VB Scrip


Hi All

Does any one have a vb script to allocate VTrac codes for a pick 3 game in excel.
If you do will you please share with me.

BlouBul :cool:


Bloubul, you have specifically asked for a vb script to use on an Excel sheet. I'm wondering why you havent asked for formulas to do the same job? The golden rule is never use a script when Excels functions can do it anyway. This is a classic example of using VLOOKUP to get the vtracs for each digit.
You do not specify where your data is, nor do you specify whether it is a 3 digit number in each single cell, or whether each of the three digits is in 3 separate cells ???

Well here is a lesson on how to do it yourself, you can do this on a new blank sheet first to learn it. If you need it on an existing sheet, it is easily portable once you know what is going on.
I do not do vtracs and in the UK we dont have your type of pick 3 game, so I had to read v-tracs for dummies to get the vtracs for pick 3.

Assuming your pick 3 number is 3 digits in a SINGLE cell..
1. on a blank spreadsheet ...create a 2 column vtrac table ( 0 to 9) in cells I3:j12
I3 has zero in it, I4 has 1 in it, I5 has 2 in it ............>>> down to I12 has 9 in it. The second column V3:V12 has 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5 respectively in each cell, so j3 has a 1 in it, ....>....>.... J12 has a 5 in it.

2. Select the table and whilst selected Type a name in the NAME BOX top left corner, name it vtracTable press <enter>. ( or you can use the Name Manager to do the same thing).

3. enter any 3 digit number 0 to 999 in cell A3

(splitting the digits into 3 cells and converting...)
first digit
4. in cell B3 enter the formula =VLOOKUP(INT(A3/100),vtracTable,2,1) press enter. this gives your first vtrac digit.

second digit
5. In cell C3 enter the formula =VLOOKUP(INT(MOD(A3,100)/10),vtracTable,2,1) press enter. this gives your second vtrac digit.

third digit
6. In cell D3 enter the formula =VLOOKUP(MOD(A3,10),vtracTable,2,1)

You now have the 3 digit vtrac for your first number in cells B3 to D3.

Combining the vtracs into a single cell
7. In cell F3 enter the formula =B3*100+C3*10+D3
you now have your first vtrac as a 3 digit number in a single cell.

8. if you want to be slick and avoid splitting the digits as in 4,5,6 above you can bypass that and go direct to the the 3 digit vtrac in a single cell.
e.g in cell G3 enter the formula =100*VLOOKUP(INT(A3/100),vtracTable,2,1)+10*VLOOKUP(INT(MOD(A3,100)/10),vtracTable,2,1)+VLOOKUP(MOD(A3,10),vtracTable,2,1). You now do not need the values in B3 to D3.

If you copy formulas B3:G3 down the spreadsheet, then 3 digit numbers entered in column A will be converted to vtracs .

OR If your original 3 digit result numbers were separated into 3 cells A25,B25,C25

and you want a 3 digit conversion ,with the answer in a single cell, then in cell F25 enter the formula =VLOOKUP(A25,vtracTable,2,1)*100+VLOOKUP(B25,vtracTable,2,1)*10+VLOOKUP(C25,vtracTable,2,1)
Again you can copy this fromula down the sheet.
Note the vtrac loookup table can be anywhere you like once it has been named.

As usual this took a lot longer to describe than it takes to actually do it! Have a go - its more versatile than a macro, which needs to know where everything is, how much there is, where you want to put it etc. etc.



To be honest with you an excel formula has never cross my mind, But I do thank you for correcting me and with the formula that you have given me.

Thank Sir..

BlouBul :cool:


For a tidier spreadsheet you could also use a custom created function called GetVtracs().

to use it you need this pasted in a VB module.

Function getVtracs(num As Variant)

Dim dig1, dig2, dig3, vtrac1, vtrac2, vtrac3 As Integer
Dim vtracnum As Variant

If num <> "" Then

dig1 = Int(num / 100)
dig2 = Int((num Mod 100) / 10)
dig3 = num Mod 10

Select Case dig1
Case 0
vtrac1 = 1
Case 1
vtrac1 = 2
Case 2
vtrac1 = 3
Case 3
vtrac1 = 4
Case 4
vtrac1 = 5
Case 5
vtrac1 = 1
Case 6
vtrac1 = 2
Case 7
vtrac1 = 3
Case 8
vtrac1 = 4
Case 9
vtrac1 = 5

End Select

Select Case dig2
Case 0
vtrac2 = 1
Case 1
vtrac2 = 2
Case 2
vtrac2 = 3
Case 3
vtrac2 = 4
Case 4
vtrac2 = 5
Case 5
vtrac2 = 1
Case 6
vtrac2 = 2
Case 7
vtrac2 = 3
Case 8
vtrac2 = 4
Case 9
vtrac2 = 5

End Select

Select Case dig3
Case 0
vtrac3 = 1
Case 1
vtrac3 = 2
Case 2
vtrac3 = 3
Case 3
vtrac3 = 4
Case 4
vtrac3 = 5
Case 5
vtrac3 = 1
Case 6
vtrac3 = 2
Case 7
vtrac3 = 3
Case 8
vtrac3 = 4
Case 9
vtrac3 = 5

End Select

vtracnum = 100 * vtrac1 + 10 * vtrac2 + vtrac3

Else: vtracnum = ""

End If

getVtracs = vtracnum
End Function

So if you had 019 in cell A3 then in any other cell you could use =getvtracs(A3) to get a 3 digit vtrac. in this case you'd get 125 as the vtrac.


hello bloubul Instead of v-trac, it would be better to reduce by
* Crossing with last digit?
* Assemble small arrays of patterns after crossing Cartesian type
* And join two by two with in fibonaci or dna
* If the digit is or is not in line with the basic standards


It works perfectly for me in Excel 2016. There is nothing wrong with the function.

1. You may have to save your spreadsheet as an .xlsm to allow the macro format to be accepted.
2. have you had problems with custom functions before ?
2. what is the FULL error message? It has to be more than compile error ?
3. Make sure you have all the code between Function getVtracs(num As Variant) and End function pasted on a module.

4. are you using it as an excel FUNCTION on the spreadsheet as illustrated e.g =getvtracs(A3) ?

if your version of Excel is not up to date with the latest service pack where necessary, or your operating system is old there may be system configuration problems causing this error, you might have to google the exact wording, as I don't have this problem. :confused:


Works in '03, too.
I made some cosmetic edits and uploaded an html version for readability.
Copy-paste into a module.




Gentle Man

I thank you both for your help.

How do I change this formula to a pick 5 Vtracs:

BlouBul :cool:


Well Bloubul, I see you thanked us for your help, however you didn't use it did you? You either found or developed a short cut which avoided the need for a lookup table, using MOD 5 instead of 10 which I have to admit is a simpler solution to the vtracs. I wonder why you omitted to mention this ??

Having worked out what is going on, I suggest you use this formula:-


Good luck!

PS I have tested the solutions against my lookup table method and they do agree.


To be honest I just can't get it to run, I have SP1 for Win 7 I use Office Pro 2007, I have tried it on my works pc as well. My works pc is completely up to date.

Thank you for the formula also.

BlouBul :cool:


“It” being what exactly?

The Vb function?

you still havent told us what the EXACT error message is. :confused:



To be honest with you an excel formula has never cross my mind, But I do thank you for correcting me and with the formula that you have given me.

Thank Sir..

BlouBul :cool:

Can't promise this will fix your issue, but it won't hurt.
From the Tools menu (in the VBA Editor, not Excel), select References,
and check "Microsoft Visual Basic For Application Extensibility".


Gentle Man

Here are the "Error" and VB Reference.


BlouBul :cool:


Why have you got a quote symbol “ immediately before the word Function ? It should not be there and it isn’t on this site where I listed the code.

Try deleting it.


You may wish to try this custom function getvtracs5(), which uses your way of calculating the vtracs without need to refer to a table.

Paste this into a module:-

Function getvtracs5(num As Variant)

Dim vtracnum As Variant
If num <> "" Then
vtracnum = 10000 * (Int(num / 10000) Mod 5) + 1000 * (Int(num / 1000) Mod 5) + 100 * (Int(num / 100) Mod 5) + 10 * (Int(num / 10) Mod 5) + num Mod 5 + 11111
Else: vtracnum = ""
End If
getvtracs5 = vtracnum

End Function

If your 5 digit pick 5 is in a single cell say (A1)

then in any other cell enter =getVtracs5(A1)

so if 10023 is in A1 your answer in that cell would be 21134

Notice there are no apostrophes or quotes on the line with Function in it.



Gentle Man

Here are the "Error" and VB Reference.


BlouBul :cool:

You have "Function getVtracs(num As Variant)
You SHOULD have Function getVtracs(num As Variant)

pebkac. Remove the leading ". :smash:

