in the threads:
Lotto Wheels > Cost of Wheeling (Pg. 2)
Lotto Wheels > Cost of Wheeling (Pg. 3)
I know it may sound like I'm against you or anything... but i'm not.. really...
however, to be honest though.. I don't know if it's only me or what... sometimes, I think you're a bit showing off your accomplishment... maybe you're not sending that msg. on purpose... however, I sometimes do receive that kinda msg. just by reading this board.. Your accomplishments are DEFINITELY RECOGIZED.... that's why ppl. value your opinions.. but sometimes you're over-emphisizing them which kinda annoy ppl. (or at least me...) BECAUSE YOUR ACTIONS ARE OVERLY DONE...
now you may not agree w/ my comments on your "over-emphisizing" since it is just my subjective comments...
however, einstein's law of relativity tells us that everything's relative... so relatively speaking, comparing to most of us (well, not inlude me since i rarely post), you do over-emphisize your accomplishment a lot more than anyone else here...
TO ME.. LOSING MONEY ISN'T REALLY WORTH MENTIONING... (when I say losing money, i'm referring to your 2/2 hints or 1/2 hints cuz they get you $0 regardless how right on they are.... while some amount of money were spent on these draws... hence the loss of money..) THE ONLY THING THAT'S WORTH MENTIONING IS EARNING MONEY.... so one day when you spend $50 dollars and win say 100$ dollars.. over-emphsize or over mention it then, and I would envy you & congratualate you... or maybe even ask your for tips..... until then, even if you only spend $1 dollar and get 2/2 HINTS CORRECT... you're still a LOSER IN THAT DRAW.. THEN TO ME, IT'S PT.LESS TO MENTION & DEFINITELY NO NEED TO OVER-EMPHISIZE OVERLY
Have a nice day....
p.s. This is just my opinions... you don't really have to care about it... after all... Canada is a free country... and I'm confident that not everyone think of you on this matter the same way I do... so... yeah.. just to let you know how I feel... that's all... hopefully there's no hard feelings... if I've offended you or stated anything incorrectly.. do tell.... after all... I bet i'm a lot younger than the most of you here.. (19 yrs old)... so who am I to tell any one of you how you should act... so... yeah.... good day & good luck ^.^
in the threads:
Lotto Wheels > Cost of Wheeling (Pg. 2)
Lotto Wheels > Cost of Wheeling (Pg. 3)
I know it may sound like I'm against you or anything... but i'm not.. really...
however, to be honest though.. I don't know if it's only me or what... sometimes, I think you're a bit showing off your accomplishment... maybe you're not sending that msg. on purpose... however, I sometimes do receive that kinda msg. just by reading this board.. Your accomplishments are DEFINITELY RECOGIZED.... that's why ppl. value your opinions.. but sometimes you're over-emphisizing them which kinda annoy ppl. (or at least me...) BECAUSE YOUR ACTIONS ARE OVERLY DONE...
now you may not agree w/ my comments on your "over-emphisizing" since it is just my subjective comments...
however, einstein's law of relativity tells us that everything's relative... so relatively speaking, comparing to most of us (well, not inlude me since i rarely post), you do over-emphisize your accomplishment a lot more than anyone else here...
TO ME.. LOSING MONEY ISN'T REALLY WORTH MENTIONING... (when I say losing money, i'm referring to your 2/2 hints or 1/2 hints cuz they get you $0 regardless how right on they are.... while some amount of money were spent on these draws... hence the loss of money..) THE ONLY THING THAT'S WORTH MENTIONING IS EARNING MONEY.... so one day when you spend $50 dollars and win say 100$ dollars.. over-emphsize or over mention it then, and I would envy you & congratualate you... or maybe even ask your for tips..... until then, even if you only spend $1 dollar and get 2/2 HINTS CORRECT... you're still a LOSER IN THAT DRAW.. THEN TO ME, IT'S PT.LESS TO MENTION & DEFINITELY NO NEED TO OVER-EMPHISIZE OVERLY
Have a nice day....
p.s. This is just my opinions... you don't really have to care about it... after all... Canada is a free country... and I'm confident that not everyone think of you on this matter the same way I do... so... yeah.. just to let you know how I feel... that's all... hopefully there's no hard feelings... if I've offended you or stated anything incorrectly.. do tell.... after all... I bet i'm a lot younger than the most of you here.. (19 yrs old)... so who am I to tell any one of you how you should act... so... yeah.... good day & good luck ^.^