ThornC, Koutras, Lottostatistics…


• Forever glorious be your names, o wise programmers, for they prove the necessity of order in chaos!

ThornC (aka Critser Lopes):
You certainly know what best in gambling software means. After all, you are, among many things, a mathematician. You right, however, spoiled child of Ingenuity and Wisdom. Evolution does not end with some program or software or authority. Everything goes on. Why should lottery software end up with Ion Saliu’s software? Why shouldn’t Kulai Koutras make the next move in this never-ending chess game? I couldn’t agree more with you, o axiomatic one!

Kulai (aka Nick Koutras):
You certainly know what best in gambling software means. After all, you are, among many things, a mathematician. You right, however, spoiled child of Ingenuity and Wisdom. Evolution does not end with some program or software or authority. Everything goes on. Why should lottery software end up with Ion Saliu’s software? Why shouldn’t Kulai Koutras make the next move in this never-ending chess game? I couldn’t agree more with you, o axiomatic one!
Problem is, you got ways to go. You know what? You don’t know the fundamental question of the programmer. You shall ask yourself: “Self, what is the maximum of my stupidity in this field?’ I always ask myself that question. If you come up with the right answer to that question, you are on your way to great things. Take a few steps back, and then run your software. Close your eyes while drinking a glass of something. Say to yourself in the process: ‘This is all I need to do to create great lottery software.”

By the way, you should also consider writing standalone software. Using spreadsheets is cowardice. You hide behind spreadsheets because you need the childproof costume of cowardice. You already know Visual Basic as in VBA Excel. It’s time for you to move on to Visual Basic. Visual Basic period. IF money is a problem, I could send you a Visual Basic package that I bought at computer shows — of course, packages I don’t use, so we are fully legal.

Ion Saliu,
Doctor in Paradoxical Science of Programming
I really do not appreciate seing my good friend Nick or else being bashed that way... :no:
I will go one step further saying that Nick's softwares are great...
Much better in terms of results than what that individual has ever produced...


...I think Nick is better with keno than 6/49 and S7 from what I've seen... ...the right tool for the job:D... you agree?...
Dennis Bassboss said:
I really do not appreciate seing my good friend Nick or else being bashed that way... :no:
I will go one step further saying that Nick's softwares are great...
Much better in terms of results than what that individual has ever produced...


Nick is a quite remarkable lottery enthusiast. So far he provided a few outstanding freebees – powerful lottery tools, and also a few quite nice strategies. I’ve seen at another thread some people are not wiling to share a silly 15 lines macro that any beginner in programming might be able to write in less than one hour….


This is not a software related issue. This is a personal attack, not related with any thread of this forum, so far as I know.

All forum regulars know how good thornc and Nick are, the reason why to maintain this thread opened is to invite not needed personal defenses that can provoke new personal attacks and so on.

That's the game. Why to play it?:sick: :sick:
JUST ...


hot4 said:
>>> That's the game. Why to play it?:sick: :sick:
JUST ...
Sounds like either the old paranoia or needy quest to appear the best games ... played on many fronts. The are many self-inflated egos around these days :rolleyes: :crap:


I have great respect for Thornc and Nick, Saliu must be on some bad mushrooms,
This sort of BS has no place here.


...oh, probably sometthing like that... ...who cares:rolleyes:...
peter said:
I have great respect for Thornc and Nick, Saliu must be on some bad mushrooms,
This sort of BS has no place here.


Ion, forever Inglorious be thy name!

Ion, you can't hide from me!

You led me to understand you were having meaningful discussions in this Forum.

What do I find! The same tired old mantra/refrain - bashing away at people with a supercillious, impertinent, misplaced arrogence that would do a Camel proud.

Now Ion, I have a question for you. Most of us have moved on from DOS a couple of decades ago - so why are you still using it?

I know it's impossible to get a straight answer so can you keep the length down to maybe 1 A4 page.

Your admiring Lotto friend and adversary

Colin F

PS I'm ready to accept your apology for the insults to me and Bob P on that other decaying, crumbling, imploding Forum.


Hey CMF, I have a suggestion: invite Ion to your own forum and have at it there, we've had it with bellicose blowhards on this BB :rolleyes:


O spoiled children of wisdom in wasted time!

Your one-liner laziness proves the very necessity of improvement. Ask yourself, o blindly comfortable one: “Self, why do I keep wasting precious time drinking sweet self-deception?” You know the answer better than anyone else.

The day will not come soon enough when I shall equally use my software and Kulai-Critser lottery software. I would love to congratulate them exactly at this time. But Not! Non! Not yet. I picked the two of them because they have the stuff lottery programming is made of. They only need to believe more in themselves. They need reprogram their minds for excellence. Critser is one vocal advocate of open sourcing. He can put his money where his mouth is. He can start open sourcing with Kulai.

You go there, Kulai! You go there, Critser!

Laius Usail,
Doctor en Ciencia Oculta de Programas,
Doctor in Occult Science of Programming


Oh, yes, I didn’t explain in detail my behavior online. For I don’t treat all creatures equally. The same you do, Koffotzuntz. Don’t you wonder why I kick that Skullai bastard’s ass? We are very selective in that regard. So, this is why I don’t even find deserving kicking the butt of the likes of Kokostirk (Colin F, Joe Roberts, BobP, Robert Perkis, etc.). Sometimes I experience nausea when dealing with half-button mice. More plainly, aren’t you disgusted crushing worms?

On the other hand, I certainly realize the need of the existence of the kokostirks. We need enemies as much as we need friends.

Nihil… Nothing without enemies, nothing without friends.

Laius Usail,
Doctor en Ciencia Oculta de Programas,
Doctor in Occult Science of Programming



Yes, you're right it's a bit bare bones at the moment. I got diverted. However, I will be posting some 6/49 tests I did some time ago which you may find interesting

Tot Siens



Not of a higher enough literary standard for me to reply to. Are you capable of better? I don't know or really care. I've decided to put the diversions aside and get back to real work.




The guy claims things which just don't work good enough:no:... ...just ignore the fool:rolleyes:.

peter said:
Can someone explain what that crap is all about?
What value is in that.?
Two quotes from Soctares...

"Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for."

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

