Big News this AM

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Problem is that short term solutions only benefit the ones that are holding power now ... they don't care about what will happen after they've had their fill.

Ok ... now I'm really done :lol:

Don't believe our media.....
Normal American ppl are victims of the white house.....I hope they wake up and take control of their own Media and White House etc etc.....


Re: Damned Yankee in a Hornets Nest

jbiff said:
... <snip> ... I guess I'm spreading Ugly American Propaganda.

Hope you guys don't hate me for this
Check this link (if I did it right)

I don't see you as 'spreading' anything, but rather voicing your opinion.

As to the article link, even the author seems to think the document is 'dubious'.
Guess it's hard to know where to go to get the 'real' story. There are so many sources: experts, so-called experts, web sites covering events from different angles that will suit almost every point of view, etc. If even the reporters have a rough time what chance does the average person have?
One has to be very cautious and not only because if 'something is repeated loud enough and often enough it then becomes the truth' ...

Ppl have to really pick and choose media that are free of bias or even censorship, and mainly think for themselves. As Combo points out that may not be so easy from within a country that is directly involved in this conflict.

Have read the article you posted and quickly located a counterpoint. Look at this and see what you think.
I did not post it to start a "duelling links" contest here btw, and have no problems with you expressing your opinion, I express mine occasionally ;)

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Damned Yankee in a Hornets Nest

Pulpit!! Pulpit!! Where is my Pulpit!!!

Brad I like the date on your link
Seriously, I do believe aversion to our (American) foreign policies is healthy.
I may or may not be the idiot some may think. I only know what I read in the papers (and cross-reference on the internet and public libraries). One thing for sure is politics is nasty.
A lot will disagree with me when I say I’m for the gamble that our proactive presence in Iraq (and Afghanistan) will have a positive effect on Middle East stability in the end. God knows it was haven of stability through the 20th century (with help of the U.S.A. and Europe see Sarcasm). Thing is everybody wants to talk and wait instead of being proactive. I may have taken Sept 11 too personal, cause I’m motivated. I really feel violated. I basically hate all politicians but I support my country’s presence in Iraq and Afghanistan (and I admit it’s a gamble that might not work).

I am not trying to offend anyone just given a shout-out of 1 lurker’s opinion
The Biffster has left his pulpit…alcohol and politics go so well together
Shoveling ice slush and drinking :beer: makes me a little incoherent…sorry


OK then, I will say one more thing ... if America is/wants to be so proactive why did they wait so long to intervene in former Yugoslavia (for example) to stop the atrocities and genocide? There are many other countries that statement could apply to ... but generally speaking, like in the Balkans, those countries' main assets are the likes of turnips rather than crude :D

ps. we have more than 2' of snow with a nice layer of powder on top :agree2:


Damned Yankee in a Hornets Nest

I agree we're just as blind (if not more so at times) as every other capable country.
But attacks on American soil will stir American interest

ps: we just got 6" followed by freezing


We could go on about this till the cows come home ... and then continue after breakfast, it is interesting to know what others think tho.

I said I wasn't going to post another link :rolleyes: but I found one TV program intriguing (took a while to locate the link), just wondering if things like this are being discussed much in the US?

ps. as long as you carry an extra large can of Raid you should be OK in any hornets nest :clown:


Hey Irvin,

I was thinking the same, I vaguely remember some of the math terms from many yrs ago ... but my Excel skill are rudimentary at best.



Your doing better than me....I dont remember any of those maths terms.

Matrix: Mr Anderson (Neo).
I respect everybody's opinion here....In the meantime the killing is increasing in Irak.....Just as I expected....The worse will sadly come later....
What lesson should we take to obtain stability ???
Pro-active???How was it obtained in the long run in Vietnam.....???


Dennis i don't think you can win anyway ie Proactive or Reactive as in WW2 where how many died? 60 million +.:dang:

But we'd never know, if Brit's Chamberlain wasn't such a pushover for Hitler things could have been different?:notme:


Interesting to speculate ...

If Chamberlain didn't blow it and betray Czechoslovakia the Brits may be the super power now with their version of the "New world order", Stalin would have starved or shot most of his own ppl, the Americans would not have armed the Soviets under the lend/lease program, there would have been no Cold War and maybe no nukes, and Sadam would still be riding on a camel .... :D ... and I'm not making any sense now

... friends become enemies, enemies become allies, allies become friends .... :dizzy:


Damned Yankee in a Hornets Nest

I stand corrected; U.S. actions have definitely been reactive as of late.
And Vietnam was a proactive deadly absurdity (kinda like America’s skid marked skivvies on the clothes line for all to see…embarrassing).

And I think I get Brad and Maggie’s point -I’m spewing political rhetoric about as well as any drunken “What-If” arm-chair-quarterback.

Forgive me, I’m just an American.
Cheers to all:beer:

off topic p.s. another site for beginners like my self with less brain sweat.
charles2 said:
Dennis i don't think you can win anyway ie Proactive or Reactive as in WW2 where how many died? 60 million +.:dang:

But we'd never know, if Brit's Chamberlain wasn't such a pushover for Hitler things could have been different?:notme:
Well the Versaille treaty was kind of setting up that second world war isn't -it?....Chamberland or not ...Much more than anything else....look what it did to Germany after the first world war and it will shred a light to you has the reason Germany followed the path of war...And why the people of Germany followed such a dictator...
But what you are saying is interesting ...Hitler and fanatism had many faces in human history...Ask the Mohawk nation what they think about George Washington ...You will see a very different portrait of him than the one you see in American history books...But one of the common most obvious negative face in history is extreme Nationalism...
It carries the crowds and can transform an ideology and therefore justice even re-inventing their meanings...
De-Humanizing their purposes...or what we should call prime- directive....
This is a danger and it is a thin line that all the democraties can cross to some extent...Lets hope it won't increase more in this case...Because it will divide the world even more...
Maybe the search for revenge and vengeance is increasing that blind always present very dangerous Nationalism....
France, Canada,Germany etc. said no to a path of war...The question is not to say if they were right or wrong making such a choice...But having the possibility and liberty whithout any repression of any kind lurking on top of their heads because of deciding on their own as free nation and accepted as such by the nation that is claiming of having the reciepe for freedom itself...:rolleyes: While at the same time having a gun in allmost every home in some part of the country...Why should we need a gun to feel free?
U.S. decided to go to war....You must go too... :confused:
Now who's the dictator and where is freedom of choice???
A bit ironic isn't-it???
The greatest task is never to remove a cruel dictator from power in an already un-armed beated country...
another one might take all the place the following day...
But it is to conciliate the many different minorities existing in Irak...And in the world...To achieve this having military power will always be useless...
When you look at it from the angle of Super-Economic power...
U.S. dollar versus the europeen union
It came up handy for the U.S....Great Britain was the last country to join with some resistance that big union...It is well known that many europeen countries wanted big business contracts with Irak and it would have made enormous impacts on the world economy...
By splitting up these europeen countries...And by taking the control on the ground of Irak deciding who has business there and who has not...The U.S. just stopped the europeen economic threatening growth in the eggshell ...Think about it!
This might be the last chapter for the pursuit of their Happiness...


Re: Damned Yankee in a Hornets Nest

jbiff said:
Forgive me, I’m just an American.

jbiff welcome, your intitled to your opinion as is everyone else.
The one thing i admire most about you Americans is your sense of patrioisim, something we Canadians lack, for all of the faults Americans have, there are also some very good qualities.
We cannot judge a nation by its political leaders, if that were the case, I shudder to think what the world thinks of us Canadians.
Again, no need to apologize for being American:agree2: We forgive you.:lol: :wavey:
Keep on posting.:agree2:
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