I've added Quebec 3/4 Ontario & W. Canada 3

Dwoods Gotta let you know?

My software is still in last minute preprations. I actually can't wait until my programmer has it done. I will be posting the release on this site. It's expected to be released in early June. Have you gone to my site <<url deleted by LT>> yet? Sign my guest book so that I can keep you posted!

Nice to talk with you!


Todd Kelly:wavey:
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I have gone to it. I'll wait for the official release. Your guestbook is really a sign-up for a mailing list, which you must sign up for on a different site. It also offers many other lists, so this makes me uncomfortable to provide my email address (experience).


Hi Todd,

First let me say thanks for posting your Pick 3 numbers and for also including some of the Canadian P3 games in your forecasts.

Todd I have some concern re the link that you are posting when you invite members from here to sign your guestbook as the guestbook requires the signee to provide their email address. That is in contravention of the protocol of this bulletin board as it is a method of harvesting members email addresses. Also on the site all I really see is a "get paid to shop on line" banner a "get on the list" spam list opt button a software description and a notice of:
"Play Pick 3 Software will be released in June 2002
Coming Soon!! The Players Club Forum"
If your link eventually leads to a "Players Club Forum" then this would be another reason why it would not be allowed to be posted here.
I'm also wondering if it is premature to post a link to a site that is not done. ie the software is not going to be released till June?

When you do get the software ready for market, lets see if we can put together a stand alone link to your product which would be acceptable to post.

Anyhow keep us posted and again your P3 predictions are appreciated.

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Thanks for the Heads-Up

I actually have set up the guest book as a Pre-Order link. But, I agree with you and I don't want to be in conflict with this post board. I will not advertise my site - Yet come June if its fine then, so be it. It was nice to get your reply and I look forward to meeting a lot of friends on this site. I hope that my predictions I am posting bring success and many winners. I'm glad to be part of such a nice forum.




Thanks for your understanding Todd. When your product is released let me know and we will get something figured out that will be OK for all of us re a link so that potential users can check out your Pick 3 program :)

