Open office

I am using open office calc. What i am doing is putting different lotto programs picks on one sheet.Each lotto pick has one column. what i want to do is "find" the winning picks, that the keno lottery picks. they pick 20 numbers. now instead of finding one number at a time, is it possible to find all 20 at one time?


Hi Canuck!

Could you give more detail on what you are trying to do?

Not sure what you mean by "find". Do you want to highlight the 20 winners from amongst your picks? Or see how many matches there are in each of your picks? Or something else?

Good Luck!
find or replace

what i am trying to do is find the numbers that were picked by the Ontario keno. they pick 20 numbers. when i find them on my chart, i have to find them one by one.what i would like to do is find all 20 numbers at once. in the find menu all i can do is one number at a time, and then i highlight them,so they stand out from the other non winning numbers. so is it possible to find all 20 numbers at once and high light them?



There is a procedure listed in this link that might be what you are looking for.
Otherwise, google "excel highlight winning lottery numbers" for some videos and a lot more links that I didn't explore.

Good Luck!

