Request = positive and negative jumps in relation to the reference point the last


Request = positive and negative jumps in relation to the reference point the last draw
Ok we have three possibilities in relation to the last draw = 3 patterns
Higher, lower and equal in each position (draws in ascending order)
My lottery is 80/5
Example = 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Last draw = 11 24 41 50 57
Next = 02 05 62 79 80
9 19 21 29 27 = delta values
Greater = blue
Minor = green
Same = red
Positive = +
Negative = -
Note = bigger and smaller and equal is in relation to the last draw by vertical position (including updating new draws).
Then 1st number 11 is bigger (positive) than the next number 2, and in the 4th position the base number 50 is smaller 79 (negative)
Then the imaginary axis of the graph between the three patterns = major, minor, and equal
It is the last draw, thus avoiding to start from scratch = 00 00 00 00 00
For we have, a beginning, a point of reference that is the last draw, from this
One can see deltas in each positive and negative position, with delta values ​​of 1 30
We can see statistics and delays for delta values ​​by position
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