Hello ppl!


I am new to this forum! I have been browsing around for a week now and I decided to register because I see you guys are great and I can find useful information here.
I play 6/49 lottery and I have some questions:
1. Is anyone using Lotto Pro ? Does it work for you? What draw cuf-off do you use?
I used lotto pro for few times without getting any results.
2. What are the best programs out there that I can use to narrow my numbers?
3. How do you find TOP 20 numbers? What strategy or system?



Hi revy,

The default settings for Lotto Pro - ie 50 draw history and 10 hotnumber cut off are considered the best for that program. On their web site the are lots of winner testimonials who have won using that setting.
The "best" programs are also the most expensive. Here are most of them - VersaBet Lotto Manager and VersaBet Pick 3-4, Lottery Director, Lottery Boss Pro, Gail Howard Advantage Plus and of course WinLot line filtering system.
For general use Lotto Pro does most everything good and is not too expensive.
If you are asking me peronally how I get the Top 20 essentially it is mix of hot, colds, mediums with a good examination of the hit pattern. Other players have their own sucessful techniques. Don't be stuck on going for a set of 20 exclusively. For individual play it is much better to go for smaller sets as do a lot of players here.

No need to buy a Prog

Hi Revy,

I agree with LT, use his technique i.e hot ,cold and Medium.
My opinion is there is no need to waste your money on any prog cause they don't do anything. I have tried lots of them as shareware and nothing happened whereas when I used my intuition, I did win some money here and there.
I honestly don't believe the testimonials Unless I see the winning cheque :)
Good Luck.



LT said:
Hi revy,

The default settings for Lotto Pro - ie 50 draw history and 10 hotnumber cut off are considered the best for that program. On their web site the are lots of winner testimonials who have won using that setting.
The "best" programs are also the most expensive. Here are most of them - VersaBet Lotto Manager and VersaBet Pick 3-4, Lottery Director, Lottery Boss Pro, Gail Howard Advantage Plus and of course WinLot line filtering system.
For general use Lotto Pro does most everything good and is not too expensive.
If you are asking me peronally how I get the Top 20 essentially it is mix of hot, colds, mediums with a good examination of the hit pattern. Other players have their own sucessful techniques. Don't be stuck on going for a set of 20 exclusively. For individual play it is much better to go for smaller sets as do a lot of players here.


What draw cut off do you use when you find cold/hot numbers?
What are the medium numbers? How you examine the hit pattern? Do you use MS Excel sheets processing your data?

Best regards.


Hi revy ..

When I use Lotto Pro I use a hot number cut off of 10. The "hot" numbers are listed in the left list, the cold and due in lists to the right. The "medium" numbers are those numbers in the bottom half to two thirds of the "cold" list. The hit sequence chart will display the hit pattern. I personally do not use excel spread sheets but many players here do use them. There is a downloadable 649 excel in the tools section which has kindly been provided by Sylvain.

ComboMan brings up some very good points. Firstly, testimonials without copies of the winning tickets should be taken at face value and he is absolutely correct about lotto programs ... you do not need them. Lotto software is about organizing your numbers and providing an easy tool for number management. Software is not about predictions. Bottom line, the player could simply list the last 25 to 50 draws by hand and work out the frequencies of number occurrances by hand. Software just makes the job less labour intensive. And as CM mentions .. intuition is a very valuable force.


