February 15-21 Piks only


Sheba said:
Keno Atlantic Feb 20

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~

06 13 14 18 19 24 25 28 32 35
37 44 52 53 55 56 61 64 65 68
Had 0/10 good for 2.00.

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~
stone2kstone said:
Still mad about??? I'm from montreal and I won another 100$ tonight, I don'T care if you beleave or not...but when someone win something it's not real? give me you mail i'm gonna send you the ticket scan with my adress if you want ...

Please don't play this game again with me ok! :dang:

Maggie won 100$ not you...You missed a nice opportunity to Congratulate her.... :no:
They only reason you are here is because my numerous wins pissed you off... :lol:
2x6/6 in Banco= 2,000$
Lots of lower prizes...100$ ...300$...75$...25$...you name them..
5/6 in 6/49=10,600$ + $$$
I'm playing for free here...already accumulated many nice wins $$$$$ to be in that position...
Your jealous not only about my winning but also about the traffic it was creating in these threads....Bringing more honest people to post here...
In fact you are jealous of that board...
I wish for you that you win only half of what I won lately or have half the runs I had lately...(more will come)I will congatulate you every time you post them before a draw like you did in Super 7 or like Maggie and I did yesterday...And you'll never have my address actually I think that you have it already...But you won't have it for very long...an address can change...
Nobody on this board congratulated as many players for their wins on that board than me...Only some like your kind on this board will select which one they will congratulate....
Sheba said:
06 13 14 18 19 24 25 28 32 35
37 44 52 53 55 56 61 64 65 68
Had 0/10 good for 2.00.

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~
That would paid 500$ in Québec Banco special for matching 0 out of 20 numbers...Sheba....And it is not easy to get...out of 20 numbers...
Last edited:


:fairy: My ticket is still good for one more night:


I would rather have a Keno Special here instead of it going to twice a day.

Thanks, Sheba.


Keno Atlantic Feb 21
Playing these 22 numbers on 3 Lines of 10 each
using 70 as the DN
Using a 18 # Wheel and a 4 # Wheel and 1 DN.
Wish me Luck...and Good Luck to you!

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~


Dennis Bassboss said:
That would paid 500$ in Québec Banco special for matching 0 out of 20 numbers...Sheba....And it is not easy to get...out of 20 numbers...

Do you mean you have to play 20 numbers per line? And then if you get 0/20 you get 500.00?? Correct me if I am wrong...



Thanks for clearing that up.
I have to say that getting 0/10 is hard enough but I can't image getting 0/20 too many times....Do many people win that?

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~ Good Luck!
You have a serious problem man, :heul: I think you don't know it because you're still a fu**er, beleave what you want tell what you want...i'm not here to proof nobody what can I do like you did ...i'm here to exchange on loto that's it, you're have to take you're medication...it's not good for you're heart...and I live in MONTREAL, QUÉBEC

Stone2k :lol:
stone2kstone said:
You have a serious problem man, :heul: I think you don't know it because you're still a fu**er, beleave what you want tell what you want...i'm not here to proof nobody what can I do like you did ...i'm here to exchange on loto that's it, you're have to take you're medication...it's not good for you're heart...and I live in MONTREAL, QUÉBEC

Stone2k :lol:
I reported that post to LT... :no: reason to use such bad language.. :lol:


I must agree, that language like that is not to be tolerated on a public board, although 2stones is feuding with Dennis, I find that kind of language in a public forum offensive.
I'm not a reqular visitor to the Keno forum, since we don't have Keno in Alberta, but I see congratulations are in order to Maggie, and Dennis.
:confused: Peter I agree with you...but he's looking for trouble all the time...what I did wrong??? Nothing at all, he just try to piss me off, and he's happy with it? Can someone tell me, I don't understand about that man who pick on me on the first time to the last? I think everybody is intelligent here, but nobody do nothing about this? Try to participate but can't ? WHY???



Maggie said:
Thanks, Beak. :)
Let me say one thing :agree: - this game is great - hitting $100 in 6/49 is 10 3's or 2 4's +++ - not easy :no:

A $100 win here is fantastic and to hit more, well, is out of this world.

To hit as frequently as both of you do is great - again -congratulations to both of you :agree2:

