Damned Yankee in a Hornets Nest
Pulpit!! Pulpit!! Where is my Pulpit!!!
Brad I like the date on your link
Seriously, I do believe aversion to our (American) foreign policies is healthy.
I may or may not be the idiot some may think. I only know what I read in the papers (and cross-reference on the internet and public libraries). One thing for sure is politics is nasty.
A lot will disagree with me when I say I’m for the gamble that our proactive presence in Iraq (and Afghanistan) will have a positive effect on Middle East stability in the end. God knows it was haven of stability through the 20th century (with help of the U.S.A. and Europe see Sarcasm). Thing is everybody wants to talk and wait instead of being proactive. I may have taken Sept 11 too personal, cause I’m motivated. I really feel violated. I basically hate all politicians but I support my country’s presence in Iraq and Afghanistan (and I admit it’s a gamble that might not work).
I am not trying to offend anyone just given a shout-out of 1 lurker’s opinion
The Biffster has left his pulpit…alcohol and politics go so well together
Shoveling ice slush and drinking

makes me a little incoherent…sorry