Thanks, Snides....


Well, I downloaded a while ago a little piece of software called the Wheeler that I found searching this forum, even I don’t use any software and, truthfully, once in a blue moon have played a lottery during the last few years. The program is made by Snides and in my opinion, it has both unusually friendly interface and possibilities. Hope that Snides might continue to improve a little the program by further possible reduction of combinations…. However, I wonder how this outstanding effort went a bit overlooked at this forum….


Thanks Tomtom, I do have intentions of changing a few things and adding some features to that program.. I've been a little busy thinking of and doing other things lately.. I've been given a deadline that is quickly approaching for a multi-store database which is consuming a bit of my free time.. that and the slightly nicer weather and some repairs around the house. I will try to get a few changes made and more features added soon..

I use this program everytime I wheel tickets since I made it, and it has been responsible for my recent wins.. $40 from 10 tickets and $30 from 9.. and I usually have at least one number, if not 2 on every ticket on most draws that i play.. i've been playing smaller sets (10 to 12 numbers) but the size of my sets will increase once I add the new features to the program.

Thanks again for the compliment, much appreciated.

