digits trios


Hello, I need help excel the next = to mount trios numbers
The initial and final digits that did not leave the last sweepstakes for the next
* example
* My lottery is 60/6, mega
Example last draw = 02,08,24,36,51,52 digit = 0,2,3,5, last = 2,8,4,6,1
****************************************************************************** Remaining = 1,4,6 * * * * * * * 0,3,5,7,9 last =
********************** Next draw = 16,16,35,40,53,60
So mount trio with the remaining digits mcro has separate sweepstakes and then create trios but with initial and final digits that did not leave the last draw.
1,4,6 conbinado with endings = 0,3,5,7,9, the couple would give 15, 3x5, but I try trios
* What's macro = do have separate initial digits and the late sosrteios see those who did not leave the last to close, and assemble trios, with the digits you did not leave the last draw

