Help for LottoStatisticsXLp.


Hi every one:wavey:

If you have tips or anything to post here so we can create a help
for LottoStatisticsXLp.Thank you in advance.
Download it from:

Create a file for your lottery ,keno etc..This will be your Game's database.
this database should be like this :
"Draw ID,Date,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,..."
The number should be separeted with ","
Draw ID is draw number from 1 to N draws.
Must of lottery history can be found on line.
Save your database as the name of your lottery or what you like
as text .
Once you have done all the above you start discovring what you can do with LottoStatisticsXLp.
-Click on the button GO TO DATABASE
-At the top there is 3 orange buttons and 1 green
-Cilck on Load DataBase
a window appear hilight your history game and click open.Another window appear click on the FINISH button.
- a few second and Your game is upload on the LottoStatisticsXLp.
-Now press the second orange button Save DataBase.So LottoStatisticsXLp will save your data game.It important to do so because if you have more than one history for different game you can just click on Load DataBase and load your game.
-On row 2 column A the number of draws in your history game.
-On row 2 column B the Name of your history game.
-On row 2 column C the High number in your game.
-On row 2 column D the numbers drawn in your game (ex: 6 out of 49 without the bonus number).In here you must enter NB 7 if you want to include bonus NB in your database or 6 if you dont want to include the bonus number.
-Now click on the green button Go To Menu.
-Here you find the heart of the LottoStatisticsXLp.
wich button i have to press?.What a number i have to enter?.
How can i get best performance?.what is trevia repports?
What the mean of last 10 appeared? and so a lot of question.
But by the help of all users of the LottoStatisticsXLp and their post here and to shear their experience with us we shall win.
I'll add more at the time :wavey:


Good idea Morocco,

just thinking that "On row 2 column D the numbers drawn in your game (ex: 6 out of 49 without the bonus number).In here you must enter NB 7 if you want to include bonus NB in your database or 6 if you dont want to include the bonus number." deserves a correction.

Row 2 column D is important to include Bonus (or not) in LottoStatistics calculations. It exists yet and will be saved in the database even if you set this as "6".

It's important too, to explain how to Add a Draw and to check its date.

Keep going,



-click on orange button Add New Draw
-a pop up windows come up asking you to check date
-click OK
-This window is just to reminde you to check date (depending on how many draw you have in your game per day.Because the program calculate automaticly the date for next draw )in case there is a mistake.
-Go to the bottom of your databaseby using the lift on the right of your screen.
-Here you find that LottoStatisticsXLp hase provide a new date for new draw to add.Check the date if it's corresponding to your draw if none correct it please.
-Then enter your new draw.
-Click on the orange button "Save DataBase"
-Now your database is update with recent draw.
-Click on green button "Go To Menu"
-Now you are in the input sheet.
-On this page you have at the top an orange button "Applay Default values" click on it to set the default value it's like factory setting.

*Back draw
-press button "Go To Database".
-On row 2 column A ther's a number reperesenting the total draws in your game.Let's say 2046 draws.
-We want to go back to draw 2006 for ex to see what was the statistics then.
-Click on that number in row 2 column A in database sheet and enter the draw number you want to go back to ex here 2006.
-Now click on "Go To Menu" button.
-In the input sheet click on "Applay Default Values".
-The Start Draw will change to

i will continue tommorow bye


description of headers for Trivial Report

Morocco,well done mate,keep up the good work.
I thought it'll be right from my side to give some input myself with a description of headers for Trivial Report.For an experienced lotto player these features are quite easy to understand,but a novice might struggle.For now,the description is mainly technical,what every header means and later we could discuss how to use the features as I think that everyone has some technique of their own.
Please if you notice any unlogical thing,correct me and add everything you think it should be added and/or changed.

Sum of digits of the draw

04 10 21 32 33 44

is a middle value when numbers are sorted in ascending order i.e.for lotto 5 its a 3-rd number in line (middle), for lotto 6 its (n3+n4)/2, for lotto 7 its n4(4-th number),etc.
n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6

04 10 21 32 33 44

Average of all digits

Sum/numbers drawn
In our case it is: 144/6=24

Standard Deviation of the numbers

Variation is an average square deviation of the numbers from the middle,and standard deviation is a square root of that value.Hope that makes sense,I'm not a mathematician :)
Just for the record I'll show how its calculated,no need to know this really,though,
as LottoStatisticsXpl does all the work.

sd = square root [sum( x - xbar)^2 / (N-1)]

04 10 21 32 33 44

x - drawn number (4,10,21,32,33,44)
xbar - average (24)

square root[(4-24)^2+(10-24)^2+(21-24)^2+(32-24)^2+(33-24)^2+(44-24)^2)/(6-1)] = 15,2

Small & Big numbers

Half of the numbers below midpoint are small numbers and the other half above the midpoint are big numbers
For 6/45: 1-22 are Small and 23-45 are Big this combination
4 10 21 32 33 44,ratio Small/Big is 3/3.

Odd & Even numbers

Ratio of odd and even numbers in the drawn combination.
E  E  O  E  O  E
04 10 21 32 33 44
so,obviously O/E is 2/4.

Ending from 0-4 and 5-9

-counts last digits in 2 groups: 0-4 and 5-9.
In example that follows there are 6 numbers that all end with a number from 0-4 so this relation is 6/0.
04 10 21 32 33 44

 4  0  1  2  3  4
But,in this case you can see 4 numbers that have last digit from 0-4 and 2 numbers with last digit from 5-9 so a relation is 4/2.
09 10 17 23 32 43

    0     3  2  3     

 9     7

Ending per digit

-counts specifically the last digits of the drawn numbers.
04 10 21 32 33 44
 4  0  1  2  3  4


How many from are
1=Single Digit
2=twice from this digit
3=3 times from this digit

04 10 21 32 33 44

 4  0  1  2  3  4

4 single digits (0,1,2,3)
1 twice from this digit (4)

06 12 16 30 31 36 

 6  2  6  0  1  6
3 single digits (2,0,1)
1 three times from this digit (6)

Two or more from that digit

-specifies the exact two or more digit(s) endings.
04 10 21 32 33 44

 4  0  1  2  3  4

In this case EN is 4 (two from that digit)

Range of the numbers

-in a sorted drawing,range is a difference between highest and lowest number drawn.

04 10 21 32 33 44

44 - 4 = 40


Numbers that are next to each other.
04 10 21 32 33 44    1   1 consequtive  (32 33)
04 05 11 12 26 40    2   2 consequtives (4 5 and 11 12)

Repeats from last draw

Repeaters are numbers that repeat from the previous draw.
445 14 09 03    04 10 21 32 33 44
444 07 09 03    09 10 17 23 32 43
In this case numbers 10 and 32 are repeaters.

Repeats after 2-12 last draws

This number shows how many repeaters did occur after 2-12 draws.

How many from each Decade

Decades are:1-9,10-19,20-29,30-39,40-49 and so on.
This feature shows how many numbers are drawn from each decade.
1-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49      Deca 

 04  10     21  32 33  44        11121

  1   1     1     2     1

Decades that missed

-shows the number of missing decades.
In above example,no decade missed so the field Ms is empty.
BUT,in this case:
09 15 18 28 29 44          122_1
decade 30-39 is missing so Ms is 1... or another example...
04 09 11 16 31 38          22_2_
decades 20-29 and 40-49 are missing so Ms is 2.

Lex ID
The Lexicographic ID of this draw

Lexicographic ID is an ordinal number of particular draw combination in lotto game.This feature is useful for sorting of combinations.
For example,lotto 6/45 has 8145060 possible combinations.
First combination 01 02 03 04 05 06 has lex ID 1,
and the lex ID of the last combination 40 41 42 43 44 45 is 8145060.

Last time appeared draws back

-shows how many draws back did number occur for the last time.If a value is 1,it means that a number is a repeater.
                              H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
04 10 21 32 33 44             7  1  19 1  4  2
In this case,number 4 last appeared before 7 draws,numbers 10 and 32 are repeaters,21 last appeared before 19 draws,33 before 4 and 44 last appeared before 2 draws.

Sum of Since Last Appeared

                             H1  H2  H3  H4   H5  H6     Sm
04 10 21 32 33 44             7+ 1 + 19 + 1 +  4 + 2 =   34
Sum of last appeared in this case is 34.

Leap Froggers ( +/- 1 off numbers of previous draw)

Leap froggers are numbers one up or one down off numbers from the previous draw,term "next number,next draw" also refers to this term as a synonim.
445 14 09 03    04 10 21 32 33 44
444 07 09 03    09 10 17 23 32 43
LF in this case are:10,33 and 44 because 9-->10,32-->33,43-->44.
Possible LF for the next draw are:
     04     10     21     32  33    44
LF 03  05 09  11 20  22 31 32 33 34 43 45
In case that 2 numbers give the same LF (f.e 12 14 -->13),this is known as double Leap frogger and LottoStatisticsXpl will show that as repeating the LF twice: 1313.

Cheers :dizzy: :wavey:
Last edited:


THank you system13

*Back draw
-press button "Go To Database".
-On row 2 column A ther's a number reperesenting the total draws in your game.Let's say 2046 draws.
-We want to go back to draw 2006 for ex to see what was the statistics then.
-Click on that number in row 2 column A in database sheet and enter the draw number you want to go back to ex here 2006.
-Now click on "Go To Menu" button.
-In the input sheet click on "Applay Default Values".
-The Start Draw will change to draw you want to go back to in our exemple is 2006.
-All the statistics will be change like if we have just 2006 draws in our database.
-So from here you can the Trivia Report,Visueal Resultes ,Do Distrubitions ect... just until the draw you choose here is 2006.


-we want to set some value for Best Performing Set.
---Get a pencil and a paper.
---Make 7 column on your paper.
----Name the first column Start Draw(This is the last draw we have in our database).
----Name the second column Duration(this is how many draws we want to check in our database).
----Name the third column Set Size(This is how many numbers we want to check for there Best Performance).
----Name the fourth column Categories(This how many winning numbers we want to check for:'0203 mean 2 and 3 wining numbers. a '0303 mean 3 winning numbers, a '0304 mean 3 and 4 winning numbers etc...).
----Name the fifth column Trial (this is how many time you want the LottostatistcsXLp to check for BEST PERFORMING SET.)
----Name the sixth column Best So Far(This is what LottostatisticsXLp output in row 12 after you click on button "Best Perf. Set ").
----Name seventh column Real Result(This is the real result from your next draw )in our exmple the result of draw2007.
-Write what ever you have enter in the input page on paper press the button "Best Perf. Set " .waite for the programm stop . Copy on the paper the result for that set.Keep doing like this for
as long as you want .Check diffrente seting you have choose and the result you'v got.I hope by now you have understand.
Good luck and until next time.

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

This is the *most* comprehensive help,
for the Trivial Repot.


It is worth it to be mentioned at
the "Credits" of the program.



Naw,Nick,no need for mentioning,I'm just glad if I could help someone else beside myself.

You're the man that deserves all the credits for making this excellent tool available. :agree2:



*Back draw
-press button "Go To Database".
-On row 2 column A ther's a number reperesenting the total draws in your game.Let's say 2046 draws.
-We want to go back to draw 2006 for ex to see what was the statistics then.
-Click on that number in row 2 column A in database sheet and enter the draw number you want to go back to ex here 2006.
-Now click on "Go To Menu" button.
-In the input sheet click on "Applay Default Values".
-The Start Draw will change to draw you want to go back to in our exemple is 2006.
-All the statistics will be change like if we have just 2006 draws in our database.
-So from here you can the Trivia Report,Visueal Resultes ,Do Distrubitions ect... just until the draw you choose here is 2006.

Does duration in input tab on your querey do the same thing. I mean a duration of 100 will go back 100 draws ?

I mean a duration of 100 will go back 100 draws ?
so you can type in a draw number there, say 500 and a duration 100 it will count only back to 400?

i dunno for sure. im new to program. looks like 2 ways to do same thing. but hey i lke having options.



Duration is how many Last draws you want to use.If you input
100 Draws that's mean last 100 draws from the Start Draw.


Hi evryone

Hit/Skip Tables

Hit it mean how many time a number come out at that SKIP.
Skip mean how many time or draws a number has not come
out in draw or miss a draw.
To see the statistics for Hit/Skip for your game DO:
-Set Start Draw at The highest number in your DriD or click orange
Button "Apply Default values".
-Set Duration to how many Draws you want to use to see at which Skip are the numbers .
-Set TYPE TO:(here can to 3 different type)
----If you want to see how many times a number has hit at that
skip where is now enter NB under type Then click button
" Hit / Skip ".
----If you want to see how many times last digit or ending of a
number has hit at that skip where is now enter LD under type Then click button
" Hit / Skip ".
----If you want to see how many times a consecutive numbers has hit at that skip where is now enter C 2 for tables of 2 cosecutives number under type Then click button.
" Hit / Skip ".
Or C 3 for tables of 3 cosecutives number under type Then click button.
" Hit / Skip ".
Or C 4 for tables of 4 cosecutives number under type Then click button.
" Hit / Skip ".
Or C 5 for tables of 5 cosecutives number under type Then click button.
" Hit / Skip ".
THAT'S all.
After you click " Hit / Skip " button you will have a window that show the hit /skip table.
In ROW 3 there is column with numbers from 1 to the highest skip in your game.
In Column A there is NB your lottery numbers of your game.
In the table there is a lot of numbers some of them are highlighted with light green color.
To read this on the row where is one of your game number for exemple say number 5 you have to look for the number that has been highlihgted with the green color this is the HIT (exemple 10).
If you look at the top of this column you read the Skip (exemple 4).

This is it NUMBER 5 HAS HIT 10 times AT THE SKIP 4.
You read the same thing for LD (last digit or ending) or for conscutives numbers.



HI :wavey:

If you have probleme to make your history file post the name of your game and i"ll try to post it for you.If you have any questions
just ask an i'll try to answer it or some one else will do in this forum.
Thank you and bye for now:eek:


Help for LottoStatisticsXLp. Tip BPS.


--Click on orange Button "apply Default values" in the menu sheet.
--Go back 12 draws (for exemple if your Start Draw is 274 take 12
= 262) click on the number below Start Draw and enter 262.So we are going to numbers for draw no.263.
--Now click on button "Last Appeared" a new sheet open with a lot of numbers on it.Check what the last number under column DB.(for exemple 56).write this number on paper.on the same sheet click the green button "GO TO MENU".
once you'r in the menu sheet go to row 21 for BPS and enter the number you wrote down under DURATION(our exemple 56).
--Under SET SIZE ,if your game is 6 from 49 enter 6 in Set Size.
--Under categories enter 3 NB (for number) to win or what you want but the best for 6 out of 49 is 4.(you can try other NB and see for yourself).
--Under TRIALS enter how many trials the LottoStaticsXLp has to check let's say 100.
--Now press the button "Best Perf. Set"

You are on the sheet BPS .Wait until the program stop when no more numbers keep changing.Write on a paperthe numbers a front of BEST SO FAR on row 12.Go to menu sheet without changing anything in your first set press button "Best Perf. Set"
Wait for the program to stop again ,write the numbers again.
Continue doing so until you have on your paper 10 lines or more if you want.
Now we consider these lines are the one you want to play for draw no.263 as mentioned above .Press button "Trivial Report "
check your lines with the reel draw 263.See if you have predict the rhigt numbers for that draw.

Once you have get a best setting for your BPS for your game.You can do this to generate lines or combinations to play for your game you do not need a wheels.




I have set LottoStatisticsXLp as :
Start Draw to 16

Duration to 16

Set Size to 9

Categories to 3

Trials to 21000

i got this 12 18 19 20 24 28 40 44 47

I have wheel those number to this :

The results for Moroccan lotto on saturday october 25 ,2003 was:
05,09,18,24,40,47 bonus 17

Winning Hits
Combinaison ---------| HIT | ROW |
18,20,24,28,44,47 | - | 3 | 1 |
18,19,20,40,44,47 | - | 3 | 2 |
12,18,20,28,40,44 | - | 0 | 3 |
12,18,19,28,40,47 | - | 3 | 4 |
12,20,24,28,40,47 | - | 3 | 5 |
12,18,19,24,28,44 | - | 0 | 6 |
19,24,28,40,44,47 | - | 3 | 7 |
12,18,19,20,24,47 | - | 3 | 8 |
12,18,24,40,44,47 | - | 4 | 9 |
12,19,20,24,40,44 | - | 0 | 10 |
12,19,20,28,44,47 | - | 0 | 11 |
18,19,20,24,28,40 | - | 3 | 12 |

What you think??

