here are the winning numbers as predicted by the lottosynchronizer for the canada 6/49 draw held saturday november 29th 1-2-6-9-19-31-39-44-46-49!!!!!! yes thats me speedingf away in my shiny red ferrari 348ts!!!!
I give you 3 of those numbers at best, enough to ride the lucky bronco horse at the mall ten times, the Ferrari will have to wait.luckyhorse said:here are the winning numbers as predicted by the lottosynchronizer for the canada 6/49 draw held saturday november 29th 1-2-6-9-19-31-39-44-46-49!!!!!! yes thats me speedingf away in my shiny red ferrari 348ts!!!!
luckyhorse said:we will see if i can lay that golden coiler for this one!!!!! oooh! that was pretty gross! anyway lets see if luck can strike twicew on a saturday!!!!
Already been answered...Twice in the same draw,Two awesome sets,+ Two DNs on target for the occasion...Next question please...Originally posted by Dennis Bassboss on Saturday November the first...
Hunting season for numbers just openned....but the hunt is going to be better as the season progresses....
Also playing a 6 lines small wheel with some gimmy...