

Im from croatia and we can bett at our bookies on lotto numbers so i could bett on alot lottos all over the world so i was wondering if i take 3 numbers for example 13,15,23 and play them in all lottos thats like 21 draw a week from all kind of lottos 6/45 6/42 6/49 5/90 6/90 7/39 and odds for striking the all 3 numbers are from 150-600 ,so if i put 1 euro and i win all 3 numbers i could win from 150-600 euros depending on what lotto i win.

Do u guys thiunk this is a good strategie???
or is better that i look at histrories for each lotto and decide for each lotto difrent numbers.

And last question is it better to play only 2 numbers and odds from 25-300 to strike both numbers???



Your strategy has merit as far as it goes but stop and think my friend, all lottos and lotterys have different odds, yes?
I believe that you would be better off spending your hard earned money making bets on how many visits you could make to say....The Pope; The Queen of England; Atlantis or your Fairy godmother. In reality doing this kind of money wasting can hurt you in the long run. I've been in the gambling circles for most of my life and odds of winning vs. odds of losing are a world unto themselves. You never beat the odds, you just run along the edges and snatch a few crumb$.


