Anybody take notice that last Friday's draw numbers were all odd;even the bonus number
Results:1-3-7-19-31-39-49 Bonus 17.
Here are the possible combinations of odd/even numbers
Even Odd Combinations %ofCombinations
7 + 0 == 346,104 (0.4%)
6 + 1 == 3,364,900(3.9%)
5 + 2 == 12,751,200(14.8%)
4 + 3 == 24,439,800(28.5%)
3 + 4 == 25,603,600 (29.8%)
2 + 5 == 14,663,880(17.1%)
1 + 6 == 4,250,400 (4.9%)
0 + 7 == 480,700 (0.6%)
85,900,584 (100%)
Results:1-3-7-19-31-39-49 Bonus 17.
Here are the possible combinations of odd/even numbers
Even Odd Combinations %ofCombinations
7 + 0 == 346,104 (0.4%)
6 + 1 == 3,364,900(3.9%)
5 + 2 == 12,751,200(14.8%)
4 + 3 == 24,439,800(28.5%)
3 + 4 == 25,603,600 (29.8%)
2 + 5 == 14,663,880(17.1%)
1 + 6 == 4,250,400 (4.9%)
0 + 7 == 480,700 (0.6%)
85,900,584 (100%)