NASPL said:
In many cases lottery profits are combined with tax and other revenues in a government's general fund. In other cases lottery proceeds are dedicated to a wide range of causes, including education, economic development, the environment, programs for senior citizens, health care, sports facilities, capital construction projects, cultural activities, tax relief, and others.
The problem we had in Texas was that the Lottery donated millions to education, however some bureaucratic bonehead decided that since education got all that $ from the lottery, it no longer needed to be allocated that amount of funding fom the state budget. Thus education was not really benefited by lotto $, it only replaced it's traditional share of the state budget with $ from the lotto. The education sector got the same amount of $, it just came from a different source. It should have BOTH it's regular budget as well as lotto $ so that education can be improved. What are govt officials afraid will happen if education gets a surplus of $$$?? Teachers may get raises comperable to a government officials salary? Wouldn't that be encouraging!
So, don't be fooled, a lotto corp saying they donate funds doesn't really mean anything sometimes.