Thanks Gilles, I'm OK now, as I said before maybe I overreacted.
Guess what got me was that I did warn in the previous post there could be errors in the data base. Since I use CN 6/49 data infrequently I don't monitor it as much and tend to rely on ws downloads, hence the 'heads up'.
For BC49 I maintain the data myself and check it for accuracy often as I agree with you it's useless having erroneous data.
When Beaker pointed to the errors it helped me locate them, and I think that's one of the benefits of stats exchange on this board.
Anyway, on the positive side now, I learned how to compare GH's whole history with official BCLC numbers much more quickly (using Excel btw). Found 3 numbers were incorrect with 2 of those skewing the data I posted.
I emailed GH techs to advise them of that and a few other unrelated errors I found, and they were greatfull enough to mail me free prog upgrades and a Lottery Master Guide book so this story has a happy ending
GH is not the 'end all be all' lotto prog, which one is? It has it's good points though, even if it does present some stats in a different fashion,
ps. Peter, you'd make a good moderator