High lighting Duplicates

Good day, can someone please help me to high light rows with duplicates combinations in excel. I have tried to search on internet but am struggling:unhappy:


Use Conditional Formatting

Say Your Numbers are in Cells A1:C1
Select A1
Use this Formula in Conditional formatting =countif($A1:$C1,A1)>0
Set a Background Color as the Format. (Or Text Color)
Repeat this Format in Cells B1 and C1
This will Highlight the 2 Doubles or 3 Tripples.
Copy this Format to the Remaining Rows that you want to highlight.
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You are welcome.
You could also use a formula in the cell adjacent to you triad that returned a 0,2 or 3 or "S","D" or "T". You get the added benefit of using those answers to do some more analysis, Then your conditional formatting could be keyed to those answers to highlight.
Again assuming data in A1:A3 the formula would be =if(countif(A1:A3,A1)>1,1,0)+if(countif(A1:A3,B1)>1,1,0)+if(countif(A1:A3,C1)>1,1,0)
In this case you would get a 0 to indicate a No Match, 2 to indicate a Double and 3 to indicate a triple.
There is probably a simpler formula for this; but, it works for me.
Best Of Luck

