discussion for oct 9 draw


I'm down to about 18 numbers now, and no matter which way I look at it, the 10 is still there. I'm going to have to go with it for tomorrow's draw. The 30 is also haunting me. :confused:


nowhere close

I am nowhere close to figuring out what I am going to do.
I have to look back on the first page here and see what I first said. But I am sooo:confused: about this one.
I think for sure I am playing after that I have no idea what to play with those numbers.:rolleyes:
Re: nowhere close

renata said:
I am nowhere close to figuring out what I am going to do.
I have to look back on the first page here and see what I first said. But I am sooo:confused: about this one.
I think for sure I am playing after that I have no idea what to play with those numbers.:rolleyes:

I hear you Renata..I'm still:confused: as to the possible perfect set to come up this Wed..still loking at past draws to try to make some sense.I still like some of the #'s Dennis posted earlier.

:dizzy: :wavey:
Re: Re: nowhere close

luckystrike said:

I hear you Renata..I'm still:confused: as to the possible perfect set to come up this Wed..still loking at past draws to try to make some sense.I still like some of the #'s Dennis posted earlier.

:dizzy: :wavey:
A big announcers grid is coming up to reassure the uncertain ones... :eek:

I can hardly wait!!!!! maybe that will help clear the air.
I started thinking that the thirties may take another skip,and I'm pretty sure you will see 2-3 40's come into play.

Just some food for thought..:idea: :eek2: :finger:


Where's my chrystal ball

I do think that some 40's are in here but I just don't know where to start.
I have half a notion to just play high like from 11 and up because I can't figure what one from the 1's might show, that is part of the reason I'm having a hard time getting my number picks down to at least 14 from 25. Even the teen'w have me going:dizzy:
Well I'll just wait and see what I'm going to do.
I will post my picks tomorrow before the draw.
new set

one never knows..here they are...




SEE WHAT HAPPENS..will post my final picks tomorrow..

hope i dont' get
:eek: this draw..:wavey:
Here are the announced numbers formed by the possible pairs from the last winning set . The total number of announced draws=492
-------------With bonus––---------------
The ways the numbers showed up....
the last-----------last------------last-------
492 draws------25 draws-----10 draws--

49=86 times---13=08 times--13=04 times
27=84 times---46=07 times--04=04 times
46=79 times---26=07 times--45=03 times
31=79 times---40=06 times--40=03 times
43=78 times---16=06 times--33=03 times
47=77 times---04=06 times--16=03 times
41=76 times---03=06 times--12=03 times
39=75 times---34=05 times--49=02 times
32=75 times---33=05 times--48=02 times
34=74 times---28=05 times--46=02 times
20=74 times---15=05 times--42=02 times
04=74 times---11=05 times--38=02 times
40=72 times---48=04 times--37=02 times
38=72 times---47=04 times--28=02 times
37=72 times---45=04 times--27=02 times
16=72 times---44=04 times--26=02 times
42=71 times---43=04 times--25=02 times
17=71 times---38=04 times--19=02 times
03=71 times---29=04 times--18=02 times
23=70 times---24=04 times--15=02 times
13=70 times---17=04 times--14=02 times
05=70 times---12=04 times--11=02 times
02=70 times---09=04 times--02=02 times
30=69 times---08=04 times--01=02 times
28=69 times---07=04 times--47=01 time
24=69 times---02=04 times--43=01 time
36=67 times---42=03 times--39=01 time
29=67 times---37=03 times--34=01 time
19=67 times---35=03 times--30=01 time
15=67 times---27=03 times--29=01 time
08=67 times---25=03 times--24=01 time
01=67 times---23=03 times--21=01 time
44=66 times---20=03 times--20=01 time
26=66 times---18=03 times--09=01 time
12=66 times---14=03 times--08=01 time
18=65 times---49=02 times--07=01 time
10=65 times---41=02 times--03=01 time
45=64 times---39=02 times--44=00 time
21=64 times---36=02 times--41=00 time
07=64 times---30=02 times--36=00 time
33=63 times---21=02 times--35=00 time
25=63 times---19=02 times--32=00 time
22=60 times---01=02 times--31=00 time
11=60 times---32=01 time---23=00 time
09=59 times---31=01 time---22=00 time
35=58 times---10=01 time---17=00 time
48=57 times---06=01 time---10=00 time
06=57 times---05=01 time---06=00 time
14=56 times---22=00 time---05=00 time
-------------Without bonus–--------------
The ways the numbers showed up....
the last-----------last------------last-------
492 draws------25 draws-----10 draws--

49=76 times---46=07 times--40=03 times
46=73 times---40=06 times--12=03 times
27=71 times---26=06 times--04=03 times
47=70 times---34=05 times--49=02 times
31=68 times---28=05 times--48=02 times
32=67 times---13=05 times--46=02 times
43=66 times---04=05 times--45=02 times
40=66 times---03=05 times--42=02 times
20=65 times---47=04 times--38=02 times
37=63 times---44=04 times--37=02 times
03=63 times---43=04 times--33=02 times
41=62 times---38=04 times--28=02 times
34=62 times---33=04 times--27=02 times
04=62 times---29=04 times--19=02 times
42=61 times---24=04 times--18=02 times
38=61 times---16=04 times--16=02 times
36=61 times---15=04 times--15=02 times
29=61 times---12=04 times--14=02 times
05=61 times---11=04 times--13=02 times
39=60 times---08=04 times--11=02 times
23=60 times---07=04 times--02=02 times
19=60 times---02=04 times--47=01 time
17=60 times---48=03 times--43=01 time
16=60 times---45=03 times--39=01 time
26=59 times---42=03 times--34=01 time
21=59 times---37=03 times--30=01 time
02=59 times---35=03 times--29=01 time
30=58 times---27=03 times--26=01 time
28=58 times---20=03 times--25=01 time
24=58 times---18=03 times--24=01 time
15=58 times---17=03 times--20=01 time
08=58 times---14=03 times--09=01 time
18=57 times---49=02 times--08=01 time
12=57 times---39=02 times--07=01 time
10=57 times---36=02 times--03=01 time
07=57 times---30=02 times--01=01 time
44=55 times---25=02 times--44=00 time
13=55 times---19=02 times--41=00 time
01=55 times---09=02 times--36=00 time
45=52 times---41=01 time---35=00 time
25=51 times---31=01 time---32=00 time
09=51 times---21=01 time---31=00 time
48=50 times---06=01 time---23=00 time
14=50 times---05=01 time---22=00 time
33=49 times---01=01 time---21=00 time
22=48 times---32=00 time---17=00 time
06=48 times---23=00 time---10=00 time
35=47 times---22=00 time---06=00 time
11=47 times---10=00 time---05=00 time
:agree2: :eek:
And for your info the 20-43 came up together 16 times in these announced draws... some weird quads as Beaker was referring too I guess have showed up namely the 11-12-13-14...
but I saw many high triples consecutives in there...47-48-49 came up together 3 times in these announced draws....and 46-47 came up 9 times together in these announced draws...
Also judging by that announced grid LDs 01 are going to rule here....but don't strike out LDs 00.....
Watch out for those numbers marking 00...some are on the edge of exploding....
:lol: :eek2: :eek3: :bomb: BOOM!!! :bomb: :bomb:
HAAAAAA! I love it history within history...a real beauty folks!!!
Last edited:


That 13 is interesting :agree: It's not a very popular number - when it is announced so high, that may be very telling :eek:
excellent post Dennis

Just wheeled some #'s..came up with this?



Something is missing though?
:confused: :rolleyes: :confused:
49 is also interesting it has come up only 2 times in the last 25 announced draws and yet it is leading the pack here!!!When you considers that it is in his longuest skipping history in these announced draws(Remember it long skip last year) now it is out of it ....It might very well be there! And it has hit 11 times with 13 in these announced draws... :eek::agree2:


Dennis Bassboss said:
49 is also interesting it has come up only 2 times in the last 25 announced draws and yet it is leading the pack here!!! :eek:
I'm not to happy with the way that number is hitting :dang: I won't play it this time but I'll be watching it for the next 3 or 4.:eek:


Re: narrow down

luckystrike said:
I think at this point I'm going to narrow it down to these four any ways..
:agree: :wavey:
LuckyS you are very close to having my set :agree: I think you have mentioned all my numbers :lol:

I will look at a few things tonite and post the final set in the a.m. Gotta take advantage of this opportunity :agree2:
Beaker said:

I'm not to happy with the way that number is hitting :dang: I won't play it this time but I'll be watching it for the next 3 or 4.:eek:

I thought 9 may show this draw,but maybe it's 49 that is going to show?
:eek: :wavey:
luckystrike said:

I thought 9 may show this draw,but maybe it's 49 that is going to show?
:eek: :wavey:
I don't know Lucky...if you don't mind I'll call you like that Buddy...but all the ingrdients for a hit are there! Could go both ways here....

