Macro for Registering and Analyzing Subspreadsheets


Macro for Registering and Analyzing Subspreadsheets
Objective: Create a macro that automates the process of registering 6 subspreadsheets from the main spreadsheet and performing statistical analyzes on each of them.


1. Registration of Subspreadsheets:

Select cell A1 on the main worksheet.

Run the macro.

The macro will create 6 new subsheets with the following names:

Worksheet 1 - PTT
Worksheet 2 - PTM
Worksheet 3 - PT
Worksheet 4 - PTV
Worksheet 5 - PTN
Worksheet 6 - OWL
2. Statistical Analysis:

In each subsheet, the macro will perform the following analyses:

Counting digits from 0 to 9: The macro will count how many times each digit from 0 to 9 appears in the drawn numbers.
Pattern Count: The macro will count how many times each of the following patterns appears in the drawn numbers:
Pair: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
Odd: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
High: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Low: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Presentation of results: The macro will present the results of the analyzes in a table next to the list of draws.
well you asked for an example, we then have 6 results from pick3 and 4 in a spreadsheet, the results are For example, they will be changed and placed every week, but the macro can give you the limit of 10 thousand draws
in the list of 0 to 9 is to see how many of each digit was drawn, and another list and put in descending order from the most drawn to the least drawn
Ha, you can do these statistics by adding the 6 spreadsheets too, do you have any doubts


hello, in my pick3 I have 6 draws per day, you can add more statistical items or filters to each of the 6 sheets, what is done on the 1st sheet has to be done the same on the 5 sheets. In other words, in the 6 sheets the tracking is all the same, the aim was to register and do some basic statistics


Hello Frank, can you help me create the registration of the 6 daily pick3s? We have 6 pick3 draws per day. I wanted to register them in a spreadsheet. Each draw will be updated every week or day. There is no need to create statistics, just register the 6 pick3s.


Good afternoon Jack, and happy new year. I think the reason nobody is replying is because what you are asking doesn’t make sense. Why have a macro to create 6 NEW spreadsheets? Why not create 6 spreadsheets and keep them? if you had a macro to create 6 new spreadsheets every time you opened it, you’d have 6, then 12, then 18, then 24. Then …. They would be breeding like mice. I’m not prepared to perform nonsense like this. Sorry.


Hello FRANK, THANKS FOR WATCHING THE POST, no, it's not like that!!, in my city I have 6 daily draws, Google must have translated it very badly, new!! here it means when I'm going to put new draws or update the draws, it has nothing to do with creating spreadsheets!!!
The goal is to have the 6 daily draws of pick3.


olá frank 6 sorteios pick3
PTT.......... GP
1- 2678 -20
2- 3520 -05
3- 0745 -12
4- 0092 -23
5- 6435 -09
6- 1.3470 -18
1- 4633 -09
2- 1369 -18
3- 0475 -19
4- 9874 -19
5- 6767 -17
6- 2.3118 -05
7- 342
1- 8298 -25
2- 5833 -09
3- 4744 -11
4- 6992 -23
5- 8314 -04
6- 3.4181 -21
7- 402
1- 3965 -17
2- 4523 -06
3- 4713 -04
4- 6062 -16
5- 6891 -23
6- 2.6154 -14
7- 933
1- 1218 -05
2- 3383 -21
3- 3150 -13
4- 8021 -06
5- 3569 -18
6- 1.9341 -11
7- 120
1- 1918 -05
2- 3259 -15
3- 3160 -15
4- 0034 -09
5- 1527 -07
6- 0,9898 -25
7- 250



Frank, the administrator of the game above, puts 4 digits, but for the hundreds, the last three is used, for example = 2678 pick3 678 that of (20) 2678 = (20) after that are the groups belonging to the 25 groups of the last tens below the 25 groups https


I have no idea what that last post was all about, but you don’t need me. You can fill in 6 spreadsheet pages with results. I don’t get why you need any help.


the table reduces the 100 tens into 25 groups of 4 numbers each, ex = only the final ten is used in the draw base for the Bela table, 2678 = 20 78 is turkey 20 the group has 4 pairs = 77,78,79,80 gave 78 gave turkey, what will the macro do besides registering the administrator to convert the 25 animals, another example = 456 = 56 which group of the 25 animals is the pair 56? This macro has to do when I'm updating draws


Even when translated to English I have no idea what you are saying. Worse still, the link doesn’t work.


Hello Frank, this table has 25 groups of animals, it could be anything, it could be fruit, etc. Each animal has 4 numbers. The table reduces the hundred doubles by 25. Ok, the macro will locate the corresponding animal and see the late animals from a draw list. Ex: the camel = 29, 30, 31, 32 is late. Objective: see the late frequencies of the 25 groups. You will use the last two digits of pick3. Ex: 432 = 32 camel.


We are obviously living on different planets. How we get from pick 3 to 25 animals is way beyond me. I haven’t got time for this nonsense. I’m out.


FRANK! hello=
Hello Frank, don't worry, when you understand it you'll see it's easy, the 25 animals, it could be anything else, what matters is that we have the hundred doubles 00 to 99 reduced to 25
01 02 03 04=01
05 06 07 08= 02
up to
97 98 99 00=25


1,2,3,4 isn’t a double. It’s a quad. What has 1,2,3,4 got to do with pick 3 anyway? In your country do people pick 3 from four or is it 3 from 4 and a bonus? in my country they pick 3 from 50!


Frank, don't worry, you'll understand, in Brazil we have pick3 example = 457, last two digits 57 is one of the one hundred pairs from 00 to 99. the final pair of pick3457 is 57 it belongs to animal 15 alligator = 57 58 59 60, 25 groups is similar to the vtrac, simply there was a reduction of one hundred pairs from 00 to 99 to 25 groups of animals, where is the doubt?

