Group 7 7 16 25 34
Group 8 8 17 26 35
Group 9 9 18 27 36

The groups 2 to 9 contain 4 numbers, the group 1 contains 5 numbers. Even though the groups are imperfect, they can still be used for tracking and wheeling purposes.


Thanks Brad for seeing that other forum on the link :) and thanks dowjones for posting the L-Trans info :agree2:


Beaker said:
I didn't actually graph them, just coloured the cells 1=yellow,2 and 3 = green 4 and 5 is red.
Beaker, mine is set up as decdes down the left, game #s across the top and *qty of each decade* colored accordingly.

Or do you mean *decade by position*, with position down the left, game # across the top and colors used for the decades? both are :cool:


Rebeckah said:
Beaker, mine is set up as decdes down the left, game #s across the top and *qty of each decade* colored accordingly.

Or do you mean *decade by position*, with position down the left, game # across the top and colors used for the decades? both are :cool:

Both I think :lol:

I have each row of the spreadsheet is a draw :agree:

Beside the numbers from the draws, I list 7 columns with decade by position (in colour) then LD's in colour, then 5 columns of quantity of decades in colour.

And other Beaker stuff - you guessed it - in colour.

Spreadsheets are great :lol:


oh, ok, now I understand where you get the image of mountain ranges from. :) That's 5 ideas for charts we just put out there. :agree2: & I agree, spreadsheets are very helpful & :cool:


FingerPrinting a Draw

Hi Beaker,

I do the UK 649 Lottery, and would be very interested in the Formulas ( I asume you are using Excel ) you use to calculate the Decades and Last Digits, and how you get them to appear in colour.

Many thanks for your help.



Re: FingerPrinting a Draw

PAB said:
Hi Beaker,

I do the UK 649 Lottery, and would be very interested in the Formulas ( I asume you are using Excel ) you use to calculate the Decades and Last Digits, and how you get them to appear in colour.

Many thanks for your help.

Spreadsheet is set up with
Where n1 is the number drawn
D1 is Decade 1 0-9
D2 is decade 2 10-19
LD0 is 10-20-30-40
LD1 is 1-11-21-31-41

For each of the drawn numbers n1,n2...apply the following
where B2 is the cell that has n1, B3 has n2 etc.


To get count summarys for LD's do this for the 10 columns:

IF(RIGHT($B2,1) = "0",1,0) + IF(RIGHT($C2,1) = "0",1,0) + IF(RIGHT($D2,1) = "0",1,0) + IF(RIGHT($E2,1) = "0",1,0) + IF(RIGHT($F2,1) = "0",1,0) + IF(RIGHT($G2,1) = "0",1,0)

Substitute "1" for LD1, "2" for LD2 etc.

Hope that makes sense. :notme:

For colour, highlight the cell(s) then Format-->Conditional Format then apply the conditions (up to 3) then format-->Patterns and choose the colour you like. I do this for all my data.

Len Goundry, who is a member here, has a good site for UK results. Check him out if you haven't already. :agree:
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Fingerprinting a Draw

Hi Beaker,

Thanks for information.
I am not quite sure how the decades work out though.
I copied the formula into excel but appear to be getting some weird results.

Thanks again.


Re: Fingerprinting a Draw

PAB said:
Hi Beaker,

Thanks for information.
I am not quite sure how the decades work out though.
I copied the formula into excel but appear to be getting some weird results.

Thanks again.
You should see the following for your draw 1 :notme:

3 5 14 22 30 44 10 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0

This is what I see when the cells are in colour:

3 5 14 22 30 44 10 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0

play with it - works well when you add the colours.


Fingerprinting a Draw

Hi Beaker,

That is exactly what I have got.
I am being a bit slow tonight ( probably the 12 hour shift catching up with me ).
I do have 1 1 2 3 4 5 for the decades, but I do not understand what this means.

Thanks ( tired from the UK )


Re: Fingerprinting a Draw

PAB said:
Hi Beaker,

That is exactly what I have got.
I am being a bit slow tonight ( probably the 12 hour shift catching up with me ).
I do have 1 1 2 3 4 5 for the decades, but I do not understand what this means.

Thanks ( tired from the UK )
:lol: 12 hours will do that PAB. OK stop thinking. :agree:


Decade 1 = 0-9
Decade 2 = 10-19
decade 3 = 20-29
decade 4 = 30-39
decade 5 = 40-49


03 decade 1 so it is a 1
05 decade 1 so it is a 1
14 decade 2 so it is a 2
22 decade 3 so it is a 3
30 decade 4 so it is a 4
40 decade 5 so it is a 5
10 decade 2 so it is a 3

The decade signature for draw 1

3 5 14 22 30 44 10 is 1 1 2 3 4 5 2

Now, with conditional formatting you can only have 3 conditions

I have 1 = yellow, 2-3 green and 4-5 red - nice picture :agree2:

Check for other draws with the same signature and see what hit next for example. Check for 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 red and 1 green and what hit next. Check for 2 yellow only and what hit next.
Check for above and below 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 red and 1 green and see if the same pattern has hit before. On and on :dizzy:

Might look better tomorrow



Fingerprinting a Draw

Thanks Beaker,

I will look at that tomorrow.
I am off to get soms Z's.



WINhunter tie in

I know, it has been a while since I have actively posted here. But I try to keep up with you guys!

Anyway, after reading alot of your posts I come to the same conclusion I always have. That conclusion being the end result of why WINHunter first came into existence. Beaker/Brad/Combo (and hopefully Rebeckah) have all found out that WINHunter allows you to combine several different historical tagging methods into one final output.

What you guys are talking about here is somewhat possible in WINHunter. Although, there are several things you guys have mentioned that do not exist at all yet inside WINHunter. For the most part, those things mostly have to do with Even/Old filtering, and with decades filtering. But that does not mean those types of filters are not possible!

I will be working on the help file for WINHunter sometime soon with the hopes that by adding detailed data references to the processor information section that users will be able to understand how to apply each Processor and the rules that control it.

There are TONS of ideas sparking in this thread and many others as well here! I get excited as each one materializes into software in some form or another. My one true goal with WINHunter was to combine all these ideas together, and allow the user to manipulate them as they saw fit. Maybe eventually the data will be able to be displayed graphically for Rebeckah and other GUI loving users as well.

I will press forward!!

Andrew... Out

