wheel 6/49 & super7


here small french program to wheel 7 numbers to 11 numbers
program: Trigrill v.2.4
Lt, sorry if this is not allowed, just remove this thread.

click here
Ben I just wanted to know how good was that new French program of yours Lotoexcel....? Does it worth to try? I have heard that the animated history draws is unique is-it true? I have also heard that the search for quint ,quad,triples is awesome is-it true?
Thanks for an answer!


Ben said:

Lt, sorry if this is not allowed, just remove this thread.

That link does not lead to a site containing another forum nor is it an illict ad ... so it is great Ben :agree2: .. thanks
All good things "en francaise" are welcomed here ;)
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Dennis Bassboss said:
Ben I just wanted to know how good was that new French program of yours Lotoexcel....? Does it worth to try? I have heard that the animated history draws is unique is-it true? I have also heard that the search for quint ,quad,triples is awesome is-it true?
Thanks for an answer!

Hi Dennis,
Yes Dennis this program do many analysis, and you can also filter or creat other analysis. I think it is: vaut la peine de l'avoir sous la main...my demo version finish soon, for sure i have to buy it.
also, Keno expert for Québec (banco)
I have G.H, but lotoexcel (my opinion) is realy the serious concurent or better.
my evaluation: 5 stars.
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Ben said:
Hi Dennis,
Yes Dennis this program do many analysis, and you can also filter or creat other analysis. I think it is: vaut la peine de l'avoir sous la main...my demo version finish soon, for sure i have to buy it.
also, Keno expert for Québec (banco)
I have G.H, but lotoexcel (my opinion) is realy the serious concurent or better.
my evaluation: 5 stars.
O:K: Thanks for your answer Ben... I'll take a look at it...but how the hell did I know you had it..since you never talked about it before???:eek: By the way I already posted that link to Tigrill...not so long ago....many wheels on that program are obsoletes:sick: but some for combining garantees are nice:agree: .... :lol:
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Dennis Bassboss said:
O:K: Thanks for your answer Ben... I'll take a look at it...but how the hell did I know you had it..since you never talked about it before???:eek: By the way I already posted that link to Tigrill...not so long ago....many wheels on that program are obsoletes:sick: but some for combining garantees are nice:agree: .... :lol:

Hi Dennis,

I've tried many programs.(freeware and shareware) and
registred copies, lotto expert(stoped, and obsolete) (Mr Corriveau), lotto pro,
and G.h
j'ai decouvert Tigrill par votre lien , je ne le connais pas avant
et je pensais que vous l'aviez, donc vous le connaissiez mieux que moi.
Ma copie va se terminer bientot, et je vais l'acheter, car il a des possibilités que G.H. n'a pas.......
I d'nt use any Wheel now...
I assure you I didn't know a thing about that program Ben! But since your post (Lotoexcel)I had a look and it is a good one!:agree2: Tigrill is O:K: too!
I do not and have never worked with the Gail Howard program...I might have a look at it too!
I just can't wait to see what Peter from Peter's wheels will create ...if of course he is still working on building one of his own or if he still has that project in mind!
Ben I had just received an e-mail from NPSmicro telling me that they are working on a major update of their already excellent program...(One of the best as far as I'm concerned..an outstanding one) it should come in a few months if everything works fine...and furthermore...I recently e-mail them a sample of a double announcer grid and ...They are considering the double and triple announcer grids to take part for that already planned future major update of their device.....I'll keep you posted folks!

LottoMaster along with Lotto-Analyzer 2002 pro...I think that they are the best I've seen....And they are going to improve even more...
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Dennis Bassboss said:
Ben I had just received an e-mail from NPSmicro telling me that they are working on a major update of their already excellent program...(One of the best as far as I'm concerned..an outstanding one) it should come in a few months if everything works fine...and furthermore...I recently e-mail them a sample of a double announcer grid and ...They are considering the double and triple announcer grids to take part for that already planned future major update of their device.....I'll keep you posted folks!

LottoMaster along with Lotto-Analyzer 2002 pro...I think that they are the best I've seen....And they are going to improve even more...

Thanks Dennis,
It's great what you do for this board...mille merci!!!!
Look at the following sets hited recently, and never before.


for the last draws at least one set of 3 numbers never hited before came.....If you can extract all the sets of 3 numbers never hited before do it ....there are about 450.....
This is my strategy, for that i stop to wheel my numbers
Yes, i won withit, 3 times 3/6, 1 time 4/6, only in the last 6 drawing....


neural network

Dennis Bassboss said:
Ben I had just received an e-mail from NPSmicro telling me that they are working on a major update of their already excellent program...(One of the best as far as I'm concerned..an outstanding one) it should come in a few months if everything works fine...and furthermore...I recently e-mail them a sample of a double announcer grid and ...They are considering the double and triple announcer grids to take part for that already planned future major update of their device.....I'll keep you posted folks!

LottoMaster along with Lotto-Analyzer 2002 pro...I think that they are the best I've seen....And they are going to improve even more...

Hi Dennis,
any news about attrasoft?

Do you try other one named Neunet? and visirex?
i just downloaded them and they look very interesting..
here link:ici
Re: neural network

Ben said:
Hi Dennis,
any news about attrasoft?

Do you try other one named Neunet? and visirex?
i just downloaded them and they look very interesting..
here link:ici
If my infos are correct...Attrasoft people are curently building and developping a software for pick 3 and pick 4 lotteries...But your other link is very interesting for those that like having the source code for further software development...And for those that likes to play around with databases of any kind...Great link! :agree2:

