Hi ,
I want your opinion on this if you have try it:
Create Guaranteed Wheel
This option permits you to create guaranteed win wheels without using the number wheel. The files it creates are all located in the WHEELS sub directory as text files. Creating a
guaranteed win wheel requires that you specify the number of digits you want to guaranty matching, the number of digits in a single play (number of marks you make on one ticket) and
the number of digits you will pool for the wheel (how many numbers you are wheeling).
Through this system, LottoMan has the unusual ability to make any guaranty and a pool of any size and for any lotto type game without you having to create the wheels yourself,
buy wheels from us or buy a book on wheeling to enter wheels someone else created. To the best of my knowledge, LottoMan is the only program on the market with this ability.
Each file created by this function will guaranty matching the specified number of digits and is hole free. The file, itself. is a simple text file which you may view using any text
editor. Likewise, you can edit and modify the file youself. The file's name (GWggttpp.TXT) is created by combining the number of digits being guaranteed (gg), the number of digits on
each ticket (tt) and the number of digits in the pool (pp). The first line in the file must start with the number of tickets contained in the file. The remaining lines are the actual templates
for the plays with no more than one per line.
After selecting the Create Guaranteed Wheel menu option, you will be shown the dialog displayed below. (Click on the portion of the dialog you want to know more about or select
from the list below). Fill in the required information and click the OK button to begin building the wheel.
The program will check to see if you already have a defined wheel for the conditions you are specifying. If you do, it will give you the option of continuing to try and improve on the
wheel or the option of recreating the wheel from scratch. If the file does not exist, the program will just start to work on the wheel.
LottoMan uses an internal rnadom number selection routine to build the guaranteed wheels. In short, it creates a list of every possible combination of the pooled numbers, or
segments, required for your guaranty. It then combines the segments randomly into plays and counts the number of plays created. This process is continued for the number of trials you
request or until you stop the creation process yourself.
In each successive trial, the program compares the number of plays created to the number of plays created previously. If the number of plays is fewer than in any previous trial, it
writes the play list to the wheel file. Otherwise, it throws the attempt away and starts again in an effort to get down to the smallest possible number of plays required to make the
It is worth noting that the use of random combinations of the segments helps to keep the resulting plays balanced. However, it also means that the play lists it creates may not be
the absolute best. It is highly recommended that you let the program make a minimum of ten passes at any wheel. In fact, you are best off letting the program work for a few hundred
passes. that aside, the system tends to close in on the optimum set of plays very quickly and additional processing will usually only save a few more tickets.
While LottoMan is working on your guaranteed wheel, it will display a dialog showing the generation's progress. The first dialog's title will display how many digits you want to
guaranty, the size of the play and the size of the pool (i.e. Guaranteed 3 of 6 in 18 Generation which means we are guarantying a three digit match in a six number game for a pool of 18
numbers. That, in turn, means the resulting wheel will guaranty that so long as you have three of the winning numbers among the eighteed you play, you will have at least one ticket with
a 3 of 6 match.
In addition, this dialog shows you what process is in action in the status line: Generating wheel, sorting or writing. The next line shows you how many passes have been
completed. In other words, how many full sets of plays have been created. The third line shows you how many plays were contained in the set with the smallest number of tickets so far.
The next line shows how many plays are in the current set, so far, as the program works on the current pass. The last line shows you how many segments have not yet been accounted
for in the play set for the current pass.
The program will continue to generate plays for this pass until the number of segments is zero or it finds that it has created more plays than one of the previous passes. Likewise,
it will continue to make passes until it has reached the number of passes you requested. If, however, you requested the program continue working on the wheel until you click stop, it
will continue forever until you do so. Note, since the progam is using random combination to create the wheel, it is *never* really done. That is, there are virtually millions of different
ways to combine the individual segments into plays and the program could run forever without trying them all.
Therefor, the program does not check to see if it has the "best" possible set of plays. Rather, it just keeps trying different combinations of the segments looking for a way to trim
yet one more play from the set. Unless you give the program a set number of passes to make, it is never done. Thus, don't be confused because it hasn't finished... it isn't going to be.
You can, at any time, stop the processing by clicking on the Stop button or the Abort button. If you click Stop, the program will stop working on the current play set and exit the
function. If you click abort, you will also be given the option of deleting the play set that has been written to disk (if any).
The example below shows the progress of the generation of a 3/6 in 18 guarantted win wheel. This generation is on the second pass and has created 20 plays in it's best pass.
So far, it has created nine plays in this second pass and still has to account for 663 segments before the pass is completed. Should the pass create 20 plays and still have segments
to account for, it will give up on the attempt and continue on to the next pass.
I want your opinion on this if you have try it:
Create Guaranteed Wheel
This option permits you to create guaranteed win wheels without using the number wheel. The files it creates are all located in the WHEELS sub directory as text files. Creating a
guaranteed win wheel requires that you specify the number of digits you want to guaranty matching, the number of digits in a single play (number of marks you make on one ticket) and
the number of digits you will pool for the wheel (how many numbers you are wheeling).
Through this system, LottoMan has the unusual ability to make any guaranty and a pool of any size and for any lotto type game without you having to create the wheels yourself,
buy wheels from us or buy a book on wheeling to enter wheels someone else created. To the best of my knowledge, LottoMan is the only program on the market with this ability.
Each file created by this function will guaranty matching the specified number of digits and is hole free. The file, itself. is a simple text file which you may view using any text
editor. Likewise, you can edit and modify the file youself. The file's name (GWggttpp.TXT) is created by combining the number of digits being guaranteed (gg), the number of digits on
each ticket (tt) and the number of digits in the pool (pp). The first line in the file must start with the number of tickets contained in the file. The remaining lines are the actual templates
for the plays with no more than one per line.
After selecting the Create Guaranteed Wheel menu option, you will be shown the dialog displayed below. (Click on the portion of the dialog you want to know more about or select
from the list below). Fill in the required information and click the OK button to begin building the wheel.
The program will check to see if you already have a defined wheel for the conditions you are specifying. If you do, it will give you the option of continuing to try and improve on the
wheel or the option of recreating the wheel from scratch. If the file does not exist, the program will just start to work on the wheel.
LottoMan uses an internal rnadom number selection routine to build the guaranteed wheels. In short, it creates a list of every possible combination of the pooled numbers, or
segments, required for your guaranty. It then combines the segments randomly into plays and counts the number of plays created. This process is continued for the number of trials you
request or until you stop the creation process yourself.
In each successive trial, the program compares the number of plays created to the number of plays created previously. If the number of plays is fewer than in any previous trial, it
writes the play list to the wheel file. Otherwise, it throws the attempt away and starts again in an effort to get down to the smallest possible number of plays required to make the
It is worth noting that the use of random combinations of the segments helps to keep the resulting plays balanced. However, it also means that the play lists it creates may not be
the absolute best. It is highly recommended that you let the program make a minimum of ten passes at any wheel. In fact, you are best off letting the program work for a few hundred
passes. that aside, the system tends to close in on the optimum set of plays very quickly and additional processing will usually only save a few more tickets.
While LottoMan is working on your guaranteed wheel, it will display a dialog showing the generation's progress. The first dialog's title will display how many digits you want to
guaranty, the size of the play and the size of the pool (i.e. Guaranteed 3 of 6 in 18 Generation which means we are guarantying a three digit match in a six number game for a pool of 18
numbers. That, in turn, means the resulting wheel will guaranty that so long as you have three of the winning numbers among the eighteed you play, you will have at least one ticket with
a 3 of 6 match.
In addition, this dialog shows you what process is in action in the status line: Generating wheel, sorting or writing. The next line shows you how many passes have been
completed. In other words, how many full sets of plays have been created. The third line shows you how many plays were contained in the set with the smallest number of tickets so far.
The next line shows how many plays are in the current set, so far, as the program works on the current pass. The last line shows you how many segments have not yet been accounted
for in the play set for the current pass.
The program will continue to generate plays for this pass until the number of segments is zero or it finds that it has created more plays than one of the previous passes. Likewise,
it will continue to make passes until it has reached the number of passes you requested. If, however, you requested the program continue working on the wheel until you click stop, it
will continue forever until you do so. Note, since the progam is using random combination to create the wheel, it is *never* really done. That is, there are virtually millions of different
ways to combine the individual segments into plays and the program could run forever without trying them all.
Therefor, the program does not check to see if it has the "best" possible set of plays. Rather, it just keeps trying different combinations of the segments looking for a way to trim
yet one more play from the set. Unless you give the program a set number of passes to make, it is never done. Thus, don't be confused because it hasn't finished... it isn't going to be.
You can, at any time, stop the processing by clicking on the Stop button or the Abort button. If you click Stop, the program will stop working on the current play set and exit the
function. If you click abort, you will also be given the option of deleting the play set that has been written to disk (if any).
The example below shows the progress of the generation of a 3/6 in 18 guarantted win wheel. This generation is on the second pass and has created 20 plays in it's best pass.
So far, it has created nine plays in this second pass and still has to account for 663 segments before the pass is completed. Should the pass create 20 plays and still have segments
to account for, it will give up on the attempt and continue on to the next pass.