September 6 Discussion


Well the Jackpot did not go.. nothing strange about that..
As I quote ComboMaciac "honest advice : you are wasting your money on a difficult Lottery !! Instead put your money toward bigger wheels in 6/49 like NmbsDude, Dwoods and others."

I agree :agree: with him on that 100%. I now just have a few insta piks each week and when the Jackpot grows to 15 Million or more I may play a combination of some sort.
I myself will spend the little extra on the Wild 5 Game and the Lotto 6/49.

Best of Luck to all!



my thoughts

Noticed that 5 of last nights numbers were repeats from the last 3 draws. I'm thinking we should see some low numbers drawn in the next couple of weeks.. it's been awhile since we've seen the 5 & 9 come up. :)


I'm thinking we may not see too many numbers in the teens or the 40's this Friday. I would say 2 under 10, 2 in the 20's and 2 in the 30's. The long shots are starting to grow as well, namely:
5-7-9-23-28-32-41. And we haven't seen the 8 since June. :)

