Originally posted by Sheba
I see that the number 16 is really hot these days.
Other hot ones are 22 and 28..
Will the 16 be another repeat!!!
Sheba , you are RIGHT ON here, 22 and 28 are certainly
Dennis mentioned in his POST, 27 has excellent chance to
to-reappear. Full agreement there as well.
27 is currently a hot number , as well,and I do not think it's
hot spree is Over yet.
25 is also a hot number, and I like it for the next draw.
I was thinking that 27 and 28 may just appear together , on this draw.
For repeats, from previous draw, 22 and 43 look really good
to me.
I am thinking that this draw, will produce another triple combo,
in the number range 1-9 or 20-29 AGAIN, or even 30-39 range.
I hope I am wrong, but I think the number range 40-49 maybe
SHUTOUT On this draw. this kind of contradicts what I said
earlier about , the repeats , I believe 43 may repeat.
I just think, the this number range 40-49 is due TO BE SHUTOUT
I will be playing the 40's number range on some of my tickets,
for sure, because I also like the number 40, which is also still
fairly hot., and I like the number 42 and/or 47, 48 , as well.
The 30's number range has been SHUTOUT a considerable
amount of times , in the recent 6/49 draws.
The Lotto 6/49 Gods certainly are certainly wreaking havoc on
this number range.
The number 32 may finally appear on this draw,
Of the low numbers, they ARE all piled up Now, ready to
strike, LOOK FOR 2and 4, 1 and 5 , 6, 7, 9.
MY thoughts for Now !!!