it's tough to get a prog that will suit all needs but many are good in different ways. Out of the ones I've tried can't beat LotWinPro when it comes to wheeling, filtering and data manipulation. Like most if not all progs out there it is not so good at predicting winners but goes beyond just being an excellent statistical tool mainly because it's fast and very easy to work with. Problem is it costs a lot, I could only afford a 3 month subscription (can't be bought outright).
Their free LotWinLite is a must have when it becomes available. In the mean time there is the Pro evaluation version which does everything the registered will, except it blanks out 1st and 6th nr of any generated combination.
Guess what I'm saying is that I think it's worth the effort to set up the free eval. version to take advatage of the features that are not disabled. I am working on that now, but am having slight problems with importing history data files, they get corrupted once loaded. Did not experience this before so I hope to resolve it soon. I can keep you posted of my progress if you're interested ...