Want more?? Here's more...True story again as always...
A guy suffering from amnesia recently validated his numbers twice in a store nearby....To everybody's dismase...He wind up having two 5 numbers hits out of only 8 lines....But the sad part is that this guy doesn't remember winning anything...as this story will tell you ...soon after realizing that he suffered from lost memories (everybody was telling him)..He consulted his doctor...'' Doctor! Doctor!''... he said..''..I'm suffering from amnesia!''...The doctor said to him ''Since when my friend?''...The guy said...''Since when what??''
If you want more I can give you more...Clever genie!!
A guy found an old lamp....by touching it all of a sudden a genie pops out of the lamp...The guy said to the genie...''O:K: I wish to win in the 6/49 tonite'' the genie said...
''Wrong my friend you only can have 3 wishes and if I count this right...I can only give you 3 correct numbers...But if you can find a lady genie for me...I'm sure that she can grant you 3 more wishes!''
If you want more I can give you more....
Heard last week in a store....A person ask....''what are the odds of winning at the 6/49"..A guy quickly said 1/13,983,816''...The guy think for a second and ask...''O:K: now can you tell me what are the odds of losing at the 6/49''
And if you want more I can give you more....This morning at the store the clerk couldn't understand why I was mad at yesterday's results in the 6/49....He said'' How come you are mad after getting 100$ out of your wheel that cost only 28$...." ....How can I explain that to that clerk.....