Discussion for May 10 draw

I'll get more tomorrow or later I have to go for now....
I'll run that announced- announced thing Beaker and Goswinus will have mail...lol..lol..lol..:lol: :lol:
Picard said:
There is a definate one to show in the 1's.

I'd also say max two in the 40's.

This is reflecting in the overall last 25 announced draws too!
Good point Picard!
So we should focus on in between decades 10 to 40 to get the most of the crop here...
Beaker said:
Dennis, one thing I'm doing to explore this "history in history" concept - maybe you've already done this - but I'm taking the announced history and running the last draw from that history again. I guess what I'm getting is the counts of the best "Announcers of the Announcers" - the AA numbers :lol:

So, I took 5-8-12-16-20-28-38-42 and run them on the 49 3 number announced draws. Maybe if you keep going through these iterations you could narrow in on something. :confused:

I guess you could also do this for the 170-2 number announnced draws.

I have made another grid just the way that Beaker describes here...using these 5-8-12-16-20-28-38-42
here it is....from the bests of the bests announced set (from pairs)...here is the best of the best.....
-------------With bonus––---------------
The ways the numbers showed up....
the last-----------last------------last-------
69 draws------25 draws-----10 draws--

10=19 times---36=08 times--04=05 times
08=19 times---46=07 times--46=04 times
36=17 times---22=07 times--36=03 times
31=17 times---16=07 times--34=03 times
33=16 times---10=07 times--31=03 times
46=15 times---08=07 times--29=03 times
43=15 times---31=06 times--26=03 times
19=15 times---19=06 times--22=03 times
39=14 times---17=06 times--10=03 times
22=14 times---09=06 times--08=03 times
20=14 times---04=06 times--02=03 times
06=14 times---45=05 times--45=02 times
40=13 times---43=05 times--41=02 times
32=13 times---40=05 times--40=02 times
28=13 times---34=05 times--38=02 times
27=13 times---33=05 times--37=02 times
21=13 times---29=05 times--25=02 times
16=13 times---20=05 times--21=02 times
09=13 times---18=05 times--20=02 times
04=13 times---39=04 times--18=02 times
26=12 times---38=04 times--16=02 times
17=12 times---32=04 times--14=02 times
44=11 times---28=04 times--13=02 times
29=11 times---27=04 times--09=02 times
24=11 times---26=04 times--05=02 times
12=11 times---25=04 times--47=01 times
11=11 times---15=04 times--44=01 times
03=11 times---13=04 times--43=01 time
02=11 times---11=04 times--39=01 time
47=10 times---05=04 times--35=01 time
38=10 times---02=04 times--32=01 time
37=10 times---47=03 times--30=01 time
35=10 times---44=03 times--28=01 time
34=10 times---41=03 times--27=01 time
30=10 times---30=03 times--23=01 time
23=10 times---23=03 times--19=01 time
05=10 times---14=03 times--17=01 time
45=09 times---07=03 times--15=01 time
15=09 times---06=03 times--12=01 time
07=09 times---01=03 times--06=01 time
01=09 times---37=02 times--03=01 time
25=08 times---35=02 times--42=00 time
18=08 times---24=02 times--33=00 time
41=07 times---21=02 times--24=00 time
14=07 times---12=02 times--11=00 time
13=07 times---03=02 time---07=00 time
42=05 times---42=00 time---01=00 time

-------------Without bonus–--------------
The ways the numbers showed up....
the last-----------last------------last-------
69 draws------25 draws-----10 draws--

10=18 times---36=08 times--36=03 times
31=16 times---10=07 times--34=03 times
36=15 times---31=06 times--31=03 times
33=15 times---22=06 times--26=03 times
08=14 times---17=06 times--22=03 times
43=13 times---16=06 times--10=03 times
39=13 times---09=06 times--08=03 times
32=13 times---34=05 times--02=03 times
22=13 times---33=05 times--46=02 times
06=13 times---20=05 times--45=02 times
46=12 times---19=05 times--41=02 times
40=12 times---18=05 times--40=02 times
27=12 times---08=05 times--38=02 times
21=12 times---46=04 times--29=02 times
20=12 times---45=04 times--25=02 times
19=12 times---43=04 times--21=02 times
17=12 times---40=04 times--20=02 time
16=11 times---38=04 times--18=02 time
09=11 times---32=04 times--16=02 time
47=10 times---29=04 times--14=02 time
38=10 times---28=04 times--09=02 time
34=10 times---27=04 times--05=02 time
28=10 times---26=04 times--04=02 time
26=10 times---25=04 times--47=01 time
24=10 times---11=04 times--43=01 time
23=10 times---05=04 times--39=01 time
05=10 times---47=03 times--37=01 time
44=09 times---41=03 times--35=01 time
37=09 times---39=03 times--32=01 time
30=09 times---30=03 times--30=01 time
29=09 times---23=03 times--28=01 time
12=09 times---14=03 times--27=01 time
11=09 times---13=03 times--23=01 time
04=09 times---07=03 times--17=01 time
03=09 times---06=03 times--15=01 time
02=09 times---04=03 times--13=01 time
45=08 times---02=03 times--12=01 time
35=08 times---01=03 times--06=01 time
25=08 times---21=02 times--03=01 time
18=08 times---15=02 times--44=00 time
07=08 times---12=02 times--42=00 time
01=08 times---03=02 times--33=00 time
15=06 times---44=01 time---24=00 time
14=06 times---37=01 time---19=00 time
13=06 times---35=01 time---11=00 time
41=05 times---24=01 time---07=00 time
42=02 times---42=00 time---01=00 time
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:wavey: Hi,
I got a good laugh :lol: at reading all these posts... you guys have been busy, busy :D You make a lot of good points.

Meanwhile I am stuck in Edmonton because I can't drive back to Calgary due to the miserable snowstorm (10-14 inches) :cold: that fell yesterday. :(
The police are recommending drivers stay off the road. Hopefully we'll get a chinook to melt it away in a couple of days... Calgary is funny that way :agree: :dizzy:


dwoods99 said:
:wavey: Hi,
I got a good laugh :lol: at reading all these posts... you guys have been busy, busy :D You make a lot of good points.

Meanwhile I am stuck in Edmonton because I can't drive back to Calgary due to the miserable snowstorm (10-14 inches) :cold: that fell yesterday. :(
The police are recommending drivers stay off the road. Hopefully we'll get a chinook to melt it away in a couple of days... Calgary is funny that way :agree: :dizzy:

dwoods once the :cold: melts, post some thoughts. Let's see if we can crack this one wide open this time. With everyone's help we can do it. We need all hands on deck :uzi: - you can buy alot of hot weather with $25,000,000.
Here is the Split decades comparaison grid thing including
...bonus and including….both announced sets... they are from pairs formed by the last winning set....
Numbers range hits––––––––––-
––––––normal entire data––announced––best announced
––––––––––––413 draws––-170 draws–––69 draws–
Last 50 draws
from 01 to 05=---41---------48––––––––––36
from 06 to 10=---48---------46–––––––––-49
from 11 to 15=---43---------43–––––––––-31
from 16 to 20=---42---------40–––––––––-50
from 21 to 25=---35---------46–––––––––-44
from 26 to 30=---49---------45–––––––––-47
from 31 to 35=---46---------37–––––––––-46
from 36 to 40=---39---------44–––––––––-48
from 41 to 45=---37---------33–––––––––-34
from 46 to 47=---20---------18–––––––––-15

Last 25 draws
from 01 to 05=---24---------26––––––––––19
from 06 to 10=---27---------21–––––––––-26
from 11 to 15=---21---------20–––––––––-17
from 16 to 20=---17---------20–––––––––-29
from 21 to 25=---16---------20–––––––––-18
from 26 to 30=---32---------28–––––––––-20
from 31 to 35=---23---------21–––––––––-22
from 36 to 40=---15---------20–––––––––-23
from 41 to 45=---15---------15–––––––––-16
from 46 to 47=---10---------09–––––––––-10

Last 10 draws
from 01 to 05=---11---------11––––––––––11
from 06 to 10=---12---------07–––––––––-09
from 11 to 15=---08---------07–––––––––-06
from 16 to 20=---10---------08–––––––––-08
from 21 to 25=---05---------07–––––––––-08
from 26 to 30=---10---------16–––––––––-09
from 31 to 35=---07---------10–––––––––-08
from 36 to 40=---06---------07–––––––––-10
from 41 to 45=---06---------04–––––––––-06
from 46 to 47=---05---------03–––––––––-05
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Did anyone notice...

All 6 numbers plus the bonus in the last draw appeared in the last 6 draws!!!

I wonder about the next draw. :confused:
Picard said:
Did anyone notice...

All 6 numbers plus the bonus in the last draw appeared in the last 6 draws!!!

I wonder about the next draw. :confused:

You are right Picard in the last 6 draws only the 45 is nowhere to be found....that could be used as a powerfull filter...


Dennis, here are the best sets:

05 08 10 23 25 29 34 37 45 47 2003
0+0 : 035 (F12 - A6 = 6)
0+1 : 015 (F28 - A52 = -24 ***)
1+0 : 126 (F4 - A11 = -7 ***)
1+1 : 032 (F13 - A5 = 8)
2+0 : 098 (F5 - A1 = 4)
2+1 : 021 (F20 - A0 = 20)
3+0 : 058 (F8 - A4 = 4)
3+1 : 009 (F46 - A45 = 1)
4+0 : 013 (F32 - A17 = 15)
4+1 : 004 (F104 - A99 = 5)
5+0 : 001 (F413 - A16 = 397)
7+1 : 001 (F413 - A157 = 256)

04 05 06 08 19 34 35 43 44 47 2002
0+0 : 047 (F9 - A5 = 4)
0+1 : 018 (F23 - A47 = -24 ***)
1+0 : 108 (F4 - A3 = 1)
1+1 : 026 (F16 - A14 = 2)
2+0 : 101 (F5 - A0 = 5)
2+1 : 022 (F19 - A10 = 9)
3+0 : 058 (F8 - A11 = -3 ***)
3+1 : 015 (F28 - A9 = 19)
4+0 : 012 (F35 - A2 = 33)
4+1 : 005 (F83 - A113 = -30 ***)
7+1 : 001 (F413 - A364 = 49)

Hope this helps.
Yes it does Goswinus ! Thank you very much again!
I can tell you that many from these two sets will hit and hard!:agree2:

Before someone ask..don't worry about the 2002 and 2003 in these sets...they are there because my program has to associate a date with the numbers and it was part of the package that I have sent to Goswinus!
So just forget about these years number..:)
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did you see my posting with the UK stats?
I had several 20 numbers sets doing EXTREMELY well.
In fact, they did so well that I had to re-check my program.
I've found a set for the UK lottery which has won 9(!) jackpots in 665 draws...

Maybe I'll hop over this weekend :D :D
Goswinus said:

did you see my posting with the UK stats?
I had several 20 numbers sets doing EXTREMELY well.
In fact, they did so well that I had to re-check my program.
I've found a set for the UK lottery which has won 9(!) jackpots in 665 draws...

Maybe I'll hop over this weekend :D :D

Yes! I saw it ....and what a set!!!.....:agree2:
Dennis Bassboss said:
Yes it does Goswinus ! Thank you very much again!
I can tell you that many from these two sets will hit and hard!:agree2:

By looking at recent draws (Thanks to Picard)+ the announcers+Best sets numbers....and comparing them...we can catch some common numbers and also some less common...:agree2:


Picard said:
Ok, here's the big question.<snip>
I'd say the sum should be high, around 150-180.

I know the average for 6/49 is 150. What is the average for S7??

Anybody??:confused: Is it 168??
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Beaker said:
I know the average for 6/49 is 150. What is the average for S7??
Anybody??:confused: Is it 168??
Yes... from lottery director (no bonus numbers used)...

In this game, the Average Sum for the 7 numbers you pick is: 168.0.

In the last 10 draws, 80.0% of the Sums were in the range 117 to 218.

In the last 100 draws, 84.0% of the Sums were in the range 117 to 218.
Most draws will have about an even mix between Even and Odd numbers.
Draws with all Even numbers, or all Odd numbers, are usually rare.

In the last 10 draws, 30.0% had 3 to 4 Even or Odd numbers.

In the last 100 draws, 49.0% had 3 to 4 Even or Odd numbers.
Most draws will have about an even mix between Low and High numbers.
Draws with all Low numbers, or all High numbers, are usually rare.
For Example: 1 to 23 are Low numbers, and 24 to 47 are High.

In the last 10 draws, 60.0% had 3 to 4 Low or High numbers.

In the last 100 draws, 60.0% had 3 to 4 Low or High numbers.

GROUPS: Draws: LAST 10 - LAST 25 - LAST 50 - LAST 100 - all 413

01-11 - % Wins: -- 30.0 ---- 28.0 ----- 24.3 --- 24.6 ---- 23.6
------- % Gain: --- 2.0 ----- 3.8 ----- -0.4 ---- 1.0

12-23 - % Wins: -- 25.0 ---- 21.0 ----- 24.8 --- 26.1 ---- 24.5
------- % Gain: --- 4.0 ---- -3.8 ----- -1.4 ---- 1.6

24-35 - % Wins: -- 23.8 ---- 31.0 ----- 27.0 --- 24.5 ---- 26.0
------- % Gain: -- -7.3 ----- 4.0 ------ 2.5 --- -1.5

36-47 - % Wins: -- 21.3 ---- 20.0 ----- 24.0 --- 24.8 ---- 25.9
------- % Gain: --- 1.3 ---- -4.0 ----- -0.8 --- -1.2

HIGH WINS: 43 16 34 10 35 37 4 8 46 6 22 39
These numbers have the most wins in the game's entire draw history.

LOW WINS: 18 3 14 27 15 42 41 20 38 1 13 12
These numbers have the fewest wins in the game's entire draw history.

CONSISTENT: 10 2 29 4 34 22 45 16 37 6 43 13
These numbers are the most consistent winners in the last 10 and 100 draws.

TRENDING: 10 2 38 45 47 1 4 5 7 8 9 12
These numbers have the strongest trending toward wins in the last 10 draws.

OVERDUE: 33 21 41 40 25 44 39 42 3 23 36 31
These numbers are overdue for a win based on the last 10 and last 100 draws.

Hope that helps :wavey:

