Dennis Bassboss
To be honest with you LT has asked me in the past...If I wanted a special sign of some kind for a recognition ...He'll tell you ....I refused that offer...And I told him that I considered everybody equal here.....Sheba said:OK MG..Now I like that instead ......No hard feelings here ...This is all just in fun and I enjoy ever bit of making fun and stuff....and I am glad that you can give it as well as take it...
Not if only LT could give me a crown like this one
Enjoy your nice hit in the super seven...
Queen Sheba ___
I don't think that I needed a special recognition at that time and I still believed it ...I do think that as a long time member here (longer than myself) you would deserve such a recognition... number of posts has nothing to do with it...Sheba! I don't need one sign for you can see I can take care of that myself!!! LT BRING A SPECIAL RECOGNITION SIGN FOR QUEEN SHEBA PLEASE!!!