Hello to everybody ! I have been browsing this site for a couple of days trying to get up-to-date with your strategies and softwares.
I have been using MDIEditor and Lotto before, wich is a software created by Ion Saliu. I think you heard of him on this forum sometimes. There is a lot of mathematical theory on his site. When i found this forum I was happy to see other people talking and analysing the lottery.
Since i found this forum, I have downloaded WinHunter and i must say its not that easy to understand and use it but i feel that it has a good potential. I also admit that it is the most complex lottery software i have seen. It will be hard to learn it but it becomes like a goal, who knows maybe it could bring me some lucky numbers.
Considering the fact there are tons of software on the internet, it is hard to make a decision about using the best one. My question is what software do you use? Wich one is your favorite and you think it has the best potential?
What do u think about WinHunter? I have also registered to eBay for getting latest CoverMaster ediition. I guess it can be use to wheel WinHunter picks.
I have been using MDIEditor and Lotto before, wich is a software created by Ion Saliu. I think you heard of him on this forum sometimes. There is a lot of mathematical theory on his site. When i found this forum I was happy to see other people talking and analysing the lottery.
Since i found this forum, I have downloaded WinHunter and i must say its not that easy to understand and use it but i feel that it has a good potential. I also admit that it is the most complex lottery software i have seen. It will be hard to learn it but it becomes like a goal, who knows maybe it could bring me some lucky numbers.
Considering the fact there are tons of software on the internet, it is hard to make a decision about using the best one. My question is what software do you use? Wich one is your favorite and you think it has the best potential?
What do u think about WinHunter? I have also registered to eBay for getting latest CoverMaster ediition. I guess it can be use to wheel WinHunter picks.