Cro 6/45 --- this sunday


zelja said:
system13, how about next draw, or 6/45 on sunday 9th? any good numbers?

Hi zelja, another mate from Croatia,welcome on board :wavey:

Don't get tricked by my last hit, usually I'm not so good, but after a year here I've improved alot...still plenty to learn though.:agree:

For the next 6/45 draw I'll post the prediction based on my favorite WinHunter's stack and some basic analysis of my own, and it will definitely be up before the payment deadline (Saturday, 4 PM local time).

And for 7/39 there's still time for some :read:



Predictions for May 9

Here are my 12# for this Sunday, 3/3,15 lines



In order to keep the thread tidy and synoptical, if everyone could please post everything that's related to 6/45 lotto in this thread, while for the 7/39 lotto there's a separate thread.



Results for today, 09-05-2004, Croatian Loto 6/45

12 14 25 27 29 43 b 35

I got almost nothing :( few couples


zelja said:
Results for today, 09-05-2004, Croatian Loto 6/45

12 14 25 27 29 43 b 35

I got almost nothing :( few couples

Well, 2 correct #-s from my set are useless in terms of getting the return on investment, but its the nature of the game...if it were so easy, the name of the game would have been "taking candy from a baby"...patience is required, better results will come:agree:



Don't get me wrong - I don't "blame" you, my numbers were wrong also.

I had much luck with simple strategy like high and low numbers, but in 7/39.

6/45 is much harder in that respect, even if it has 1/2 as much combinations.

I was just testing if I was on the winning streak - there's no such thing in lotto apparently... more like "one in a lifetime" event....


No "blame" taken, I'd take the blame only if I forced you to play my numbers on a gun point ;) , everybody makes its own decisions, in lotto likewise in real life.:agree:



I think I'll pass on 6/45 - just don't like it (not because of this, i failed 99% of the time).

Do you bet on foreign lotto's? My friend and I *almost* got 3 correct (2+"stativa") on Irish lotto - 3 correct is 450 kn (60 EUR), more than enough to play few times again. He usually has many 2's and 3's, but failed this time.

Not quitting lotto betting.

Continuing with 7/39 also (9 people play in my firm, system of 10).


I don't bet on lotto @ our bookies because the overround is too high for my taste.

Take for example odds for Irish lotto 6/42 at Stanleybet:

1 correct: 6
2 correct: 45
3 correct: 450
4 correct: 4500
5 correct: 50000

True odds are:

1 correct: 7
2 correct: 57,4
3 correct: 574
4 correct: 7462
5 correct: 141778

There's no value in this, and where is no value, there's no bet for me, in the long run its just a waste of money, I rather stick to plain sports betting...and lotto for fun...


Cek, ja idem samo na to da za tricu dobijem 500 kn, a kod nas 7 kn. Kolega uvijek predvidi barem 2-cu, sto vraca ulog.

Jedina je stvar sto imas manje razlicitih brojeva na izbor.

Da svi kazu da se ne isplati, kazu. Ja se osobno ne kladim skoro nikad, pogotovo ne na nogomet. Ali s "lakocom" smo pogodili 2-cu na irskom lotu, ali smo igrali sistem 3 od 6 i nista od povrata uloga :(

Zivciraju me mali dobici za 3 i 4 kod nas, mislim treba pogoditi to,a lova ne pokriva ni ulog jer igram barem dva listica + igranje u firmi na sistemskom (svako 20 kn).

Znas li mozda koristiti WinHunter kako treba, jer meni nije bas sve jasno (doduse, zezao sam se s njim samo sat vremena)?

Guys, sorry for not using english!


Now I've seen it all, I think

Two fellow countrymen a shouting distance away use a board 1/2 across the world to compare notes ... wow! :dizzy:

It's O.K. guys, there's always BabbleFish for the nosey types :lol:

Good luck


Re: Now I've seen it all, I think

Brad said:
Two fellow countrymen a shouting distance away use a board 1/2 across the world to compare notes ... wow! :dizzy:

It's O.K. guys, there's always BabbleFish for the nosey types :lol:

Good luck

No secrets here :)

Just easier to express in native language.... and I didn't found similar forum in croatian.


Well, guys I hope you're confortable with me posting to my fellow countrymen in our language, its easier to express thoughts in this way as well. Nothing malicious in the post, no worry :)

Slazem se s ovim sto si ti rekao, ali cinjenica je da je loto kladjenje neisplatno, i to ne kazu bez veze vec je i potvrdjeno u praksi.Recimo...

Sistem 3 od 6 ima 20 kombinacija i uplata je minimalno 1 kn po kombinaciji dakle, najmanje 20 kn s time da ti je samo 1 dobitna ,ok, ako pogodis dobijes pristojnih 450 kn. U nasem lotu u listicu od 8 kombinacija u svakoj od 8 kombinacija igraju sve mogucnosti, dakle- 3 od 6, 4 od 6, 5 od 6 i 6 od 6. Znaèi, na listicu si zapravo odigrao 20+15+6+1 (ukupno 42) pa to puta 8 daje 336 kombinacija po jednom listicu. To znaci da možeš uplatiti jedan listic naseg lota sa 336 kombinacija i jos ti ostane 8 Kn.Istina je da 3 ili 4 ne pokrivaju ulog ako igras vise listica i da su fakat mizerija,ali gledaj ovo...podijelis 12 kn sa 336 i dobijes da je uplata po kombinaciji 0,035 kn sto kladionice nemaju ni u ludilu. I tu se vracamo na one totalno nepovoljne koeficijente koje sam postao u prethodnom postu, cinjenica je da se radi o sitnoj prevari ili "poslovnoj politici" kladionica, nazovi to kako hoces.

Ali, ako ste ti i frend tako dobri u pogadjanju, znaci da imate prednost nad kladionicom i to je najvaznija stvar kod kladjenja, bez obzira jeli to loto kladjenje ili sportsko.

Sto se tice WinHuntera, za pocetak kreni sa AI nek ti izbaci najbolji "stack" pa eksperimentiraj sa back-testingom, program je fakat dobar, cak mislim da je bolji za loto kladjenje nego obicni loto.

Pozdrav i sretno.




Ma sve to znam, ali od kad smo poceli igrati na kladi, nikako da pogodimo ni dvicu ni tricu. Upravo nevjerojatno kako na HR lutriji uvijek dobijemo barem 2, a gotovo uvijek 3 pogotka a na stranim ni jedan. :(

Ma ne odustajem jos.. igrao sam austrijsku lutriju:
3, 7, 13, 14, 36, 44

Prosli put 0 bodova. Vidjet cemo danas.

Hvala, cut cemo se jos i mozda dobijemo ponesto....

Jesi igrao loto za ovu nedjelju? Ja nisam, ali evo predikcije:

Prediction for Croatian Loto 6/45 on 16-05-2004:


Didn't play this round....


OOPs, I got one hit on CRO 6/45.

I was checking on wrong draw :)

The numbers were

13, 16, 21, 27, 33, 44, b 30


preds for May 23-rd

Lets see what can do Versabet Lotto Manager and Lotto Hat when used together,the first for analysis and the latter for filtering and optimizing of lines. Playing 12#-s,with 2 DN's,14 lines.

Croatia Loto 6/45+
Optimized system, 14 lines
Guarantee 5/6
System cover 100,0% lines from filtered system,142 lines
Sum of numbers:(104-172)
Width of line:(26-31)(32-37)(38-42)
Last draw:(None)(One)(Two)
Designated numbers: 11,40

Numbers: 2-8-10-11-17-22-23-25-29-39-40-42

Good Luck.


Drawn numbers on 23-05-2004:

1, 5, 25, 26, 27, 42, b. 4

system13, you got 2 right.

tripple consecutive numbers again.....

